
Terms for subject Cosmetics and cosmetology containing | all forms
专家表示,无论你的皮肤是干性、中性或是性的,如果你只买得起一种皮肤护理用品,将钱花在品质好的润肤霜上将是最划算的Whether your skin is dry, normal, or even oily, if you can only afford one skin care product, experts say, your dollars will be well spent on a good moisturizer
从香茅和其他特定精中提取或人工制成的一种无色、有芳香气味的液体被用于制作香水A colorless aromatic liquid, obtained from citronella and certain other essential oil or produced synthetically, is used in making perfumes
几百年来,人们一直使用天然类作为护发素People have been using natural oil as hair conditioners for centuries
去甲nail polish remover
在化妆水的选用上,性皮肤的人可以选用爽肤水,中性皮肤者选用滋润水比较好As to choosing toners, oily skin can use astringents while normal skin should use moisturizing toners
奇怪得很,这种黏稠且奇臭的脂竟被用来制作优质香水Strangely enough, this greasy, ill-smelling product is used in making fine perfumes
如果你是非常性的发质或者喜好用一些包含蜡的发胶,你就需要每两周使用一些有清洁作用的洗发剂来清除残留物If you have very oily hair or favor a particularly sticky styling product that contains wax, it does pay to use a clarifying shampoo once every two weeks to wash away residue
广霍香精被广泛使用在现代香水制作中Patchouli has been used extensively in modern perfumery
我的T区容易出,但两颊冬天却很干My T-zone gets oily easily, but my cheeks are dry in the winter
指甲enamel nail polish
hairdressing gel
皮脂分泌失衡的皮肤,性皮肤impure skin
溶剂在工业上已广泛用于各种制造过程,以生产各种不同的产品,例如涂料、印刷油墨、上光剂、黏合剂、香水、胶水和油脂Petroleum solvents are used extensively by industry in manufacturing processes for such diverse products as paint, printing ink, polish, adhesives, perfumes, glues and fats
精华是从现场萃取或向当地批发商购买的Essential oil is extracted from the spot or bought from local wholesalers
该产品适用于性肌肤,能有效卸妆,深层洁净毛孔及平衡油脂分泌It's a perfect cleansing solution for impure skin ; it effectively removes makeup, deeply cleanses pores and helps balance excess oil
调查预测,使用面膜、去角质用品、乳液和精类护肤品的人将大幅增加The survey predicts a massive rise in the use of facial treatments such as masks, peels, serum and oil
这款泡沫洁面霜可以缩小毛孔、减少光且没有紧绷感This foaming cream cleanser could minimize the pores and control shine without feeling tight
香水制造的工艺过程一般包括准备精华、预处理、混合、陈化、成品检验、装瓶The manufacturing process of perfumes includes preparing essence oil, pretreatment, blending, maturing, production inspection and bottling