
Terms for subject Environment containing 沙漠 | all forms | in specified order only
极度干旱沙漠hyper-arid desert
沙漠desert A wide, open, comparatively barren tract of land with few forms of life and little rainfall (仅有极少的生物型态与降雨的辽阔而空旷的不毛土地。)
沙漠侵蚀desert encroachment
沙漠侵蚀desert creep
沙漠desertification 1. The development of desert conditions as a result of human activity or climatic changes. 2. The process of land damage which allows the soil to spread like a desert in arid and semi-arid regions. There is a loss of vegetative cover and the soil deteriorates in texture, nutrient content and fertility. Desertification affects the lives of three-quarters of the world's population, 70% of all drylands and one quarter of the total land area of the planet. There are many reasons for desertification, but the majority are caused by human activities, overgrazing, deforestation, poor land management and over-exploitation. Agenda 21 states that the priority in combating desertification should be establishing preventive measures for lands that are not yet, or are only slightly, degraded (1. 由于人类活动或气候改变形成沙漠的情况。 2.在干旱和半干旱地区,土壤像在沙漠地区一样四处飞散的土地损害过程。 植被的丧失和土壤结构、营养和肥力的恶化在此处发生。 沙漠化影响了世界四分之三的人口,其占了干地的70%和地球四分之一的土地。 造成沙漠化的原因很多,但主要是由人类活动、过度放牧、森林垦伐、不良土地管理和过度开采所造成。 21世纪宣言指出战胜沙漠化的首要任务是对尚未或仅稍微恶化的土地进行预防性的措施。)
沙漠化控制control of desertification
沙漠化控制desertification control Remedial and preventive actions adopted against desertification include irrigation, planting of trees and grasses, the erection of fences to secure sand dunes, and a careful management of water resources (避免沙漠化所采取的补救和预防行动,包括灌溉、植树、植草、建立栅栏保护沙丘以及水资源的细心管理。)
沙漠型气候desert climate A climate type which is characterized by insufficient moisture to support appreciable plant life; that is, a climate of extreme aridity (一种气候类型,其特征为缺少能够支持大量植物生命的水分;也就是说,一种极端干燥的气候。)
沙漠蔓延desert encroachment
沙漠蔓延desert creep
沙漠蝗虫desert locust