
Terms for subject Mathematics containing 检 验 | all forms | in specified order only
一致最佳距离功效检验UBDP test
一致最佳距离功效检验uniformly best distance power test
一致最大功效检验UMP test
一致最大功效检验uniformly most powerful test
三点检验three-point assay
三角检验triangle test
不对称检验one-sided test
不对称检验one-tailed test
不对称检验single tail test
不对称检验asymmetrical test
严格检验tightened inspection
个字母 Ω 平方检验omega square test
个字母 Ω 平方检验Wnup 2 test
个字母 Ω 平方检验Cramer-von Mises test
中位数检验median test
中央检验medial test
丹尼尔斯检验Daniel's test
二元符号检验bivariate sign test
互换检验,变换检验reversal test
五点分析,五点检验five-point assay
交并检验union-intersection tests
优先检验precedence test
传阅循环检验Round Robin design
似然比检验likelihood ratio test
假设检验testing of hypothesis
假设检验hypothesis testing
偏移量检验slippage test
光滑检验,修勻检验smooth test
克利福德检验Cliff-Ord tests
克洛茨检验Klotz's test
克莱姆―冯米希斯检验Wnup 2 test
克莱姆―冯米希斯检验omega square test
克莱姆―冯米希斯检验Cramer-von Mises test
全面检验,全数检验total inspection
内曼Ψ检验Neyman's ψup 2 test
内曼Ψ检验Neyman's psi square test
准确卡方 χ 检验Fisher exact test
准确卡方 χ 检验exact chi-squared test
准确卡方 χ 检验Fisher-Irwin test
准确卡方 χ 检验Fisher-Yates test
利列福检验Lilliefors' test
加伯利埃尔检验Gabriel-Sen statistic
加特检验Gart's test
动态检验dynamic check
包含检验includances tests
单侧检验one-sided test
单侧检验single tail test
单侧检验one-tailed test
单侧检验asymmetrical test
单尾检验single tail test
单尾检验one-tailed test
单尾检验one-sided test
单尾检验asymmetrical test
博克斯检验Box's test
卡彭检验Capon test
卡方 χ 检验s-test
卡方 χ 检验chi-squared test
双侧检验two-tailed test
双侧检验double-tailed test
双侧检验two-sided test
变量检验variables inspection
古普塔对称检验Gupta's symmetry test
同位检验parity check
品质检验,属性检验inspection by attribute
哈特利检验maximum F-ratio
哈特利检验Hartley's test
因素互换检验factor reversal test
图基快速检验Tukey's q-test
图基快速检验Tukey's quick test
图基快速检验Tukey's pocket test
图基间隙检验Tukey's gap test
坎曼特检验Kamat's test
多元符号秩检验multivariate signed rank test
多重二项式检验multi-binomial test
多重区域检验multiple range test
威尔克斯空格检验Wilks' empty cell test
威尔科克森检验Wilcoxon's test
威尔科克森检验Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test
威尔科克森检验Mann-Whitney test
威尔科克森检验Wilcoxon rank sum test
威尔科克森正负号等级检验Wilcoxon signed rank test
威尔科克森等级和检验Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test
威尔科克森等级和检验Mann-Whitney test
威尔科克森等级和检验Wilcoxon's test
威尔科克森等级和检验Wilcoxon rank sum test
威尔科克森配对正负号等级检验Wilcoxon's matched pairs rank test
威尔科克森配对正负号等级检验signed rank test
" 学生 " t 检验Student's test
" 学生 " t 检验t-test
容许检验admissible test
对数等级检验Mantel-Haenszel test
对数等级检验log-rank test
对称检验symmetrical test
局部最大功效等级顺序检验locally most powerful rank order test
局部渐近最大严格检验locally asymptotically most stringent test
局部渐近最大功效检验optimal asymptotic test
局部渐近最大功效检验locally asymptotically most powerful test
差分正负号检验difference sign test
巴特利特检验Bartlett's test
巴特利特共线性检验Bartlett's collinearity test
巴特利特和戴南德检验Bartlett-Diananda test
巴特利特次级交互作用检验Bartlett's test of second order interaction
巴纳德蒙特卡罗检验Barnard's Monte Carlo test
布伦可检验Brunk's test
平均检验数量average amount of inspection
广义序贯概率比检验generalized sequential probability ratio test
广义序贯概率比检验generalised sequential probability ratio test
序列抽样检验方案serial sampling inspection schemes
序贯检验sequential test
序贯 T2 检验sequential Tup 2 test
序贯卡方检验sequential chi-squared test
序贯概率比检验sequential probability ratio test
弗里特曼检验Friedman's test
循环检验circular test
戴维空格检验David's empty cell test
抽样检验sample survey
抽样检验sampling inspection
拉奥记分检验Rao's scoring test
拜伦检验Beran's tests
换基检验time reversal test
换基检验base reversal test
接受检验acceptance inspection
摩西 die性离散检验Moses' rank-like dispersion test
摩西检验Moses' test
整态性的 " W" 检验W test for Normality
斯米尔诺夫检验Smirnov-Birnbaum-Tingey distribution
T 方检验T-square test
方差比率检验variance ratio test
无偏检验unbiased test
时间互换检验time reversal test
时间互换检验base reversal test
昆努依尔检验Quenouille's test
普利斯特利的 P兰姆德检验Priestly's Lambda-test
普利斯特利的 P兰姆德检验Priestly's λ-test
普利斯特利的 P兰姆德检验Priestly's P-test
曼特尔―亨塞尔检验log-rank test
最优检验optimum test
最优渐近检验optimal asymptotic test
最优渐近检验locally asymptotically most powerful test
最大功效检验most powerful test
最大功效等级检验most powerful rank test
