
Terms for subject Plastics containing 模 型 | all forms | in specified order only
三元模型黏弹性体力学模型three-element model
三参数模型three parameter model
模型master model
保温流道型模具insulated-runner-type mould
保温流道型模具insulated-runner mould
保温流道型模具insulated-runner-type mold
保温流道型模具insulated-runner mold
倒模压成型〈有下置阳模的成型机〉reverse moulding
倒模压成型〈有下置阳模的成型机〉reverse molding
六型腔注塑模six-impression injection mould
冲压成型模impact moulding die
冲模仿型铳床die sinking machine
冷却定型模cooling jig
冷却定型模cooling block
冷固化型铸模粘结剂cold setting foundery mould binder
动模式吹塑成型moving mould blow moulding
动模式吹塑成型moving mold blow moulding
包模真空成型drape moulding
包模真空成型drape molding
包模成型stretch forming
包模成型drape forming
包模热成型drape thermoforming
包模真空成型drape vacuum forming
包模真空成型drape forming
包模真空热成型drape vacuum thermoforming
单型腔模具single-impression mould
单型腔模具single-impression mold
单层多型腔注塑模具single-tier injection mould
单穴模,单腔模具,整体铸型single cavity mould
压模热成型negative thermoforming
压铸成型模具transfer tool
压铸成型模具transfer mould
压铸成型模具transfer mold
原型模具prototype mould
原型模具prototype mold
双模成型〈吹塑成型〉twin-shell forming
双联模板成型duplicate plate moulding
双联模板成型duplicate plate molding
双联阴模板成型duplicate cavity-plate moulding
双联阴模板成型duplicate cavity-plate molding
反模成型inverted mould moulding
反模成型inverted mold moulding
口模成型面orifice land
口模成型面die land
可滑动型芯的吹塑模sliding core mould
可滑动型芯的吹塑模sliding core mold
合模热成型matched-mould thermoforming
合模热成型matched-mold thermoforming
后成型模postformed die
哑铃状模型dumb-bell model
喷射模型热固性塑料jet moulding nozzle
喷射模型热固性塑料jet molding nozzle
四参数模型four-parameter model
四参数模型four-parameter body
回转多模成型rotary moulding
回转多模成型rotary molding
固体模具吹塑成型blowing in a solid mould
固体模具吹塑成型blowing in a solid mold
固化模型cure model
圆型脱模销round ejection pin
型坯模preform die
型坯模parison mould
型坯离模膨胀parison die swell
型材挤塑口模profile dies
型材挤塑模头extrusion die for profiles
型模former block
型腔注塑模impression injection mould
塑性流动模型plastic flow model
塑料加工成型模具moulding tool
塑料加工成型模具molding tool
壳模成型法sand shell moulding
壳模成型法sand shell molding
壳模铸型法Croning process
壳模铸型法Croning method
多元模型multi-element model
多型腔模具multi-fold tool
多槽缝型模头multi-channel die
多缝型模头〈共挤塑〉multi-channel die
多缝型模头〈共挤塑〉multi-slot die
大型夹模环bull ring
大型模塑制品large-area moulding
大型模塑制品large-area molding
夹固型模具clamp mould
夹固型模具clamp mold
孔型冲模hole-type die
定型和冲切模forming and cutting die
定型模sizing die
定型模forming die
对开模具吹塑成型blowing in a split mould
对开模具吹塑成型blowing in a split mold
对成型模matched shaping dies
对模合模热成型match mould thermoforming
对模合模热成型match mold thermoforming
对模成型matched mold forming
对模成型matched tool forming
对模成型matched mould forming
对模成型matched metal moulding
对模成型match-die mouding
对模成型match-die moding
对模成型matched die forming
对模成型matched metal molding
对模成型matched-die moulding
对模成型die pressing
对模热成型matched-mould thermoforming
对模热成型matched-mold thermoforming
带有缝型模头进料斗feed hopper with slot die
模型waste mould
开尔文-福格特模型形变机械性能Kelvin-Voigt model
异型合模线profiled flash line
异型胎模焊jig welding
弹簧-减震器模型spring-absorber model
U 形型材模具〈玻璃纤维增强硬塑料〉channel mould
成型周期成型模shaping cycle
成型板模具plaque mould
成型板模具plaque mold
成型模具forming mould
成型模具forming mold
成型模塑法form-and mold process
成型模塞shaping plug
成型模腔shaping mould cavity
成型模面〈模具内壁〉shaping mould surface
成型模面〈模具内壁〉shaping mold surface
成套组件成型模具family mould
成套组件成型模具family mold
手套模型glove former
手铺敞模成型法hand lay-up open-mould method
手铺敞模成型法hand lay-up open-mold method
拆散模型break-up model
挤塑型坯吹塑模具extruded parison blow mould
撑框预拉伸多模包模成型drape forming with draw-grid prestretch (multiple mold)
收缩软袋模成型法deflatable flexible bag moulding
收缩软袋模成型法deflatable flexible bag molding
改型保温流道式模具modified insulated-runner-type mould
敞模成型open moulding
