
Terms for subject Water polo containing | all forms
一臂高出的侧泳arm high sidestroke
于丁蛋机式踩快迸eggbeater sprint
上跃起emerge high out of the water
以打蛋机式踩快速前进eggbeater sprints
传球到wet pass
双手出单手传球two-hand passing
向对方脸上泼splash in the face of an opponent
头脚出用手划水仰泳练习180° reverse supine pull
手臂拨成水帘produce a water curtain with one's arm
把头抬出lift the head out of water
持球入take the ball under the water
持球入take the ball under water
提出leave the water
下起球lift the ball from underneath
下隐蔽"under cover"
water ball
water polo ball
球场playing pool
球运动water polo
球运动员water-polo player
面反弹球射门ball shot on the water level
面拨球scoop pass
面起球top position ball lifting
抢位cut under
花位cut under
球入hide the ball under water
球入ball under
藏球hide the ball under water
藏球于hide the ball under water
规定的最浅required minimum depth of water
姿势treading position
露出leave the water
露天open water