
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing 油污 | all forms | in specified order only
国际油污染预防展览会和会议International Oil Pollution Prevention Exhibition and Conference
国际油轮污染防治联合会International Tanker Owners's Pollution Federation
国际石油污染展览会及会议International Oil Pollution Exhibition and Congress
巴芬岛油溢防污计划加拿大Baffin Island Oil Spill Project
机载油污监视系统airborne oil surveillance system
机载水面油污染探测系统airborne pollution oil detection system
污泥中的油oil from sludge
油污染环境危害评估oil pollution environmental risk assessment
油污染环境控制公司Oil Pollution Environmental Control, Ltd.
油污致命性指数oil vulnerability index
海洋石油污染咨询委员会Advisory Committee on Oil Pollution of the Sea
湖泊-河流油溢去污模拟模型lake-river oil spill simulation model
油污染响应评价方法spill pollution response assessment technique
英国海上油污染咨询委员会British Advisory Committee on Oil Pollution of the Sea
运动油质污染物传输模型kinematic oily pollutant transport model
油污条例oil pollution act