
Terms for subject Aviation containing | all forms
三军器数据链joint services weapon data link
专用special to weapon
两用multipurpose weapons
中型先进反坦克器系统advanced antitank weapon system-medium
中程攻击medium assault weapon (anti-tank, 反坦克)
中距离反坦克制导medium range anti tank guided weapon
中队系统器训练器squadron system weapon trainer
临时配备的button-on weapons
器舱main weapons bay
传感器、器与指挥系统sensor, weapon and command system
传感器引信sensor fused weapon
低空器投放low level weapons delivery
低空探测器机身结构low observable weapon airframe technology
作战器投放系统combat weapon delivery system
作战飞行器器系统combat vehicle weapons system
先进器投放雷达advanced weapon delivery radar
先进装直升机advanced armed helicopter
先进反坦克advanced antitank weapon
先进大炮器系统advanced gun weapon system
先进战术空中器系统advanced tactical air weapon system
先进机载反装甲advanced airborne anti-armor weapon
先进水下advanced undersea weapons
先进的中口径机载器系统advanced medium caliber aircraft weapon system
先进的拦阻器系统advanced interdiction weapon system
先进空中发射反装甲advanced air launched anti-armor weapon
先进空射反装甲advanced air launched anti-armour weapon
先进精确杀伤器系统advanced precision kill weapon system
全向射击all-round arm
全尺寸器投射full scale weapons delivery
全尺寸器投射full scale weapons delivery
共同器研制计划mutual weapons development program
共同防御器计划mutual defense weapon program
关键核器设计信息critical nuclear weapons design information
分配器系统dispenser weapon system
制导guided weapon
制导器系统guided weapons system
制导器鉴定设施guided weapons evaluation facility
制导导弹器系统guided missile weapon system
制式Standard ARM
制式器综合性计划system weapons integrity program
制式远射防空区外发射空对地modular standoff weapons
前方地区激光forward area laser weapon
前方地区防空forward area air defense weapon
前方基地forward-based weapons
化学chemical weapon
化学器防御chemical weapons defence
北大西洋器系统计划组North Atlantic Systems Planning Group
北大西洋公约组织战术战斗机和器训练中心NATO tactical fighter and weapons training centre
北约战术战斗机和器训练中心NATO tactical fighter and weapons training centre
区域否决给予area denial weapon
圆周射击all-round arm
器发射控制surface weapon fire control
地方防空器调度员local anti-air warfare coordinator
外动力externally-powered weapon
外挂式external armament
外挂空air-to-air stores
外挂空对地air-to-ground store
外部器站external weapon station
多功能防区外器系统multipurpose standoff weapon system
多用途multipurpose weapon
多种器挂架系统multiple weapons carrier system
多种能力multicapable weapons
多种航空器控制系统multiple air weapon control system
夜间观察装运输机night observation gunship system (直升机)
大功率射频high-power radio-frequency weapon
大规模杀伤weapons of mass destruction
大面积特种投射wide area special projectile
太阳能光学solar energy optical weapon
空袭威胁判断与防空器分派threat evaluation and weapon assignment
威胁评估、器和传感器配备threat evaluation, weapon and sensor assignment
威胁评估和器配备threat evaluation and weapon assignment
子母弹器系统container weapon system
子母弹箱器系统dispenser weapon system
存储管理/器交付stores management/weapon delivery
存储管理/器交付控制计划stores management/weapon delivery control program
射线directed-energy weapon
射线directed-energy weapon (可产生大功率定向射束,以其能量毁伤目标的武器)
小型沿海装艇cutter (美国)
带有器的with weapons
带电粒子束器技术charged-particle beam weapons technology
常规器力量general purpose forces
常规器发射计算机conventional ordnance release computer
常规装防区外导弹conventional armed stand-off missile
干净clean weapon
平视显示与器瞄准系统head up display and weapon aiming sub system
平视显示与器瞄准计算机head up display and weapon aiming computer
强辐射enhanced radiation weapon
恶劣气候使用的机载器系统airborne adverse weather weapon system
恶劣气候精确制导adverse weather precision guided munition
战斗机器学校fighter weapons school
战斗机器教官课程fighter weapons instructor course
战术器分配器tactical munition dispenser
直升机的战术器转塔tactical armament turret
