
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing 水合 | all forms | in specified order only
世界水下联合会World Underwater Federation
低碳水合low carbonhydrate
供水与环境卫生合作委员会Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council
水合硝酸铀酰uranyl-nitrate hexahydrate
加勒比海和邻近水域合作研究计划调查月份CICAR survey months
加勒比海和邻近水域合作调查研究Cooperative Investigations of the Caribbean and Adjacent Region
加勒比海和邻近水域合作调査研究资料目录Cooperative Investigations of the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions Data Inventory
北加利福尼亚州综合污水处理系统Northern California Treatment System Complex
国际加勒比海及相邻水域合作调查协调小组International Coordination Group for the Cooperative Investigation of the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions
微溶水化合物slightly water-soluble compounds
总水溶碳水化合物量total water-soluble carbohydrate
新罕布什尔州水电联合会New Hampshire Hydroelectric Associates
格洛斯特联合地表水研究Gloucester Joint Surface Water Study
水合氧化锰hydrous mn oxide
水底混合层bottom mixed layer
水文综合运行子计划世界气象组织hydrological operational multipurpose subprogramme
水文综合运行系统世界气象组织hydrological operational multipurpose system
水污染控制联合会water pollution control federation
水环境联合会water environment federation
水资源数据库综合管理系统integrated water resources database management system
水资源系统综合方案integral program for water resources system
深层混合水deep mixed water
混合水处理combined water treatment
温泉水混合模式warm spring mixing model
疏水可电离有机化合物hydrophobic ionizable organic compounds
硝酸三水合nitric acid trihydrate
空间综合区域分水界分析方法spatially integrated regional watershed analysis tool
综合〔超高压/等压〕潜水系统composite hypeibaric/isobaric diving system
综合原地水规划方案Comprehensive Local Water Planning Project
综合城镇供水系统Integrated Community Water Supply
综合性内陆水域环境完善管理水计划联合国comprehensive water programme for the environmentally sound management of inland watersUNEP
综合水下压力synthetic subsurface pressures
综合水文气象预报系统integrated hydrometeorological forecast system
综合水资源规划integrated water resources planning
综合水道测量系统integrated hydrographic survey system
美国水道测量合作局Hydrographic Cooperation Survey
联合国水资源秘书联席小组intersecretariat group for water resources
联合国秘书间水资源小组inter-secretariat group for water resources
联合水下承包商协会United Underwater Contractors Association
英国水生科学学会联合会Federation of British Aquatic Societies
菲律宾海水文合作调查研究Cooperative Hydrographic Investigation of the Philippine Sea
飞灰-污水污泥混合物fly ash-sewage sludge mixture