敞模成型open molding
敞模成型法open-mould process
敞模成型法open-mold process
敞模预成型open preform
敞模预成型法open preforming
敞模预成型法〈增强塑料〉open preform process
整体模具吹塑成型blowing in a single-piece mould
无模具吹塑成型blowing into the open
无模具吹塑成型blowing in free space
无模压气成型blowing in free space
无模吹塑成型free blowing process
无模吹塑成型pressure blowing in free space
无模吹塑成型free blowing
无模吹塑成型free blow forming
无模吹塑真空成型free-blowing vacuum forming
无模成型no-mold molding
无模成型no-mould moulding
无模成型free forming
无模成型法free-forming process
无模真空成型vacuum forming infree-space
无模真空成型free vacuum forming
有模具吹塑成型blowing into a mould
木质模型wooden jig
构架模型skeleton pattern
柱模塞助压压力成型plug-assist pressure forming
柱模塞助压压气成型plug-assist blowing
柱模塞助压成型plug forming
柱模塞助压气滑真空成型plug-assist air slip vacuum forming
标准模型master model
楔型模具wedge-type mould
楔型模具wedge-type mold
楔型模具锁模装置系统wedge-type mould clamping system
楔型模具锁模装置系统wedge-type mold clamping system
模具吹塑成型blowing in a mould
模具吹塑成型blowing in a mold
成套模型model set
模型上半部cope pattern
模型件复制品replica of mould details
模型假设model assumption
模型偏差deviation of form
模型卡紧开不开了seizing of mould
模型relief map
模型图案mode pattern
模型底座mould base
模型理论注塑model theory
模型die box
模型车间wooden pattern shop
模型首次加热moulding in the first heat
模型首次加热molding in the first heat
模塑件型坯blank moulding part
模塞助压成型forming with helper
模塞助压成型drop forming
模塞助压真空成型vacuum plug-assist forming
模塞-夹圈成型plug-and-ring forming
模成型die moulding
模腔成型cavity forming
次晶模型paracrystallinity model
气胀包模成型drape forming with bubble stretching
气胀包模成型air slip forming
气胀包模真空热成型air-slip vacuum thermoforming
气胀模塞助压真空成型pressure bubble-plug assist vacuum forming
气胀阳模真空回吸成型pressure bubble vacuum snap-back fonning
气胀阴模成型〈热成型〉air blowing into female mould
水冷定型模water cooled former
沃伊特模型Voigt model
泡沫全模型foamed full mould model
泡沫全模型foamed full mold model
注射成型模具injection mould
注射成型模具injection mold
流动模压型坯flow moulded parison
流变学模型rheology model
浸渍成型模dip mould
浸渍成型模dip mold
浸胶纸浆成型模pulp mould
滑动型模具吹塑sliding mould blow moulding
滑动型模具成型法〈挤吹〉sliding mould process
滑动型模具成型法〈挤吹〉sliding mold process
滚压和模塑层合型材rolled and moulded laminated section
热成型模具thermoforming mould
热成型模具thermoforming mold
热膨胀模成型thermal expansion moulding process
片材成型模具sheet mould
片材成型模具sheet mold
环状模型ring type mould
环状模型ring type mold
用于壳模成型的酚醛树脂phenolic resin for shell moulding
电浸蚀模具成型electroerosive mould forming
稳态模型steady state model
管材定型模pipe former
线型黏弹性流变模型four-parameter model
线型黏弹性流变模型four-parameter body
组合式模型sectional pattern
结构模型strippable model
缝型口模〈挤塑〉fish-tail die
缝型模头manifold die
缝型模头slot type die
缝型模头flat head
缨状微束模型fringed-micelle model
胶束模型micelle model
脊架成型模具ridge mould
脊架成型模具ridge mold
螺旋型吹塑模头spiral-type blown film die
角型模具angle mould
角型模具angle mold
超型模制品heavy moulding
超声波成型模腔ultrasonic-formed mould cavity
超声波成型模腔ultrasonic-formed mold cavity
软胎模成型flexible membrane moulding
软胎模成型flexible membrane molding
闭模定型calibration by mould closing
阀控浇口型模具valve-gated mould
阳模包模成型male drape forming
阳模反吸热成型snap-back thermoforming
阳模成型forming over male mould
阳模滑片成型的夹片框hold-down plate for slip forming
阳模热成型positive thermoforming
阳模真空成型vacuum forming over a male mould
阳模真空成型vacuum forming over a male mold
阴模成型straight forming
阴模成型forming into female mould
阴模真空成型vacuum forming into a female mould
阴模真空成型vacuum forming into a female mold
预成型金属对模法preform matched metal die method
预成型压模〈热固性塑料〉preforming tool
预成型模塑preforming process
预成型模塑preform moulding
预成型模塑preform molding
颈部成型模neck-shaping tool
骨架成型模具〈吹塑模〉skeleton mould
骨架成型模具〈吹塑模〉skeleton mold
骨架模成型skeleton tool forming
鱼尾型口模fish-tail die
鱼尾型板材口模fish-tail sheet die
麦克斯韦模型形变力学性能Maxwell model