战术器部队tactical weapons unit
战术器部队tactical weapons unit
战术战斗机器中心tactical fighter weapons center
战术攻击tactical assault weapon
战术空军器控制系统tactical air weapons control system
战术航空器控制系统tactical air weapons control system
战术高能激光tactical high energy laser
战略器发射台strategic weapons launcher
战略器限制会谈strategic arms limitation talks
战略核器投射飞行器strategic nuclear delivery vehicles
截击器教官interceptor weapons instructor
打击价值目标的countervalue weapon
打击军事目标的counterforce weapon (打击敌方战略军事力量的武器)
携带核器的战术飞机atomic weapon carrying tactical aircraft
改进的器提交系统improved weapons delivery system
攻击器系统attack weapon system
整装all-up round
整装all up round
最新式ultra-modern weapons
器瞄准计算功能的平视显示head up display with weapon aiming computing
有先进的器挂架的飞机advanced weapons carriage configured vehicle
未来炮兵器系统future artillery weapons system
未来空军攻击future air attack vehicle
未爆炸unexploded ordnance
机动式水下器系统试验mobile undersea systems test
机动式航空器控制系统mobile air weapons control system
机翼内侧多种器外挂梁wing inboard multiple weapon pylon
机载airborne weapon
机载aerial warfare weapon
机载器与控制airborne weapon and control
机载器总控制系统total airborne weapon control system
机载器投放系统aircraft weapon delivery system
机载器投放系统airborne weapons release system
机载器控制系统airborne weapons control system
机载器系统airborne weapon system
机载反潜器系统airborne antisubmarine weapon system
机载反装甲airborne anti-armour weapon
机载自卫激光airborne self-defence laser
机载警戒器系统airborne alert weapon system
标准器接口装置standard armament interface unit
标准核nominal weapon
标准飞机器监控器与投弹控制系统standard aircraft weapon monitor and release control system
器事故nuclear weapons accident
器事故nuclear weapon accident
器使用nuclear weapon employment
器储存设施nuclear weapons storage facility
器反应时间nuclear weapon employment time
器启动连接装置permissive action link
器国家nuclear weapon state
器在预定爆心投影点上爆炸的时间time on target
器安全保障nuclear weapons surety (措施)
器安全研究组nuclear weapon safety study group
器局Defense Nuclear Agency (美国)
器库nuclear weapons inventory
器探测、识别和当量估计atomic weapon detection, recognition and estimation of yield
器演习nuclear weapon exercise
器演练nuclear weapon maneuver
器爆炸时间time on target
器系统安全组nuclear weapon system safety group
器降级nuclear weapon degradation
器院atomic weapons establishment
器飞机nuclear aircraft
nuclear weapons inventory
核定向能nuclear directed energy weapon
模拟原子器爆炸atomic blast simulation
模拟防空simulate antiaircraft weapons
器与战术教员weapon and tactic instructor
器业务军官weapon service office
器交付weapon delivery
器交付分析规划系统armament delivery analysis programming system
器交付电子设备控制装置weapons delivery avionics control unit
器交付系统weapon delivery system
器仪表数据系统weapons instrumentation data system
器任务管理计算机weapon mission management computer
器侦察armed reconnaissance
器信息输人板weapon insert panel
器准备状态weapons readiness state
器出口管理法案arms export control act
器/击发机构arm/firing mechanism
器分离仿真weapon separation simulation
器分离运动分析系统weapon separation motion analysis system
器分配weapons assignment
器分配军官weapon assignment officer
器分配环weapons allocation ring
器制导与跟踪weapons guidance and tracking
器及战术教员weapon and tactics instructor
器及综合导航系统weapon and integrated navigation system
器发射控制系统weapons release control system
器发射系统weapon launch system
器发展方向weapons orientation advanced
器吊舱weapon pod
器和引爆系统arming and fusing system
器因缺零件不能使用weapon out of commission for parts
器存储与安全系统weapon storage and security system
器安装weapon loading
器安装误差installation error of the armament
器对目标的杀伤破坏作用effects of weapons targets
器对目标的破坏作用effects of weapons on targets
器导引系统weapon direction system
器导航子系统weapon navigation subsystem
器射击按钮armament firing button
