
Terms for subject Geology containing | all forms
东南亚石勘探学会Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society
美国中西部原Midwest Oil
主生principal zone of oil formation
主生principal oil-formation zone
主生principal oil formation phase
主生阶段principal phase of oil formation
伊朗陆相石continental oil of Iran
偏远气藏基本调查basic investigation of remotely detectable deposits of oil and gas
换算成储罐地面原始地质储量stock tank oil original in place
换算成储罐地面原始地质储量stock tank oil initially in place
换算成储罐地面地质储量stock tank oil in place
全球石研究学会Global Petroleum Research Institute
凝析原始地质储量original condensate in place
凝析联机分析仪condensate on-line analyzer
初探井发现wildcat field, discovery
利比亚石勘探协会Petroleum Exploration Society of Libya
剩余石地质储量residual oil in place
加拿大石地质学学会Canadian Society of Petroleum Geology
加拿大石地质学家协会Canadian Association of Petroleum Geologists
加拿大石地质通报Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geo logy
勘探与石服务联合公司Joint Company for Exploration and Petroleum Services
raw petroleum
单位oil unit
地质储量差异differential oil-in place
美国抽提过程模拟实验室Petroleum Extraction Simulator Laboratory
气味oil odor
研究crude oil research
运移与储存oil movement and storage
原始气地质储量hydrocarbon originally in place
原始气地质储量hydrocarbons initially in place
原始气界面original gas-oil level
原始气界面original gas-oil contact
原始水界面original water-oil level
原始水界面original oil-water contact
原始净等厚度线original net oil isopach
原始可动地质储量original mobile oil in place
原始气 界面高度gas-oil level original
原始水界面original water-oil contact
原始石地质储量original oil in place
原始石地质储量oil initially in place
原始石地质储量百分数percent initial oil in place
发现的新new pool discovery
可能的气盆地possible oil and gas basins
可能的气盆地possible oil and gas basin
可采的石烃总量total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbon
气盆地oil-and gas-bearing basin
气系统petroleum system
含蜡石paraffinaceous petroleum
哥伦比亚石地质学家与地球物理学家协会Colombian Society of Petroleum Geologists and Geophysicists
哥伦比亚石地质学家和地球物理学家协会Colombian Association of Petroleum Geologists and Geophysicists
国家气资源委员会National Gas and Oil Resources Committee
澳大利亚国家石地质与地球物理中心National Centre for Petroleum Geology and Geophysics
地下水储量oil and water in place
地层oil in place
折算至地面储罐的原始石储量original stock tank oil in place
墨西哥石地质学家协会Association of Mexican Petroleum Geologist
天然气和凝析显示shows of gas and distillate
天然气和凝析显示shows of gas and condensate
太平洋沿岸petroleum pool, Pacific coast
俄罗斯奥伦堡凝析Orenburg gas condensate field
委内瑞拉奥里诺科重Orinoco heavy oil belt
好的显示good show oil
好的气显示good show oil and gas
美国宾夕法尼亚原分级协会Pennsylvania Grade Crude Oil Association
岩性圈闭depositional trap
已知底面lowest known oil
已知的产构造known producing structures
巴沙尔石河砂层Basal Oil Creek sand
开发development oil well
微生物石勘查技术microbial oil survey technique
持证特许地质学家certified petroleum geologists
断裂faulted deposit
美国斯坦福藏预测中心Stanford Center for Reservoir Forecasting
田井new field well
田初探井干井new field wildcat, dry
田的发现new field discovery
田预探井new field wildcats
田预探井new field wildcat
藏预探井new pool wildcat
日本新泻田标准地层standard stratigraphy of Niigata oil field
新西兰石勘探协会Petroleum Exploration Association of New Zealand
显示no show oil
气显示no show oil and gas
日本石勘探公司中央工艺实验室Japan Petroleum Exploration Co. Central Technical Laboratory
日本石勘探公司中央工艺实验室JAPEX Central Technical Laboratory
早期生能力initial generation capacity
澳大利亚昆士兰石勘探数据库Queensland petroleum exploration database
机载石巡视系统airborne oil surveillance system
极轻微的显示very slight shows of oil
柬埔寨石勘探公司Cambodian Petroleum Exploration
棕褐色brown oil stain
模块化藏评价modular oil reservoir evaluation
欧洲石地质学家与工程师协会European Association of Petroleum Geoscientists & Engineers
欧洲石地质学家协会European Association of Petroleum Geologists
重质显示dead oil show
界面高度gas-oil level
气味 、味道油感odor taste & stain
气味、斑和荧光odor, stain and fluorescence
气味、味道油感斑和荧光odor taste stain and fluorescence
气痕和gas and oil traces
氧化石oxidized oil
域有机化合物gasoline range organic compounds
域有机化合物gasoline range organic compound
沉积地质与石地质研究所Institute of Sedimentary and Petroleum Geology
沥青重bituminous heavy oil sand
一气选择oi 1/gas selection
下界oil down to
井气bradenhead gas
和水显示shows oil and water
层中可动油储量movable oil in place
层底界lowest known oil
