
Terms for subject Space containing 水面 | all forms | in specified order only
主动水面舰艇搜索与攻击声呐active surface vessel search and attack sonar
北大西洋公约组织海麻雀水面导弹系统NATO Sea Sparrow surface missile system
参考大地水准面reference geoid
水面舰只战antisurface warfare
发射导弹的水面平台missile firing surface platform (舰艇)
基准大地水准面reference geoid
基本点防御水面导弹系统basic point defense surface missile system
大地水准面geoidal surface
大地水准面地平圈geoidal horizon
大地水准面起伏geoidal undulation
大地水准面高geoidal height (度)
大型水面护航舰heavy surface escort
弹器水面分离missile-capsule separation at sea surface (潜载导弹发射的)
当地水平面local level
当地水平面local horizontal plane
搜索水面目标的机载雷达airborne radar for detecting surface vessels
新型水面对空冲压式喷气发动机advanced surface to air ramjet
机载水面航艇搜索雷达air-surface-vessel search radar
机载水面舰船搜索与导航雷达and navigation radar
机载水面舰船搜索与海上搜索雷达and maritime radar
机载水面舰船搜索雷达ASV search radar
发射反舰导弹antiship surface missile
水上投影面积abovewater projected area
水平地面距离horizontal ground distance
水平安定面horizontal stabilizer
水平面level surface
水平面方向性directivity on horizontal plane
水文气象地面站hydrological and meteorological land station
水星表面登陆器Mercury surface element (欧洲空间局)
水星表面、空间环境、地质化学与测距MErcury Surface, Space environment, GEochemistry and Ranging
水面发射surface launching
水面发射航天器hydro-launched space vehicle
水面发火试验water striking functioning test
水面核爆炸nuclear explosion on water
水面核爆炸景像image of nuclear explosion on water
水面水准surface level
水面爆炸explosion on water
水面水下目标water surface underwater target
水面航行操纵台surface operations console
水面舰船surface ship
水面舰船用无线电发射机surface craft radio transmitter
水面舰艇导弹发控台launching console of surface shipborne missile
水面舰艇用综合声呐系统integrated sonar system for surface ship
水面舰艇综合控制surface ship integrated control (system, 系统)
水面积测量catchment area survey
海军水面作战中心Naval Surface Warfare Center
海军水面武器中心Naval Surface Weapons Center (美国海军)
海洋水准面marine geoid
潜-舰导弹水面发射装置系统submarine-to-ship missile surface-launched launcher
空中发射水面攻击导弹air-launched surface attack missile
航天器水面溅落spacecraft splashdown
视水平面sensible horizon
通用图像地面/水面系统标准common imagery ground/surface system standard
面对水下弹道导弹ballistic surface-to-under water missile
面水准测量area leveling
高级水面导弹系统advanced surface missile system