
Terms for subject Technology containing 正式 | all forms | in specified order only
正式通知no advice
余弦半正矢公式cosine haversine formula
修正公式modified formula
修正椭圆公式modified ellipse equation
修正的现金余额方程式revised cash balance equation
倍增式超正析像管multiplier orthicon
冲击式钻杆的扶正器sinker bar guide
准正射投影形式quasi-orthographical projection form
准正射投影形式quasi-orthographic projection form
半正矢公式haversine formula
半正矢自然函数公式natural haversine formula
双塔式建筑物正面twin-towered facade
哥特式教堂的正堂Gothic middle vessel
哥特式教堂的正堂Gothic church nave
国际正常重力公式international normal gravity formula
塔式房屋正面tower block facade
复式减速小正齿轮double reduction spur pinion
多项式改正polynomial correction
履带式内燃正铲挖土机diesel crawler face shovel
履带式正向铲挖土机crawler face shovel
开式钢肋正交异性板面桥梁orthotropic deck bridge with open ribs
弹簧式间接导正销spring-backed type indirect pilot
房间简正振动方式normal mode of vibration of room
拟正交多项式quasi-orthogonal polynomial
正式职工计算的固定资产装备率tangible fixed assets per regular employee
文件的正式副本certified copy documents
新国际正常重力公式new international normal gravity formula
旋转叶轮式正压排代流量计rotary-vane-type-positive-displacement flowmeter
旋转活塞式正压排代流量计rotary piston-type-positive-displacement flowmeter
日本道路法以外的非正式道路non-designated road
最后正式答复definitive answer
正式接待室和饭厅的楼层Piano nobile
标准正交函数展开式orthonormal function expansion
标准正交多项式orthonormal polynomial
校正公式corrector formula
校正公式correction formula
格式正文format text
n 次多项式校正nth polynomial correction
正交多项式【数】orthogonal polynomial
正交多项式方法orthogonal polynomial method
正交模式orthogonal mode
正交模式转换器orthomode transducer
正则状态方程式canonical equation of state
正则状态方程式canonic equation of state
正割公式secant formula
正半定形式positive semidefinite form
正压大气模式thermotropic model
正压式呼吸器具positive pressure breathing apparatus
正双线性形式positive bilinear form
正台阶式凿岩underhand work
正台阶式回采underhand work
正台阶式开挖underhand work
正台阶式掘进underhand work
正台阶式爆破underhand blasting
正向模式forward mode
正定二次微分形式positive definite differential form of degree two
正定积分形式positive definite integral form
正常形式normal form
正常格式通信normal form message
正常比速混流式水轮机normal specific speed Francis turbine
正常负荷双联扒式分级机normal-duty duplex rake classifier
正式业务文件official service documents
正式代理人official agent
正式价格office price
正式任命permanent appointment
正式会员member of full standing
正式会谈formal talk
正式使用前试用操作prelife operation
正式保额definite order
正式公告formal advertising
正式决定definite decision
正式分类official classification
正式协定formal agreement
正式协议formal agreement
正式单位formal unit
正式原图official master drawing
正式原图office-master drawing
正式合法当局duly constituted authority
正式命名definite designation
正式地层单位formal unit
正式地层单位formal stratigraphical unit
正式地层单位formal stratigraphic unit
正式声明official statement
正式契约sealed contract
正式委托代理人authorised agent
正式工人worker officially employed
正式工人regular worker
正式广告formal advertising
正式成员participating member
正式执照full license
正式报告official return
正式提单official bill of lading
正式收报时间official time of receipt
正式收据formal receipt
正式文本official text
正式文本official copy
正式文本authorized documents
正式有资格的独立检査人duty qualified independent inspector
正式标准official standard
正式核准official authorization
正式检査formal inspection
正式毒性试验definitive toxicity test
正式焊接regular welding
正式生效formal effective
正式职员regular employee
正式规划official plan
正式警告formal warning
正式计划official plan
正式计划formal plan
正式记录formal record
正式访问formal visit
正式证券definitive bond
正式试航official trial
正式试航official sea trial
正式语言literary language
正式调查formal investigation
正式运行commencement of commercial operation
正式运转production run
正式验收administrative approval
正式验收试验formal acceptance test
正弦公式sine formula
正弦式反应性变化sinusoidal reactivity variation
正弦式反应性扰动sinusoidal reactivity perturbations
正弦式变形sinusoidal deformation
正弦式可变电阻器sine variohm
正弦式时间变化sinusoidal time variation
正弦式荷载sinusoidal loading
正弦式荷载sinusoidal load
正弦式荷重sinusoidal loading
正弦式荷重sinusoidal load
正排量式压缩机positive-displacement compressor
正排量式液压传动装置positive-displacement hydraulic drive
正排量式燃料泵positive-displacement type fuel pump
正排量螺旋式压气机positive-displacement screw type compressor
正方形式搜索square search
正方形式搜索expanding square search
正旋转式泵positive rotary pump
正流式过程orthoflow process
正流式重整过程orthoforming process
正规公式normal formula
正规实形式normal real form
正规形式normal format
正规格式normal format
正规表达式regular expression
正角式减速器right-angle speed reducer
古希腊神庙早期形式的正面双柱式in antis
正面双柱式in antis
正面吊运汽车式起重机front handling mobile crane
正面吊运移动式起重机front handling mobile crane
正面吊运自行式起重机front handling mobile crane
正齿式行星减速齿轮spur-type planetary reducer
正齿式行星齿轮spur-type planetary gear
正齿式行星齿轮装置spur-type planetary gearing
特征的正规形式normal form of the characteristic
球面三角正弦公式sine formulas of spherical triangle
球面三角正弦公式sine formulas of spheric triangle
球面正余弦公式five parts formula
直壁式校正扩孔器壳体straight-wall core shell
矫正机杠杆式冲床arbor press
积之和的正则形式sum of-product canonical form
移动式液压校正器portable power
简正振动方式normal mode of vibration
简正振动模式normal mode of vibration
简正模式normal mode
简正模式分析normal mode analysis
正式核证的副本duly certified copy
西方式房屋正面western facade
正式庭园formal type garden
规范正交函数展开式orthonormal function expansion
贴了印花的正式文件clause stamped
赤道正切型柱式支座tangential column supports around equator
辊子式带锯校正机band-saw roll stretcher
辐流式正反双转子汽轮机radial-flow double-rotation turbine
重力式正压供热gravity plenum heating
闭合式钢肋正交类性板面桥梁orthotropical deck bridge with closed steel ribs
闭合式钢肋正交类性板面桥梁orthotropic deck bridge with closed steel ribs
阀式正作用冲击器valve-type hydro-percussive tool with positive acting
正式上市的股票red herring issue
正式会议informal meeting
正式协商unofficial agreement
正式协定unofficial agreement
正式协定informal agreement
正式协议agreement of understanding
正式合同informal contract
正式合同formless contract
正式地层单位informal unit
正式契约unofficial agreement
正式契约informal agreement
正式定价memorandum value
正式审计报告informal audit report
正式成员non-participating member
正式报告draft report
正式招股章程red herring prospectus
正式方式unorthodox form (合同、契约等的)
正式标志non-official sign
正式申请informal application
正式离船jump ship
正式符号improper character
正式组织的规范informal organization norm
正式继承人irregular heir
正式联盟informal coalition
正式联络职位informal liaison roles
正式训练费用informal training cost
正式试验informal test
正式限制informal restriction
非正常模式off-order mode