
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing | all forms
一桥one bridge over one river
多桥multi-bridge over one river
下沉到床底sinking to riverbed
下游tail bay
不易冲刷un-erodible river bank
不稳定unstable stream bed
不能通航unnavigable river
main river bed
main river channel
master river
main river
人工artificial river
人工运artificial waterway
侵蚀性eroding bank
侵蚀性eroding river
倒流inverted stream
入海口水流estuarine flow
水道inland waterway
水道网inland waterway network
航线inland navigation line
航行river navigation
航道inland waterway channel
通航标准inland navigation standards
内陆continent river
冲刷washing bank
冲刷scouring river
冲积alluvial channel
冲积alluvial river
original river bed
原有original river bed
受壅backwater waterway
受污染polluted river
变截面non-uniform channel
变截面varying-area channel
变迁性transition waterway
变迁性variable waterway
变迁性vicissitudinous waterway
变迁性variable river
变迁性vicissitudinous river
ancient geological gorge
buried channel
abandoned stream channel
fossil river course
含砂debris-laden stream
回水倒灌stream subject to backwater
地下subterranean river
地下buried river
地下underground river
埋藏buried channel
基本basic width of river
堆积accretion bank
great river
倒灌reverse flow of great river
大运the Grand Canal
天然natural river
天然水流natural stream meander
夹泥沙silt laden stream
宽槽spilling river
宽浅broad and shallow river
宽浅broad and shallow stream
跨溪桥brook bridge
河堤creek wall
涵洞brook culvert
山前区water way in front of mountain
山前区变迁性shifting stream in front of mountain
山区river of mountainous region
峡谷valley waterway section
常年有水perennial flow river
常年有水continuous stream
常年流水permanently flowing river
dry bed
干涸小blind creek
平原river of flatland
abandoned river
condemned channel
dead channel
abandoned path of river
废运abandoned canal
废运disused canal
废运dead canal
急流rapid flow river
水库flood control reservoir
水库detention reservoir
channel change
river diversion
工程diversion of river
diverting river
改移channel change
改移river channel shifting
改移change channel
整修renovate river course
整治controlling river
断续interrupted stream
abandoned path of river
underground river
暴洪flashy stream
曲流meander belt
有利跨地点favourable stream cross
束狭restricted channel
桥梁道水力学hydraulics of bridge waterways
沉至床底sinking to riverbed
river ice
regime of river
river region
卵石giver gravel
卵石river cobble
river arm
branch of river
stream outlet
口改良river-mouth improvement
口沉积estuary deposits
口沙洲river-mouth bar
坡砂river terrace sand
river dike
river embankment
岸侵蚀河岸冲刷river bank erosion
岸保护stream bank protection
岸冲刷bank erosion
岸冲刷bank caving
岸冲刷river bank erosion
岸加固stream bank stabilization
岸开挖river bank cutting
岸滑坡tearing away of bank
岸线shore line
岸防冲刷stream bank erosion control
岸阶地river terrace
床侵蚀river bed erosion
床冲刷stream bed erosion
床冲刷river scouring
床冲刷river bed scour
床冲刷erosion of river bed
床加固consolidation of river bed
床变动river bed evolution
床变化change of river bed
床变形deformation of river bed
床变迁shifting of river bed
床变迁change of river bed
床变迁vicissitude of river bed
床变迁evolution of river bed
床坡度gradient of river bed
床坡度river bed slope
床坡降slope of river-bed
床宽度width of river bed
床宽度river bed width
床平均高程mean level of river bed
床开挖channel excavation
床断面cross-section of river bed
床断面river bed profile
床淤积fluvial deposit
床淤积deposit of river bed
床淤高river bed accretion
床淤高accretion of bed level
床淤高aggradation of river bed
床稳定stabilization of river bed
床稳定性river-bed stability
床稳定性stability of river-bed
床粗糙度roughness of river-bed
床轴线axis of river bed
床轴线axis of stream bed
床铺砌channel lining
床铺砌river bed pavement
床铺砌river bed paving
