
Terms containing 每小时 | all forms | in specified order only
proj.manag.两年之后、美国的最低工资标准有望达到每小时7. 25美元Over the next two years, the minimum wage in the United States is expected to rise to $7.25 an hour
shipb.产量每人小时production per man-hour
gen.每小时四公里的速度行路walk at the rate of 4 km an hour
gen.以蒸汽机车而论,每小时80英里的速度算快的for a steam train, 80 miles an hour is good going
avia.伦姆每小时Rems per hour
earth.sc.伦琴每小时roentgen/per hour
avia.伦琴每小时Roentgens per hour
dril.使用钻机每小时费用rig cost/hour
oil每小时grams per hour
shipb.克每千瓦小时 g /(kW ・ h)gram per kilowatt-hour
shipb.克每千瓦小时gram per kilowatt hour
shipb.克每马力小时gram per horsepower-hour
earth.sc.分/每千瓦小时pennies per kilowatt hour
econ.加仑每小时gallons per hour
earth.sc.千克每小时kilogram per hour
earth.sc.千卡每小时kilocalorie per hour
earth.sc.千卡每小时百分度kilocalorie per hour times centigrade
earth.sc.千卡每平方米小时kilocalorie per square metre time hour
earth.sc.千卡每平方米小时kilocalorie per square metre times hour
earth.sc.千卡每平方米小时百分度kilocalorie per square metre times hour times centigrade
earth.sc.千卡每米小时百分度kilocalorie per metre time hour times centigrade
avia.千米每小时kilometers per hour
earth.sc.每小时liter per hour
earth.sc.变量每小时variation per hour
auto.吨千米每小时TKPH=tonne kilometer per hour
earth.sc.吨每班小时tons per gang hour
auto.吨英里每小时tonne mile per hour
auto.吨英里每小时ton mile per hour
el.固定每日测量小时数fixed daily measurement hours
avia.天顶每小时出现率zenithal hourly rate
gen.她每天晚上睡12个小时,可还是筋疲力尽She slept 12 hours a night, but was still exhausted
gen.客房内备有小酒吧,为您准备了多种酒水及小吃。我们会每日补充消耗,同时您的消费额将被计入您的账单There is a mini-bar with many kinds of drink and snacks in your room. We will replenish them and the sum of charge will be recorded
proj.manag.宽带用户用于虚拟网络社交的平均时间为每周近三个小时、相当于每年六天The average amount of time spent on virtual networking is nearly three hours a week, or six days a year
tech.小时生产能力每小时生产率hourly capacity
telecom.平均每天高峰小时业务[话务]average daily peak hour traffic
gen.能,喜欢每小时100英里的摩托ton-up (车手)
expl.当炸药威力大、产生的震感强、噪声大、飞石多。如果炸药威力太小、由于抵抗线和围压增加、会导致爆破失败、而且对于每次延时所用的药量而言、所产生的振动会比预计的要大While a high powder factor may generate higher levels of vibration, noise and flyrock, a power factor that is too low may cause a blast to fail and may generate more vibration than expected for the charge per delay that was used, because of increased burden and confinement
econ.每小时5美元的价格at the rate of five dollars an hour
avia.振动速度每小时vibration velocity per hour
tech.最大每小时消耗量maximum consumption per hour
tech.最大每小时需水量maximum demand per hour
tech.最大实测每小时交通量maximum observed hourly volume
tech.机器每小时生产率hourly machine rate
avia.标准立方英尺每小时standard cubic feet per hour
mining.每小时barrels per hour
mining.桶油每小时barrels of oil per hour
mining.桶油每生产小时barrels of oil per producing hour
busin.正式工作时间平均每小时收入average straight-time hourly earnings
avia.每一千发动机小时per thousand engine hours
gen.每两三个小时every few hours
met.每人每小时产量output per man-hour
el.每人每小时产量production per manhour
tech.每人每小时产量production per man-hour
met.每人每小时产钢量steel output per man-hour
met.每人每小时生产率output per man-hour
agric.每人每小时的产量指甘蔗榨糖Production perman-hour
tech.每人每小时的产量production per man-hour
busin.每人小时per man-hour
el.每人工小时产量production per man-hour
dentist.每八小时服用两片药Take two tablets every eight hours
oil每制动马力一小时磅pounds per brake horsepower-hour
el.每千瓦小时的平均价格average price per kWh
tech.每周四十小时工作制forty hours week
