
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing 检 验 | all forms | in specified order only
严格检验rigid test
伽马射线检验gamma ray inspection
体积检验volumetric proving
入口检验entrance test ratio
入级检验classification survey
美国全国工程检验员与调查员理事会National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveyors
共同检验joint inspection
出厂检验factory inspection
分拆检验partition test
到货检验receiving inspection
加拿大钢质储罐保险商检验Underwriters Laboratories of Canada Steel Tanks
合格检验go-and-not-go gauge
商品检验Commodity Inspection & Testing Bur eau
回波检验echo check
回送检验echo check
美国国家锅炉与压力容器检验National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors
声学检验acoustic inspection
声波检验sonic inspection
外形结构检验configuration inspection
外观检验visual examination
外观检验visual testing
多假设检验multihypothesis test
定期目视检验periodic visual inspection
定量检验quantitative examination
实验室检验laboratory inspections
工作检验service test
工作台检验bench check
巴特利特x2检验Bartlett's chi-square test
干坞检验docking survey
干膜检验dry film test
平衡检验状态balance check mode
强度检验strength test
感应测井检验induction sleeve verifier
技术检验合格证inspection certificate
抽样检验pick test
授权检验authorized inspection
收货检验purchase trial
美国无损检验学会Society for Nondestructive Testing
最紧检验most stringent test
检验审查not examined
检验石油产品off-test oil product
未经测试检验no tested
极小极大检验minimax test
极限检验limit check
检查试验check test
检硫醇试验doctor test
检验inspection pit
检验check digit
检验压力inspection pressure
检验inspection hole
检验合格报告qualification test report
检验层间窜流测试segregation test
检验工作inspection job
检验指标test rating
检验操作checked operation
检验check number
检验方位check bearing
检验时间proving time
检验标准inspection criteria
检验样品check sample
检验测量monitor survey
检验爆炸信号check time break
检验test ring
检验用电路proving circuit
检验目录proof list
检验inspection department
检验test house
检验等级inspection level
检验精确度testing accuracy
检验prover tank
检验脉冲check pulse
检验范围extent of inspection
检验master meter
检验test gauge
检验inspection gauge
检验记号check mark
检验证书certification of proof
次序检验sequence check
水压检验water test
水压检验试验proof hydrostatic test
美国水质检验法统一化联合委员会Joint Committee on the Uniformity of Methods of Water Examination
法定检验statutory survey
泥浆检验mud check
流量检验flow prover
海损检验average survey
液体渗透检验liquid penetration inspection
溢出检验overflow check
现场检验field test
球形检验sphericity test
生物检验biological test
生物检验biological analysis
电磁检验electromagnetic inspection
目视检验visual examination
着色渗透检验dye penetrant inspection
磁头检验脉冲head check pulse
磁粉检验magnaflux examination
检验rank test
立体无损检验volume tric nondestrucive examination
端面检验shoulder test ring
第三方检验机构certifying authority
等尾检验equal tail test
管子检验pipe testing
管线检验pipeline inspector
管道检验pipeline inspector
精度检验accuracy test
精确检验rigorous examination
检验vertical check
结构件检验configuration 辻em inspection
统计检验statistical check
缠绕检验wrapping test
美国无损检验学会American Society for Non Destructive Testing
英国国家无损检验委员会British National Committee for Nondestructive Testing
荧光磁粉检验fluorescence magneto particle inspection
表面检验surface inspection
计量检验metrological examination
设备安装和检验equipment installation and checkout
误差检测校验error-detecting checks
责任检验responsibility test
质量检验证书quality certificate
超声检验ultrasonic test
超声波检验ultrasonic testing
超声波检验ultrasonic test
进出口商品检验inspection of import and export commodities
通径检验drift test
重力检验gravimetric proving
重量检验证书weight certificate
金相检验metallographic laboratory
随机检验randomized test
非破坏性检验nondestructive testing
非破坏性检验nondestructive test
高扭矩检验high torque test
鼓泡检漏试验ball leakage test