床铺砌7号水泥砂浆砌片石grade 7 cement-mortar rubble masonry of river-bed paving
床铺面工程river-bed covering work
床高程river bed level
底刷深degradation of river bed
底等高线submarine contour
river centre
flow channel
槽刷深stream channel degradation
槽变化channel change
槽宽度channel width
槽形状river bed form
槽拓宽widening of stream channel
段分类classification of waterway
段特性waterway characteristics
水侵蚀erosion of stream
水泛滥river overflow
水泛滥river flooding
水流量river flow
river silt
river flow
stream flow
流分支river dissection
流天然状况natural state of river
流导流工程river training works
流岸壁river wall
流形态regime of river
流径流stream run-off
流挟带物stream borne material
流搬运泥砂的能力competence of stream
流改向stream diversion
流整治river regulation
流断面测量profile and cross-section survey for rivier
流桥渡river crossing
流横断面cross-section of river
流横断面测量cross-section survey for river
流比降gradient of river bed
流比降stream slope
流比降river gradient
流比降gradient of stream
流比降测量stream slope measurement
流水位river stage
流水位落差fall of stream
流水位落差fall of river
流水力条件hydraulic condition of river
流水系system of stream of river
流沉积fluvial deposit
流沉积fluviatile deposit
流沉积fluviatile deposits
流沉积物river deposits
流沉积物fluvial deposits
流洪水river flood
流类型type of rivers
流类型river type
流纵剖面profile of river
流纵断面测量profile survey for river
流解冻river thaw
流解冻breakup of ice in a river
流调查river investigation
流陡岸river cliff
流高程stream elevation
rivers and canals
river harbour
湾取直river course straightening
湾取直river cutoff
湾超高cant of cove
river border channel
flood land
滩压缩overbank contraction
滩地flood land
滩桥bridge built on overbank
滩路基subgrade along valley flat
漫滩river flat
的上下游river reach
river stone
积物river deposit
积物river drift
river net
network of irrigation cannals (一般指灌溉用的水渠)
network of waterways (一般指 能通航的河道)
channel span
river bank
river side
channel of stream
river channel
道保护preservation of channel
道保持river maintenance
道分流diversion of river
道取直stream straightening
道取直rectification of river
道取直river bed straightening
道变迁channel change
道变迁migration of channel
道变迁shifting of channel
道截弯channel cutoff
道截弯straightening of river
道截弯river cutoff
道截弯取直river cutoff
道截弯取直river straightening
道截弯取直river course straightening
道截弯取直cutoff of river
道截弯取直river channel straightening
道支流river branch
道整治river rectification
道整治river regulation
道整治rectification of river
道整治工程规划river regulation planning
道整治建筑物river regulation structure
道整直stream straightening
道流量discharge of river
道流量己录stream flow record
道流量己录stream discharge records
道流量测量stream flow gaging
道流量测量stream flow surveying
道疏浚工程channel dredging
道纵断面channel profile
道网river net
面标尺river gauge
沿线路track along the river
沿线路river side line
沿线路riverain route
泰晤士伦敦的Tower Bridge (in London)
洪水flood river
洪水期high-water bed
活动性active devastated river
流筏flowing raft river
测量survey the river course
淤塞blocked channel
淤积accreting river
深切incised river
深切incised meander
深切incised river
盈水gaining stream river
砂质sandy river bed
移动的movable river
稳定stable riverbed
稳定stable channel
稳定stable waterway section
稳定stable river
自然natural channel
蜿蜒性meandering waterway
调节流建筑物regulation structure
river bridge
水准测量cross-river levelling
水准测量river-crossing levelling
跨运canal bridge
水准测量over-river levelling
轮渡river ferry
过渡transitional waterway
artificial navigable waterway
岸坡canal bank
canal bridge
的护壁canal wall
逆向obsequent river
通航运navigable canal
long river
间歇ephemeral stream
雨季blind creek
顺直straight waterway-section
顺直straight river
the Huanghe River
the Yellow River
大桥the Huanghe River Bridge
大桥the Yellow River Bridge
流域the Huanghe valley