econ.每周40小时工作制forty hours week
anim.husb.每四小时quaque quarta hora
anim.husb.每小时quaque hora
hydroel.st.每小时per hour
gen.kilo per hour 每小时kph
gen.每小时一列,整点发车,所以下趟车在20分钟后出发It runs every hour on the hour. So the next train leaves in 20 minutes
gen.空气中每小时一氧化磯浓度carbon monoxide per hour
el.每小时事务处理数transactions per hour
IT每小时事务数transactions per hour
el.每小时交易量transactions per hour
tech.每小时交通量hourly traffic volume
mining.每小时产凝析油加仑数gallons condensate per hour
mining.每小时产凝析油桶数barrels condensate per hour
mining.每小时产加仑水gallons of water per hour
mining.每小时产水桶数barrels of water per hour
mining.每小时产油桶数barrels of oil per hour
mining.每小时产液桶数barrels fluid per hour
oil每小时产量hourly capacity
tech.每小时产量production per hour
tech.每小时产量hourly output
el.每小时圆片units per hour
IT每小时件数units per hour
geophys.每小时伦琴Roentgens per hour
geophys.每小时伦琴Roentgen per hour
oil.proc., chem.每小时体积产量volume output per hour
eng.geol.每小时供水量output of water supply per hour
el.每小时兀件数components per hour
oil每小时克数grams per hour
tech.每小时公吨metrical tons per hour
tech.每小时公吨metric tons per hour
bridg.constr.每小时120公里a hundred and twenty kilometres per hour
busin.每小时公里kilometers per hour
tech.每小时公里kilometres per hour
sport.每小时公里数kilometres per hour
earth.sc.每小时per hour
earth.sc.每小时冲洗液桶数barrels fluid per hour
gen.每小时出水或用水桶数barrels of water per hour
busin.每小时出水桶数barrels of water per hour
el.每小时击键次数key strokes per hour
tech.每小时列车开行对数trains per hour
tech.每小时加仑数gallons per hour
oil每小时千克kilograms per hour
geophys.每小时千卡kilocalorie per hour
tech.每小时千卡frigory (冷冻能力计量单位)
oil每小时千立方英尺thousand cubic feet per hour
oil每小时千立方英尺mille cubic feet per hour
mining.每小时千立方英尺mille cubic feet hour
oil每小时千米kilometer per hour
oil每小时千米kilometers per hour
tech.每小时千米数kilometer per hour
oil.proc.每小时千英热单位mille British thermal unit per hour
oil.proc.每小时千英热单位mille BTU per hour
oil.proc.每小时liters per hour
oil.proc.每小时liter per hour
el.每小时升数liters per hour
tech.每小时单向最大列车对数maximum number of trains per hour in each direction
tech.每小时单方向per hour per direction
tech.每小时单方向断面客流量section passengers per hour per direction
el.每小时卡片数cards per hour
gen.每小时印刷次数impressions per hour
polygr.每小时印张数s.p.h.sheets per hour
adv.每小时印张数sheets per hour
manag.每小时印数impression per hour
polygr.每小时印数i.p.h.impressions per hour
busin.每小时印数impressions per hour
mining.每小时压入凝析油桶数barrels load condensate per hour
mining.每小时压入水桶数barrels load water per hour
mining.每小时压裂油桶数barrels load oil per hour
tech.每小时双向最大列车对数maximum number of trains per hour in two direction
tech.每小时变化hourly variation
tech.每小时变化hourly fluctuation
tech.每小时变化系数per hour change coefficient
tech.每小时变化系数hourly variation coefficient
tech.每小时变化量variation per hour
el.每小时变差variation per hour
geophys.每小时吨数tons per hour
oil每小时吨数tons per hour
tech.每小时定额件数piece-per-hour rate
anim.husb.每小时宰畜头数beasts per hour
tech.每小时工资per hour wage
textile每小时工资hourly wage
tech.每小时工资hourly earnings
interntl.trade.每小时工资收入hourly earnings
econ.每小时工资率hourly wage rate
commer.每小时工资额wages per hour
el.每小时帧数frames per hour
refrig.每小时平均值hourly medium value
busin.每小时平均工资hourly earnings average
econ.每小时平均工资hourly earnings, aver age
interntl.trade.每小时平均工资hourly earnings, average
tech.每小时平均工资average hourly earnings
econ.每小时平均收入average hourly earnings