最小显著性差异检验LSD test
最小显著性差异检验least significant difference test
最紧迫检验most stringent test
有偏检验biased test
期望正态分数检验expected normal scores test
条件检验conditional test
极值秩和检验extreme rank sum test
彻底try out
Mbring M to the touch
UBCR 检验UBCR estimator
UBDP 检验UBDP test
UMP 检验UMP test
U 检验Wilcoxon's test
U 检验Mann-Whitney test
Z 检验z-test
S 检验chi-squared test
U 检验U-test
U 检验Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test
U 检验Wilcoxon rank sum test
UMP 检验uniformly most powerful test
UBDP 检验uniformly best distance power test
UBCR 检验uniformly best constant risk estimator
Vn 检验Kuiper statistic
Vn 检验VN test
K 检验K-test
g 检验g-test
L 检验L-tests
t 检验t-test
UN2 检验UNup 2 test
S 检验s-test
t 检验Student's test
F 检验variance ratio test
F 检验F-test
检验变换的总时间total time on test transformation
检验inspection diagram
检验容量size of a test
检验批量inspection lot
检验的强度strength of a test
检验的随即比较stochastic comparison of tests
因素分析检验系统,因素载荷test coefficient
因素分析检验系统,因素载荷factor loading
检验统计量test statistic
检验编码inspection code
检验amount of inspection
概率比检验probability ratio test
正交检验independent tests
正交检验orthogonal tests
正态分数检验normal scores tests
正态性检验test of normality
正规检验,正常检查normal inspection
k 比率检验k-ratio t-test
k 比率检验Duncan's test
沃森 UN2 检验Watson's UNup 2 test II
沃森 UN2 检验Watson's UNup 2 test I
沙赫双样本检验Schach's two-sample tests
波特霍夫检验Potthoff's test
淅近最大功效检验asymptotically most powerful test
特定检验ad hoc test
特里检验Terry's test
球面性检验Mauchly test
球面性检验test for sphericity
皮尔逊卡方 χ 检验Pearson chi-squared test
皮特曼检验Pitman's tests
相容检验consistent test
" 碎石 " 检验scree test
科克伦 Q检验McNemar's test
科克伦检验Cochran's test
科克伦 Q检验Cochran's Q-test
科克伦 Q检验Cochran's criterion
程序检验programming check
稳定性检验stability test
穆德 W 检验Mood's W-test
空格检验empty cell test
符号检验sign test
符号秩检验Wilcoxon's matched pairs rank test
符号秩检验signed rank test
等内特检验Dunnett's test
等尾检验equal-tails test
等空间检验equal spacings test
等级随机化检验rank-randomization tests
等级随机化检验rank-randomisation tests
米勒大折刀检验Miller's jackknife test
精确检验exact test
纳克斯检验Knox's test
纵向检验tandem tests
组合检验combinatorial test
缩略检验curtailed inspection
罗森鲍姆检验Rosenbaum's test
考克斯与斯图尔特检验Cox and Stuart's tests
联合方差比检验simultaneous variance ratio test
自动交互作用检验automatic interaction detection
苏卡特梅检验Sukhatme's test
范德沃尔登检验van der Waerden's test
莫兰检验统计量Moran's test statistic
莫斯泰勒 k 样本滑动量检验Mosteller's k-sample slippage test
莱斯利检验Leslie's test
莱曼检验Lehmann's test
萨特思检验Satterthwaite's approximation
萨特思检验Satterthwaite's test
检验法,半分检验法split test method
检验法,半分检验法split half method
计算机检验hardware check
记录检验records tests
诺特循环趋势检验Noether's test for cyclical trend
调整检验rectifying inspection
谢尔曼检验统计量Sherman's test statistic
谢弗检验Scheffe's test
象限检验corner test
费雪―欧文检验exact chi-squared test
费雪―欧文检验Fisher exact test
费雪―欧文检验Fisher-Yates test
费雪―耶茨检验exact chi-squared test
费雪―耶茨检验Fisher exact test
费雪―耶茨检验Fisher-Yates test
费雪―贝伦斯检验Behrens-Fisher test
产品超过寿命检验exceedance life test
超过性检验exceedances tests
迪奥古斯丁检验D'Agostino's test
逆正态分数检验inverse normal scores test
检验Dunn's test
邓肯检验k-ratio t-test
邓肯检验Duncan's test
闭合连续 t 检验wedge plans
闭合连续 t 检验closed sequential t-tests
阿杰恩 An―检验Ajne's An-test
阿米塔基卡方 χ 趋势检验Armitage's chi-squared test for trend
限制卡方 χ 检验restricted chi-squared test
随机化检验permutation tests
随机化检验randomised test
随机化检验randomized test
随机化检验randomization tests
随机化检验randomisation tests
随机化显著性检验randomized significance tests
随机化显著性检验randomised significance tests
集中方差检验lumped variance test
雍卡合尔 k―样本检验Jonckheere-Terpstra test for k-groups
雍卡合尔 k―样本检验Jonckheere's k-sample test
雷利检验Rayleigh tests
霍兰德二元对称检验Hollander's bivariate symmetry test
霍兰德平行检验Hollander's parallelism test
霍兰德―普罗斯查 " 新的比用过的好 " 检验Hollander-Proschan new better than used test
霍夫丁独立检验Hoeffding's independence test
霍奇斯双变量符号检验Hodges-Ajne's test
霍特林检验相依相关的Hotelling's test dependent correlations
静态检验static check
韦尔奇检验Welch's test
韦斯顿伯格四分位数间距检验Westenberg's interquartile range test
高尔顿等级次序检验Galton's rank order test
麦克尼马尔检验McNemar's test
麦克尼马尔检验Cochran's Q-test
麦克尼马尔检验Cochran's criterion