层顶部top of pay
oil down to
oil stain
显示shows of oil
显示oil shows
显示的砂层sand showing oil
显示良好good show oil
母页岩oil-shale kerogen
气显示shows of oil and gas
气显示shows of gas and oil
气显示良好good show oil
气水显示shows of oil, gas and water
气田研究oil and gas field study
气界面oil-gas contact
气界面gas-oil contact
气痕迹oil and gas traces
美国能源信息局气综合现场档案Oil and Gas Integrated Field File
水接触面oil-water contact
水界面water-oil contact
水界面oil water surface
水界面oil water interface
水过渡带oil water transition zone
水面water-oil level
生油岩指标source rock indication
源岩oil source rock
oil droplet
田中心center of the field
田位置field location
田和地热化学专题讨论会国际石油工程师协会专业会议Oilfield and Geothermal Chemistry Symposium
田规模分布field size distribution
田预探井field wildcat
shows of oil
oil shows
苗分析oil show analysis
苗分析仪oil show analyzer
藏总工程师chief reservoir engineer
藏特征描述研究实验室reservoir characterization research laboratory
藏特征描述项目reservoir characterization project
页岩oil shale
页岩储量oil shale reserves
页岩燃料oil-shale fuel
委内瑞拉波利瓦尔湖岸Bolivar coastal field
shallow oil zone
藏初探干井shallower pool wildcat, dry
藏延伸范围shallow pool extension
藏的发现shallow pool discovery
浅海新田探井new-field wildcat offshore
浅褐色light brown oil stain
藏发现deeper pool discovery
深褐色dark brown oil stains
深褐色dark brown oil stain
深褐色原dark brown oil
游离显示shows of free oil
潜在的石petroleum potential
澳大利亚石勘探协会Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia
澳大利亚石勘探协会Australian Petroleum Exploration Association
澳大利亚石勘探协会杂志Australian Petroleum Exploration Association Journal
煤焦涂抹coal tar enamel
岩评价-气相色谱联用rock evaluation gas chromatography
指数petroleum generation index
潜力generic potential
源岩潜力source potential
潜力generative potential
petroleum-generation window
oil generating window
oil generative window
门限oil generation threshold
由成岩接触变质带产生的hydrocarbon-induced diagenetic aureole
直接气显示direct hydrocarbon indication
直接气显示器direct hydrocarbon indicator
与地质系统工程中心Center for Petroleum & Geosystem Engineering
分析工作站petroleum analysis workstation
勘探促进委员会Petroleum Exploration Advancing Committee
勘探公司oil exploration company
美国勘探开发人工智能会议Conference on Artificial Intellig ence in Petroleum Exploration and Production
勘探计算机咨询有限公司Petroleum Exploration Computer Consultants Ltd.
原始地质储量initial oil in place
参数井历程控制系统petroleum information well history control system
美国地球化学勘探家协会Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists
地球化学文件petroleum geochemical file
地球化学系统petroleum geochemical system
地质储量oil in place
美国地质学杂志Petroleum Geology Journal
地质科学家与工程师学会Society of Petroleum Geoscientists and Engineers
天然气勘探开采估算模型oil and gas exploration and extraction estimation model
彩虹显示rainbow show of oil
地名,美国Oil Creek
生物化学改性biochemical upgrading of petroleum
沙特阿拉伯矿产总局服务部Petromin Services Development
成矿系统数据库petroleum system data base
荧光oil fluorescence
美国评价工程师协光度荧光计Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engines
资源评价模拟resource appraisal simulation for petroleum
资源鉴定员inspector of petroleum resources
降解细菌oil degrading bacteria
sand-oil ratio
租借矿区原lease crude
精制、卤水和岩石refined oil, brine and rock
系统总损失total loss systems oil
美国索尔河田组Salt Creek field unit
经济可采气储量economically recoverable hydrocarbons
美国石地质学家与经济古生物学家协会年会American Association of Petroleum Geologists and Society of Economic Paleontologists Annual Meeting
刊名美国石地质学家协会勘探者American Association of Petroleum Geologists Explorer
美国石地质学家协会学报Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists
old well
英国独立石勘探公司协会British Independent Oil Exploration Companies Association
英国石勘探协会Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain
荷兰气勘探和开采协会Netherlands Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Association
美国落基山田试验中心Rocky Mountain Oilfield Testing Center
轻微少量slight shows of oil
轻微显示slight show of oil
轻微气显示slight shows of oil and gas
运移migratory oil
适合于原的烃解释程序hydrocarbon interpretation program oil
国际石油工程师协会专业会议酸气与原专题讨论会Sour Gas and Crude Symposium
里海石天然气项目Caspian Oil & Gas Projects
/沥青heavy oil/tar (zone)
重质焦heavy oil tar zone
阿富汗石勘探部Afghan Petroleum Exploration Department
加拿大阿尔伯塔地质学家协会Alberta Society of Petroleum Geologists
页岩shale oil
高粘性石sticky oil