busin.每小时平均收益average hourly earnings
wind.每小时平均风速hourly mean wind speed
avia.每小时往返程round trips per hour
met.每小时微米立方英尺micron-cubic foot per hour
el.每小时打孔数strokes per hour
el.每小时按键次数key depressions per hour
telecom.每小时按键次数key depression per hour
tech.每小时损失率hourly loss rate
refrig.每小时换气次数air changes per hour
anim.husb.每小时换气量air changes per hour
el.每小时接通次数number of switching-on per hour
agric.每小时数值hourly value
el.每小时数据hourly data
anim.husb.每小时斩牛头数cattle per hour
busin.每小时断续次数interruption per hour
telecom.每小时显示hourly display
construct.每小时最大容量maximum hourly volume
tech.每小时最大用水量hourly maximum water consumption
ecol.每小时最大用水量maximum hourly demand
eng.geol.每小时最大雨量maximum hourly rainfall
refrig.每小时最大需用量maximum hourly demand
refrig.每小时最高室外温度maximum hourly outdoor temperature
refrig.每小时最高的需要量maximum hourly requirement
el.每小时査询次数query per hour
mining.每小时标准立方英尺standard cubic feet per hour
el.每小时标准立方英尺数standard cubic feet per hour
busin.每小时…桶barrels per hour
mining.每小时桶数barrels per hour
gen.每小时产油桶数barrels per hour
el.每小时每电路占用次数seizures per circuit per hour
el.每小时每电路试呼次数attempts per circuit per hour
geophys.每小时每米伦琴roentgen per hour at one meter
tech.每小时毫伦琴milliroentgen per hour
tech.每小时汽耗steam consumption per hour
mining.每小时 油加仑gallons of oil per hour
el.每小时流片数wafers per hour
el.每小时流片数wafer levels per hour
mining.每小时流量flow per hour
navig.每小时海里nautical miles per hour
agric.每小时海里数miles per hour
tech.每小时消耗量hourly consumption
busin.每小时消费量consumption per hour
mining.每小时液量fluid per hour
agric.每小时渔获量hour's fishing
tech.每小时潮高hourly heights
tech.每小时熔量melt per hour
eng.geol.每小时生产吨数capacity in tons per hour
plast.每小时生产率hourly efficiency
tech.每小时生产率production rate per hour
shipb.每小时生产率hourly production
refrig.每小时生产率hourly capacity
mech.eng.每小时生产能力hourly capacity
anim.husb.每小时生产能力through-put capacity per hour
tech.每小时生产量production per hour
tech.每小时用水量hourly water consumption
tech.每小时用水量hourly consumption
ecol.每小时用水量consumption per hour
mining.每小时百万立方英尺million cubic feet per hour
refrig.每小时的变化hourly variation
space每小时的直接使用费用hourly direct operating cost
mining.每小时盐水桶数barrels salt water per hour
avia.每小时直接使用费用hourly direct operating cost
oil每小时pound per hour
oil每小时磅数pounds per hour
anim.husb.每小时空气变换数air changes per hour
oil.proc.每小时空间速度space velocity per hour
oil每小时立方厘米数cubic centimeters per hour
mining.每小时立方英尺cubic feet per hour
mining.每小时 立方英尺天然气cubic feet gas per hour
el.每小时立方英尺数cubic feet per hour
el.每小时笔划数strokes per hour
oil, transp.每小时管输油桶数barrels of pipeline oil per hour
oil每小时meters per hour
tech.每小时耗油量per hour factor
tech.每小时耗用量hourly consumption
repr.biol.每小时胎儿尿量产生率hourly fetal urine production rate
repr.biol.每小时胎儿尿量产生率hourly fetal urine production rateHFUPR
el.每小时脉冲数pulses per hour
oil每小时英寸数inches per hour
oil每小时英尺feet per hour
econ.每小时英尺数feet per hour
oil每小时英尺磅foot-pound per hour
oil.proc.每小时英热单位British thermal units per hour
tech.每小时英里miles per hour
anim.husb.每小时英里数如:10~12mph,10〜12小时英里,即每小时 10〜12英里miles per hour
sport.每小时英里数miles per hour
el.每小时蒸汽流量steam flow per hour
geophys.每小时衰变量disintegrations per hour
nucl.phys.每小时裂变沃数decays disintegrations per hour
agric.每小时观察hourly observation
agric.每小时观测hourly observation
el.每小时负荷hourly load
el.每小时负荷hour load
adv.每小时费率hourly rate
tech.每小时赤纬变化量declination change in one hour
