
Terms for subject Basketball containing 比率 | all forms
上半时比分score of the first half
下半时比分score of the second half
主场比赛home game
以运球方式消耗掉比赛所剩下时间dribble out the time
以运球方式消耗掉比赛所剩时间milk the time away
使球进入比赛状态put the ball in play
停止比赛时间stop the time
比赛过程中停止比赛的时间time of stoppage
全国比赛national games
半个场地练习比赛one-goal basketball
半场比赛half-court bullfight
取消比赛cancel the play
取消比赛资格的队员excluded player
国际比赛international match
在比赛中in play
处于比赛状态in play
女子比赛women match
实际比赛时间actual playing time
客场比赛road game
客场比赛away game
导致取消比赛资格的犯规disqualifying foul
导致被取消比赛资格的犯规disqualifying foul
干扰比赛interference with the play
延长比赛时间extension of the playing time
恢复比赛time in
拖延比赛delay the game
无兴奋剂的比赛clean game
最后比分final score
比分差距scoring gap
比分相等tied score
比分领先leading score
比赛中因犯规过多而被罚出场foul out
比赛因弃权而告负game lost by forfeit
比赛因缺少队员而告负game lost by default
比赛地板playing floor
比赛场地playing court
比赛场数games played
比赛延迟delay of game
裁判用语比赛开始!Play ball!
比赛时间playing time
比赛时间结束termination of the playing time
比赛片断play phase
比赛片段play phase
比赛用球official ball
比赛用球选择choice of the ball
比赛用的木质地板playing floor
比赛的第一节first period
比赛的类型game type
比赛结束end playing
比赛结束前控球run out the clock
比赛结束前最后一投buzzer beater
比赛胜负decision of the game
比赛节奏game tempo
比赛规则playing rule
比赛计时开始start the clock
比赛计时钟game clock
比赛计时钟信号game-clock signal
比赛进行时间time in
比赛通则playing regulation
比赛速度game tempo
比赛阵式play pattern
犯规少的比赛clean game
用半块场地练习比赛one-court basketball
男子比赛man match
第一节比赛first period of the game
篮球比赛basketball meet
篮球比赛basketball match
篮球比赛规则basketball competition rule
累积比分running score
脱离比赛状态out of play
规定比赛时间结束expiration of regulation playing