
Terms for subject Environment containing 汽车 | all forms | in specified order only
低排放汽车计划Low Emission Vehicle Program
公共 长途 汽车motor coach
公共汽车bus A large, long-bodied motor vehicle equipped with seating for passengers, usually operating as part of a scheduled service (一种长的汽车,装备有给乘客乘坐的座位,通常作为定期运输服务的一部分来运作。)
公共汽车bus station A place along a route or line at which a bus stops for fuel or to pick up or let off passengers or goods, especially with ancillary buildings and services (在线路上,供公共汽车停下来加油或者让乘客或货物搭乘或下车的地方,特别是有附属建筑和服务。)
国际天然气汽车协会International Association of Natural Gas Vehicles
天然气汽车natural gas vehicle
天然气汽车同盟Natural Gas Vehicle Coalition
天然气汽车规划National Gas Vehicles Program
废弃汽车scrap vehicle Car which is delivered for breaking up or otherwise discarded (因破损或其它原因被废弃的汽车。)
4×2 汽车four-by-two
4 × 4 汽车four-by-four (vehicle)
汽车car A four-wheeled motor vehicle used for land transport, usually propelled by a gasoline or diesel internal combustion engine (用于陆地运输的四轮有篷的车辆,通常由汽油或者柴油内燃机驱动。)
汽车制造业vehicle manufacturing industry A sector of the economy in which an aggregate of commercial enterprises is engaged in the manufacture and sale of equipment that conveys people, goods or materials by land, air or water (指一个经济行业,其企业从事制造和销售可由陆路、空中或水路来运送人员、货物或物资的设备。)
美国汽车安全标准Motor Vehicle Safety Standard
汽车尾气vehicle exhaust gas An aeriform fluid of fine particles suspended in air, produced and vented as a byproduct of the operation of wheeled machines or conveyances self-propelled by internal combustion engines (一种在空气中悬浮的微粒气体流体,由轮式机器或内燃机驱动的交通工具产生和排出的副产品。)
汽车工业automobile industry No definition needed (无需定义。)
汽车轮胎car tyre A rubber ring placed over the rim of a wheel of a road vehicle to provide traction and reduce road shocks, especially a hollow inflated ring consisting of a reinforced outer casing enclosing an inner tube (公路车辆轮子的轮缘的橡胶环,提供牵引并且减少公路颠簸,是一个由圈住内胎的加强外圈组成的空心的、充气的环。)
运货汽车commercial vehicle