
Terms for subject Economy containing 次 的 | all forms | in specified order only
次的batch quantity
一个好的协议应用符合逻辑的次序阐明各种基本条款和条件A good agreement is the one the essential terms and conditions of which is set forth in logical sequence
一次吊起的木材a lift of timber
一次性的利息simple interest
一次性的收入lump-sum payment
一次总交的人头税lump-sum tax
一次总付的方法lump-sum basis
一次支付的回扣one-shot payment
一次装运出去的货物goods to be shipped in one lot
三家公司承包这次股票的发行Three companies underwrite the share issue
两次付息期间的债券估价bond valuation between interest dates
两次修理之间的使用时间turnaround time
两次修理之间的使用时间interrepair time
两次普査之间的年份inter-census year
两次调査之间的调整in-between survey adjustment
买和卖的次数number of purchases and sales taking place
二次多项式的平方根square-root quadratic polynomial
"仅一次"的特殊信贷una tantum credit
仅次于最好的东西the next best thing
仅次于最好的东西next best thing
今天我们将继续讨论上次会议尚未解决的问题Today we are going to continue the matters outstanding from the previous meeting
他们承认在这次具体交易中没有用他们一贯慎重的态度去办理我方定货They admit not having given our order their usual careful attention in this particular business
他们遭遇了一次可怕的事故,也许是一次从未发生过的They met with a terrible accident, perhaps unprecedented
他们需要一笔贷款来支付由于这次损失带来的亏空They need a loan to cover the shortfall resulted from the loss
付了 2000美金后,你方连续在每月的第15日分期付款,每次金额为 200美元After the payment of $2000, you can pay in consecutive installments of $200 each on the 15th day of each month
以层次为基础的方法level-based approach
价格方面的零价齐次关系homogeneous of degree zero in prices
价格方面的零阶齐次关系homogeneous of degree zero in prices
优先次序的效果effect of priority
低层次的特点secondary characteristics
低层次的特点certain secondary characteristics
你们在首批订货时的友好态度可望带来多次续订You can expect your friendliness in this initial order will bring about many repeats
保费一次付清的保险单single premium policy
全国经济关系中的次级体系subsystem of a national economy
半年一次的分期付款semi-annual installments
卖方正对本次货运中遭受的损坏予以估定The seller is trying to assess the damage the shipment suffered in transit
卖方的销售条款与前一次的购货订单的条款相比没有抵触的地方The seller's terms of sale are not in conflict with the terms of previous purchase order
在这次招聘中,优先聘用能招来生意或接受订单的人Any person who can solicit or accept any orders will be given preference in this inviting applications
在这次机构调整中你的各项权利将不受任何权利转移的影响Your rights will not be affected by any devolution of the right in this adjustment of the organizational structure
多次往返有效的入境签证multiple entry exit visa
多次往返有效的入境签证multiple entry-exit visa
多次往返有效的出入境签证multiple entry-exit visa
建成投入生产的单次工程completed single project turned over for production
总款按月分期付,每次相当于第一次付款额的 40 %The total amount is payable in monthly installments equivalent to 40% of the down payment
成本分摊中的逐项减少次序the step-down order in cost allocation
我们不得不把此种未能履行合同的情况当作一次违反合同的行为We have to regard such failure as a breach of the contract
我们再次和他们用电传联系,结果他们确认了你们4月20日信中的报价We have telexed them again with the result that they confirmed the offer you made in the letter of April 20
我们将在下次会议上讨论汽车进口税的问题We shall discuss the question of import duties on cars in our next meeting
我们已把有关这次谈判的全部情况通报给有关公司We have transmit ted all information relating to the whole transaction of this negotiation to the appropriate corporations
我们希望,这笔首次交易将带来今后的大宗买卖This initial transaction, we hope, will lead to future volume business
我们是此次商品交易会的主办人之一We are one of the sponsors of this trade fair
我方不会放弃对短重、质次和滞留费的索赔We shall not relinquish any claim for short weight, inferior quality and demurrage
批内允许的百分比次品率lot tolerance per cent defective
把所订的货一次装运pool the order into one shipment
按规定次数付款的汇票bill payable by stated installments
收取固定费用的次数number of times fixed charges earned
有时候,一些建筑物是照一次总付合同及成本加佣金合同建造的Sometimes buildings are built under lumpsum and cost-plus contracts
本合同需两个月进行一次预防性的修订The contract needs preventive revision on a bimonthly basis
本次发货的票据由装运港中国银行见票即付Draft under this delivery are to be drawn at sight on the Bank of China at the port of shipment
权力的层次levels of authority
权力的层次level of authority
根据通话次数计费的用户a message rate subscriber
于最好的the next best
次优先的second preferred
次好的next best
次总付的保险费lumpsum premium
次等的second rate
次等的low ordinary
此次延误会增加我方的费用This delay will cause us an increase in cost
每三个月向股东发送一次公司的财务报表The financial statement of the company should be submitted to the shareholders every three month
每次装载的货物的平均数量约为500吨,价值为5万美元The average quantity of each shipment will be 500 tons, valued US $50000
生产方式的依次更替successive replacement of the modes of production
由于世界经济衰退,该公司上周的销售不上十次Because of the world economic recession, sales in the company were down to single figures last week
由于机器本身质次所造成的损坏,承租人不必对物主进行赔偿No reparation shall be made by the tenant to the owner for damages resulting from the inferior quality of the machine
秘书保存了上次会议的记录,以备査考The Secretary keeps the minutes of the last meeting for reference
经再次査阅你方定单,发现那些看上去像"o"的字母实际上是"e"On looking at your order again we see that what looks like an "o" is indeed "e"
考虑到彼此间的长期关系,我方同意对你方报盘作一次例外处理In view of our long connection n., we agree to make an exception of our offer
订约后先收的一次性费用front-end fee
记入批次产品的返工成本the rework cost charged to job
证券的二次发行secondary offering
证券的二次发行secondary distribution
该公司与日本的交易额够不上外销员每年去四次东京的条件The company's volume of business with Japan does not warrant four trips by the salesman to Tokyo a year
详细的销售计划每隔两月提交给销售经理一次Detailed sales schedules are submitted to the sales manager at two month intervals
资助此次运动会能提高我公司在世界上的知名度To sponsor the games can enhance the fame of our corporation in the world
这张订正的发票替代上次寄出的那张发票This amended invoice will supersede the one previously sent
这是一次由上海到北京的远距离货运It is a long haul from Shanghai to Beijing
这是一次由于疏忽而造成的事故It is an inadvertent incident
这次发生的事情是由于人力不可抗的原因造成的This happening has been caused by force majeure
这次实验的每一件必需品都已经到了Every requisite for this experiment has been obtained
这次损坏是当地超过正常强度的自然现象造成的The damage was caused by the natural phenomenon exceeding the normal intensity for the locality
这次短装是由于不可抗力造成的This shortshipment was due to circumstances beyond our control
连续两次的经济衰退double recession
连续两次的经济衰退double-dip recession
马斯洛的需要层次Maslow's hierarchy of needs