
Terms for subject Business containing 模-数 | all forms | in specified order only
一式计数模型counter model type I
三变数模型three-variable model
不变替代弹性生产函数模型constant elasticity of substitution production function model
不可替代弹性生产函数模型model of constant elasticity of substitution production function
乘数加速原理模型multiplier acceleration principle model
乘数加速模型multiplier accelerator model
乘数—加速模型multiplier-acceleration model
代数模型algebraic model
倒数模式reciprocal model
函数模糊族fuzzy bunch of function
加权移动平均数模型weighted moving average model
半对数模型semilog model
半对数模型semi-logarithmic model
双对数模型double log model
反对数模式log-inverse model
合而为一的指规数模型integrated IPF model
固定参数统计模型fixed parameter statistical model
固定系数统计模型fixed coefficient statistical model
多元时间数列模型multivariate time series model
多重时间数列模型multiple time-series model
对数线性模式log-linear model
对数自回归趋势模型logarithmic autoregressive trend model
工资模式系数coefficient of wage pattern matrix
工资模式系数wage pattern matrix of coefficient
工资模式系数矩阵wage pattern matrix of coefficient
技术经济数学模式mathematical model of technological economy
投入产出数学模式mathematical model of input-output
指数加权移动平均数模式exponentially weighted moving average model
指数增长模式exponential growth model
指数平滑预测模式exponential smoothing forecasting model
模数n校验modulo-n check
收敛参数模式convergence parameter model
数字模拟混合计算机hybrid digital-analog computer
数学仿真模式mathematical simulation model
数学回归模型mathematical regression model
数学模型方法mathematical model approach
数/模转换digital-to-analog conversion
数模转换D/A converter
数理经济模式mathematical economic model
数统计模型'stochastic regressor statistical model
数量回扣经济订货量模型EOQ model with quantity discount
整数模式integral model
时变参数模型time varying parameter model
极限生产函数模型frontier production function model
模一数一模转换系统analog ue -digital-analog converter system
模一数计算系统analog ue -digital computing system
模一数转换analog ue -to-digital conversion
模一数转换器analog ue -to-digital converter
模型参数parameter of model
模型数值model value
模拟—数字—模拟转换器Analog-Digital-Analog Converter
模拟—数字综合转换装置analog-digital integrating translator
模拟—数字转换器analog ue -digital converter
模拟—数学转换器Analog-Digital Converter
模拟数据analog ue data
模拟数据分配器与计算机analog data distributor and computer
模数表示modular representation
模糊隶属函数fuzzy membership function
模糊集基数cardinality of a fuzzy set
次数模式frequency pattern
消费函数模式consumption function model
生产结构优化数学模型mathematic model for the optimal structure of production
生产规模指数法index method of production scale
确定性数学模型deterministic mathematical model
积体弹性模数modulus of volume elasticity
简单数学模型simple mathematical model
管理系数模型management coefficient model
管理系数模式management coefficient model
综合自回归与移动平均数模型integrated autoregressive-moving average model
自回归—移动平均数混合模式mixed autoregressive-moving average model
自数模free module
链环项目模拟数link project simulation
随机参数模型stochastic parameter model
随机系数模型random coefficient model