器弹药需求与发展armaments munitions requirements and development
器悬挂weapon loading
器悬挂位置armament station
器战术练习器weapon tactics trainer
器投射安全线weapon line
器投射工作状态weapon mode
器投掷计算机装置weapons release computer set
器投放与导航系统weapon delivery and navigation system
器投放剖面图weapon release profile
器投放控制系统weapon release control system
器投放程序weapon release program
器投放精度weapon delivery accuracy
器投放系统控制weapon delivery system control
器投放线weapon release line
器投放计算机weapon release computer set
器挂架weapon carrier
器指导仪weapons director
器接口测试装置weapon interface test set
器接口装置weapon interface unit
器接口装置armament interface unit
器控制与显示armament control and display panel
器控制员weapon controller
器控制和投放系统armament control and delivery system
器控制和提交weapons control and delivery
器控制和监控系统armament control and monitoring system
器控制指示器armament control indicator
器控制板weapon control switchboard
器控制系统armament control system
器控制系统检测armament control system checkout
器控制系统模拟器weapon control system simulator
器控制装置armament control set
器控制计算机weapon control computer
器控制面板armament control panel
器操纵台长weapon director
器支援环境weapon support environment
器支援综合管理integrated weapon support management
器支援设备支援分析weapon support equipment support analysis
器支援设备零件清册weapon support equipment component list
器效能与系统测试环境weapons effectiveness and system test environment
器效能显示系统weapon effectiveness display system
器效能计划weapon effect planning
器数据链weapon data link
器数据链体系结构weapon data link architecture
器数据链网络weapon data link network
器族family of weapon
器材料更改armament material change
器校靶armament harmonization
器演习基地armament practice station
器状况显示板armament status panel
器状态和控制weapon status and control
器状态和控制板weapon status and control panel
器状态显示板armament status panel
器状态窗口weapon status windows
器电气系统weapon electrical system
器的维护weapon handling
器监控中心weapons monitoring center
器目标线weapon target line
不用指挥仪的器直接瞄准射击效果模拟direct-fire weapons effects simulation
器瞄准与释放系统weapon aiming and release system
器瞄准模式选择器weapon aiming mode selector
器瞄准计算机weapon aiming computer
器研制委员会weapons development committee
器研制实验室armament development laboratory
器研制测试中心armament development test center
器研制管理局Direction des Etudes et Fabrications Apartment (法国)
器研究所Weapons Research Establishment
器研究所卫星weapons research establishment satellite
器研究所解体系统weapons research establishment break-up system
器研究院weapons research establishment
器移交管理组arms transfer management group (美国国防部)
器站weapon station
器站位控制装置armament station control unit
器管理和裁军机构arms control and disarmament agency
器精准度weapon accuracy
器系列family of weapons
器系列family of weapon
器系统军官weapon systems office
器系统可靠性试验weapons system reliability test
器系统器材技术保障计划weapon-system support programme
器系统器材技术保障计划weapon-system support program
器系统外形调整weapon system configuration control
器系统存储场weapon system storage site
器系统完备性试验weapon system readiness test
器系统审查weapon system review
器系统库存控制表weapon system stock control list
器系统战略成套零件箱war-readiness spares kit
器系统技术手册weapon system technical manual
器系统控制器weapon system controller
器系统操作weapon system operator
器系统支援中心weapon system support center
器系统支援中心weapon-system support center
器系统支援经理weapon system support manager
器系统支援计划weapon system support program
器系统数据传输线weapon-system data-link
器系统数据传输设备weapon-system data-link
器系统数据链weapon system data link
器系统文件weapon system file
器系统构型控制weapon system configuration control
器系统概念演示验证weapon system concept demonstration
器系统模拟中心weapon system simulation center
器系统模拟器weapon system simulator
器系统测试weapons system test
器系统物理组weapon system physics section
器系统筹措过程weapon system aquisition process