mech.每小时revolutions per hour
busin.每小时转数revolutions per hour
tech.每小时输出率output rate per hour
gen.每小时过 20 分如 1: 20,2: 20,3: 20 等every twenty minutes past the hour
gen.每小时通行丰辆数vehicles per hours
eng.geol.每小时通过量throughput per hour
mining.每小时酸水桶数barrels acid water per hour
plast.每小时模塑lift per hour
dril.每小时钻机成本rig cost per hour
dril.每小时钻机费用hourly rig cost
environ.每小时降水数据hourly precipitation data
tech.每小时降水量hourly rainfall (depth)
tech.每小时降水量hourly precipitation
tech.每小时降雨量hourly rainfall (depth)
wind.每小时风速hourly wind speed
mining.每小时馏出液桶数barrels distillate per hour
el.每工作小时所需维修工时数maintenance man-hours per operating hour
oil.proc.每平方英尺每度温差每小时英热单位British thermal units per square foot per degree of temperature difference per hour
earth.sc.每平方英尺每度温度差每小时英热单位British thermal units per square foot per degree of temper a ture difference per hour
tech.每日工作小时数daily hours of operation
space每日运行小时数daily hours of operation
telecom.每条电路每小时试呼次数attempts per circuit per hour
mining.每生产小时产油桶数barrels of oil per producing hour
telecom.每电路每小时的占用数seizures per circuit per hour
telecom.每电路每小时的试占数bids per circuit per hour
telecom.每电路小时接续数connections per circuit hour
IT每电路小时要求bids per circuit per hour
el.每电路小时试探次数bids per circuit per hour
el.每百万小时故障数failures per million hours
gen.每百万小时的失灵次数failures per million hours
geophys.英制加速度单位每秒每小时英里miles per hour per second
el.每线路小时连通次数connections per circuit per hour
stat.每艘船每小时的物质生产力hour physical productivity per vessel
stat.每艘船每小时的物质生产力per vessel hour physic productivity
tech.每车道每小时通行车辆数vehicles per lane per hour
avia.每飞行小时per flight hour
avia.每飞行小时per flight flying hour
avia.每飞行小时平均维修小时mean maintenance and repair hours per flight hour
el.每飞行小时所需维修工时数maintenance man-hours per flight hour
avia.每飞行小时的平均维修小时mean maintenance and repair hour per flight hour
avia.每飞行小时的总维修工作量total maintenance effort per flight hour
avia.每飞行小时的直接维修工时direct maintenance manhours per flight hours
avia.每飞行小时的维修工时maintenance man-hours per flying hour
oil每马力每小时pound per hourse-power per hour
earth.sc.毫伦每小时milliroentgen per hour
UN, tech.水处理厂ROWPU 或同类,装备、水槽和水囊,最高7 000公升每小时,储存42 000公升水water treatment plant ROWPU or equivalent, equipment, tanks and bladders, over 7,000 liquid pounds per hour, storage up to 42,000 litres
tech.混凝土浇注每小时竖升量vertical rise of concrete per hour
interntl.trade.生产小时每月成本比较表comparative statement of monthly cost per productive hour
IT电路每小时连接connections per circuit hour
oil每小时pounds per hour
tech.磅每平方英尺小时pound per square foot per hour
oil立方厘米每小时cubic centimeters per hour
earth.sc.立方厘米每小时cubic centimeters per hours
space立方英尺每小时cubic feet per hour
earth.sc.1 米远处每小时毫伦剂量milliroentgen per hour at one metre
avia.脉冲每小时pulse per hour
econ.英尺每小时feet per hour
econ.英里/每小时mile per hour
tech.英里每小时mile per hour
shipb.英里每小时miles per hour
tech.设计每小时耗热量design heat consumption per hour
earth.sc.距离辐射源一米处每小时伦琴数剂量roentgen per hour at one meter
nucl.phys.距辐射源1米处每小时的伦琴数剂量单位röntgen-hour-metre, röntgens per hour at one metre
avia.车辆数每小时vehicles per hour
mech.每小时revolutions per hour
avia.转数每小时revolutions per hour
house.这项技术可以每小时处理数以百万计的电表读数The technology can process millions of electric meter readings every hour
avia.飞行每小时的直接维修成本direct maintenance cost per flight hours