
Terms for subject Project management containing | all forms
上周、 我们办公室里流传着一封电子邮件、 就如何改进我们的绩效评价体系征意见Last week an e-mail went round the office touting for suggestions on ways to improve our performance appraisal system
上周、我们办公室里流传着一封电子邮件、就如何改进我们的绩效考核体系征意见Last week an e-mail went round the office touting for suggestions on ways to improve our performance appraisal system
不符合要的投标non-responsive bid
业主的要employer's requirements
个人电脑是微型机的一种、设计用来满足个人的计算需A personal computer is a type of microcomputer, designed to meet the computing needs of an individual
人力需预测manpower projection
优先权利要prior claims
伦理道德诉moral appeals
伴随着请和响应在 Web 服务器和客户端之间传递小段文本信息cookie
低层次需lower-order need
保兑行意指应开证行的授权或请对信用证加具保兑的银行Confirming bank means the bank that adds its confirmation to a credit upon the issuing bank
公用对象请代理程序体系结构common object request broker architecture
凭票要付款予持票人的纸币bank note payable to bearer on demand
凭票要付款的汇票bill payable on demand
劳动力需预测labor demand forecast
单位需价格弹性unitary price elasticity
即便是在对技能和规定资格要不那么高的零售银行业务领域、招聘也可能是一种挑战Even in retail banking, which requires fewer skills and regulatory qualifications, recruitment can be a challenge
发现问题/需recognition of problem/need
发送请request to send
可凭票要付款payable on demand
合法的请legitimate claim
响应招标要的低标responsive low bid
囊括一切权利的要blanket claim
基本需primary demand
基础建设投资需infrastructural investment demand
外币需foreign currency requirements
对本地资源的需压力pressure of demand on domestic resources
工作要细则job specification
工作要说明statement of job qualifications
巴塞尔资产充足要Basle capital adequacy requirement
年度采购需计划annual requirement purchasing arrangement
建议书征request for proposal
归属需affiliation need
当一个程序装入了扩展存储器页中时、 EMM <-> 就将一个标志回复给这个请程序When a program allocates expanded memory page, the EMM returns a handle to the requesting program
总体要general requirements
总的要general requirements
情感诉emotional appeals
成就需achievement need
我要提姆帮我的计算机安装一套防毒软件I asked Tim to install an antivirus software program on my computer
承包商付款请contractor payment request
承包商的请request by contractor
投标要bid requirement
拨款要requisition for money (payment)
按要随时支付的款项money payable on demand
数据加密是帮助应用程序开发人员满足更高安全性要的重要工具Data encryption is an important tool to help application developers meet the need for greater security
时间框架/要time frame
最后需总额total final demand
本地内部需domestic demand
本地内部需平减物价指数domestic demand deflator
权利要affidavit of claim
殷切需tight demand
殷切需strong demand
救信号distress call
职申请application for employment
职跟踪系统ATS-Applicant Tracking System
职面试employment interview
法规要code requirement
消费者需consumer needs
澄清请request for information
理性诉rational appeals
空 间要space requirement
符合招标文件要responsive to bidding documents
符合要的文本conformed copies
符合要而索价最低的投标lowest conforming tender
组织需计划organizational requirement planning
缺乏弹性的需inelastic demand
美联储不应当为了刺激累计总需而做出会导致未来通货膨胀的承诺The Federal Reserve should not make a credible commitment to future inflation as a means of stimulating aggregate demand
至于设计、这意味着平衡合意性、人的需和技术的可行性、以及经济的可行性In the case of design, that means balancing desirability what humans need, with technical feasibility, and economic viability
供货一览表schedule of requirements
仲裁demand for arbitration
储备金required reserves
承包商提出建议书calling for proposals
支付拖欠金额recovery of late payment
有编写机顶盒应用程序或曾开发机顶盒 UI 和界面的经验Experience of writing STB application program, UI interface is required
权的评定assessment of claims
的技术备选方案solicited technical alternative
补偿request for compensation
调整合同价claim for adjustment of price
赔偿request for compensation
赔偿demand for reimbursement
赔偿损失claim for indemnity
requirement forecast
带宽bandwidth on demand
HTTP 请的格式非常灵活、使您能够在主体内嵌入一个 SOAP 请求The format of an HTTP request is flexible enough that you can embed a SOAP request -within the body
诸多生命之错乞着慈悲之美调和它们的孤寂、 以实现与整体的和谐统一Life's errors cry for the merciful beauty that can modulate their isolation into a harmony with the whole
调节需regulatory demand
财政需fiscal requirement
财政需financial requirement
运营管理要operation management requirement
近来黄金投资获利颇丰、但这主要是由于心理原因、而非供因素Gold has been a great investment recently, but psychology rather than supply and demand are responsible
这是我们作为金融中介的责任所在、 也是我们坚持诚信以及公司商业准则的要Our responsibility as a financial intermediary requires it and our commitment to integrity and the firm's business principles demand it
选择性需selective demand
增长速度快于平均水平的职位包括计算机网络管理员、数据通信分析师和网络开发员Jobs that are expected to grow faster than average include computer-network administrators, data-communications analysts and web developers
建档book building
情况conditions of demand
计划requirements planning
通胀demand inflation
非渴产品unsought goods
项目要project demands
顾虑诉fear appeals
风险资本要risk based capital requirement
首次要即付payable upon first demand
首次要即付保函guarantee on the first demand
马瑟表示、一个地方的人口趋势将对当地造成很大的影响、它与劳动力市场的供情况以及经济增长紧密相关He said regional population trends matter, because they fre closely linked to labor supply and demand一and economic growth