
Terms for subject Basketball containing | all forms
不断改变战术的打series play
不让对方投篮的打don't-let-em-shoot me
不设中锋打open post play
不设中锋的打open post play
美国东部打Eastern style
中枢进攻center pivot play
中锋策应打centre-pivot play
五人传切八字give-and-go weave
从背后非防守illegal guarding from the rear
传切8字打give and go weave
假动作打feint play
八字进攻roll attack
八字进攻weave attack
八字进攻advancing figure of eight
切入打cut in play
前锋拉空场角让后卫进攻的打corner-clearout play
压缩防守的进攻pressing offence
停步legal stop
挡人legal blocking out
挡人legally block out
掩护legal screen
掩护legally screen
的防守位置legal guarding position
身体接触acceptable contact
防守位置legal guarding position
阻拦legally block out
阻挡legal blocking out
听得到的计算audible count
计算5秒等听得到的计算方audible count
固定进攻set offence
固定进攻set offense
固定配合进攻set-play attack
固定配合进攻pattern attack
基本技术打bread and butter play
基本技术打bread-and-butter play
8 字形进攻weave attack
8字进攻roll attack
实际打situation play
小心打cautious play
快攻打running game
快速移动的打running game
战术方formation play
拉开打spread offence
拉开打spreading the offense
拉开的打open game
前锋拉空场角让后卫进攻的打corner-clearout play
拳击步boxing step
拳击步boxer's step
控制球打ball-controlling play
控制球打ball-control play
攻击型打offensive play
散开进攻spreading the offense
有效防守situation defense
注重配合打commitment to team play
看得见的计算方visible count
磨时间打stalling offense
绕3秒区顶部的打over the top play
绕顶部打over-the-top play
美国东部打eastern style
自由打free lance
自由打free-lance play
跟进打trailer play
跟进打following play
跟进的打trailer play
在外策应位置转身打turnaround play
进攻区防守基本方basic zone attack
进攻时的步offensive footwork
进攻步offensive footwork
退守方retreating method
采取阵地战打set up
针对实战情况的打situation play
长传快攻打firehorse basketball
阵地进攻set offence
陈旧打stereotyped game
用手illegal use of hands