器系统管理代号weapons system management code
器系统管理信息系统weapon system management information system
器系统综合实验室weapon system integration laboratory
器系统装卸与存储手册weapon system handling and storage manual
器系统规划和控制系统weapon system program and control system
器系统规范weapon system specification
器系统计划weapon system plan
器系统计划和控制系统weapon system planning and control system
器系统计划处weapon system project office
器系统计划队weapon system planning team
器系统训练器weapon system trainer
器系统训练装置weapon system trainer
器系统设备weapons system equipment
器系统设备零件清册weapon system equipment component list
器系统部件一览weapon system equipment component list
器系统配套弹药weapon system compatible munition
器系统配置文件weapon system allocation document
器系统鉴定处weapon systems evaluation division
器系统鉴定组weapon system evaluation group
器系统鉴定组weapon-systems evaluation group
器系统鉴定计划weapon system evaluation program
器系统集成weapon system integration
器系统需求工作组weapon system requirements working group
器系统项目办公室weapon system project office
器综合开发技术weapons integrated development technology
器舱weapon bay
器装备代表处delegation Generale pour l'Armement (法国国防部)
器装备研究与发展研究院Armament Research and Development Establishment
器规范weapon specifications
器试验实验室ordnance test laboratory
器试验程序weapons testing program
器质量跟踪weapon quality track
器车weapon bus
器载机weapon carrier
器运载工具weapons carrier
器运载机weapons carrier
器运输armament trolley
器运输技术weapons carriage technology
器选择weapon selection
器选择仪表板weapon select panel
器选择开关weapon select switch
器选择电门weapons selector
器部门weapons department
器配置位置armament station
器集束弹箱tactical munition dispenser
官处defence attache office
装侦查直升机armed reconnaissance helicopter
装和安全arm and safe
装直升机gunship (特指一种细长双座机身的,带有防御和进攻武器的直升机)
装直升机attack helicopter
装部队医疗学院armed force medical college
装部队工业学院industrial college of the armed forces
装部队技术情报局现为 DDCarmed services technical information agency Now DDC
装部队条例armed services regulation
装部队管理协会armed forces management association
装部队航空情报培训中心armed forces air intelligence training center
装部队资格测试armed forces qualification test
装部队通信协会armed forces communications association
装部队通信和电子协会Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (美国)
装部队通信和电子学协会armed forces communication and electronics association
装部队采购条例armed services procurement regulation
装部队采购条例Armed Services Procurement Regulations (美国)
死光beam weapon (利用定向能,如激光、粒子束、微波等的武器)
气冷式aircooled weapon
气退式gas-operated weapon
活动射击free-firing armament
活动航空器控制系统mobile air weapons control system
活性器外运稳定系统active-arm external-load stabilization system
海军器中心naval weapon center
海军器中心Naval Weapons Center (美国)
海军器鉴定处naval weapon evaluation facility
海军器鉴定处naval weapons evaluation facility (美国)
海军地面器中心Naval Surface Weapons Center (美国)
海军水下器研究与工程站naval underwater weapon research and engineering station
海军水下器站naval underwater weapons station
海军航空兵器站naval air weapons station
海军航空兵器站naval aviation weapons facility
海军航空兵作战中心器分部naval air warfare center weapons division
海军航空兵特种器设施naval air special weapons facility
海军航空兵特种器设施naval aviation special weapons facility
海军舰船器系统部Naval Ship System Command (美国)
海军部海面器研究所Admiralty Surface Weapons Establishment
海军部海面器研究所Admiralty Surface Weapons Establishment
海军陆战队航空兵器及战术中队marine aviation weapons and tactics squadron
海外基地forward-based weapons
火力支援fire support weapon
火箭推进rocket projectile
灵巧smart weapon (指制导武器)
爆炸效能blast effect weapon
特殊special weapon
特种specific weapon
特种器/军械special weapons
特种器处理special weapons disposal
特种器应急分离系统special weapon emergency separation system
特种器应急投放系统special weapon emergency separation system
特种器飞越引导special weapon overflight guide
生物器公约biological weapons convention
器系统electro-optics weapons system
电磁electromagnetic weapon
电磁脉冲electromagnetic pulse weapon
电磁辐射对器的危险hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnance
hard weapon
空中器装备处directorate of air armament
空中发射air launched weapon
空中发射器族family of air launched weapons
空中和空间作战中心器系统综合商air and space operations center weapon system integrator
空军器供应air force weapon supply
空军器实验室air force armaments laboratory
空军器实验室Air Force Weapons Laboratory (美国)
空军器技术实验室air force armament technology laboratory
空军器效力测试air force weapon effectiveness testing
空军器测试实验室air force armament test laboratory
空军器系统air force weapon system
空军器系统司令部装备分部air force system command' armament division
空军器系统命令部air force system command
空军air attache
空军装机群fleet air arm
空军发射器系列family of air launched weapons
空军特种器中心air force special weapons center
空军特种器研究中心Air Force Special Weapons Center (美国)
空军遮断器系统air interdiction weapons system
空对地制导air-to-surface guided weapon
空对地面air-to-surface weapon
空对空器装备分析air-to-air armament mission analysis
空对空制导air-to-air guided weapons
空投火焰air flame weapons
空投火焰air flame weapon
空空制导air-to-air guided weapon
空降突击airborne assault weapon
编制active weapon
罗兰远程导弹系统辅助器投射系统aid weapon delivery system
联合制导攻击joint direct attack munition
联合攻击器系统joint attack weapons system
联合空中器系统joint air weapons system
联合远距攻击joint stand-off weapon
联合远距离joint stand-off weapon
联合防区外joint stand-off weapon
联队器官员wing weapon officer
航空airborne weapon
航空aerial warfare weapon
航空器区域aws region
航空器控制系统air weapons control system
航空器教官air weapons instructor
航空器条件aws condition
航空器研究所institute of air weapons research
航空器系统air weapon system
航空器系统airborne weapon system
航空器系统研究部aeronautical system division (美国空军)
航空器系统研究部先进战术战斗机项目办公室aeronautical systems division advanced tactical fighter system program office
航空器系统研究部战术系统处aeronautical systems division deputy for tactical systems
航空器系统研究部新型发动机项目办公室aeronautical systems division new engine system program office
航空器系统研究部电子作战侦察处aeronautical system division deputy for electronic combat and reconnaissance
航空器系统研究部电子战系统项目办公室aeronautical system division electronic warfare system program office
航空器系统研究部研发计划处aeronautical systems division deputy for development planning
航空器系统研究部飞行稳定性和控制分部、飞行技术部和飞行系统工程理事会aeronautical systems division/flight stability and control branch, flight technology division, directorate of flight systems engineering
航空器综合设施air weapon complex
航空器装备实验室aviation armament laboratory
航空器计划aws program
航空器迎角aws angle-of-attack
航空电子与器系统avionics and weapon system
航空自动aircraft automatic weapon
航行器非装区aircraft demilitarized zone
资深的器教员qualified weapons instructor
soft weapon (非直接杀伤目标的武器,如诱惑干扰弹)
轻型器目标体系small arms target system
轻型支援light support weapon
轻型防空器系统light weight air defense weapons system
轻性灵敏制导动能器实验flexible lightweight agile guided experiment
通用器控制系统common weapons control system
通用器系统general purpose weapon system
通用轻all-purpose hand-held weapon
速射器弹药quick firing ammunition
防区外发射stand-off weapon
防空器中心air defense weapon center
防空器控制状态air defense weapons control status
防空区外发射的空对地常规conventional standoff weapon
陆军器技术局Direction Technique des Armements Terrestres
陆军器技术局direction technique des armements terrestres
降落伞减速drogue retarded weapon
静止性化学static weapon
装直升机unarmed helicopter
非核器工作组non-nuclear weapon working group
面对空制导surface-to-air guided weapon
"马特"直升机器系统Marte (意大利)
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