
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing | all forms
一端固定beam fixed at one end
一般桥general bridge
丁形T-shaped beam
三跨three-span beam
三跨beam with three spans
上弯camber beam
上承deck girder bridge
上承式曲线上板deck plate girder bridge on curved line
上承式板deck plate girder
上承式桥deck girder bridge
上承式直线上板deck plate girder bridge on straight line
上承桁deck truss
上承钢板deck steel plate girder
上承钢桁deck steel truss
下承through girder
下承式桥through bridge
下承板half-through girder
下承板through plate girder
下承桥through bridge
下承钢桁through steel truss
不同的桥different bridges
不对称unsymmetric beam
不对称槽形unsymmetrical channel beam
不很重要的桥bridge of somewhat less importance
不重要的桥bridge of secondary importance
专用桥accommodation bridge
两端固定beam fixed at both ends
两端简支beam simply-supported at each end
个别桥individual bridge
中国主要桥List of Chinese Major Bridges
中国公路桥工程公司China Road and Bridge Engineering Company
中承式桥half-through bridge
中间median girder
中间median beam
临时桥emergency bridge
临时桥temporary bridge
main girder primary beam
中心线centre line of main beam
中心距centre to centre distance of main beams
主纵main longitudinal girder
主纵向大main longitudinal girder
主要大main beam
主要大main girder
伸出overhanging beam
低高度low-height beam
低高度曲线钢板low curred steel girder
低高度曲线钢板low curved steel plate girder
低高度钢板shallow steel girder
低高度钢板shallow steel plate girder
作用于上的集中力concentrated force acting on beam
倒 T 形inverted T-beam
倒 T 形inverted T form beam
倒梯形箱形桥inverse trapezoidal box girder bridge
先张pretensioned concrete beam
全焊all-welded beam
全焊all-welded girder
全焊板entirely-welded plate girder bridge
全焊钢板entirely-welded steel plate girder
全焊钢板all-welded steel plate girder
公路roadway girder
公路桥净空clearance for highway bridge
公路桥标准规范standard specifications for highway bridges
具体桥particular bridge
具体桥specific bridge
具有纵向加劲肋并承受侧向荷载的加劲板stiffened plate girder with longitudinal stiffeners and subjected to lateral load
典型桥typical bridge
分段拼装箱形segmental box-girder bridge
分段箱segmental box-beam bridge
分离separated beam
分离isolated beam
分离式双T形separated twin T-beam
分离式双箱式separate twin box-girder
刚劲stiff beam
刚性stiff beam
刚性悬索桥suspension bridge with stiff girder
刚性柔性拱桥bridge with stiff-beam and flexible-arch
刚性支承着的rigidly supported beam
construction yard for beam structure
包混凝土的钢concrete-encased steel-beam
半无限semi-infinite beam
半永久性桥semi-permanent bridge
半穿式板half-through girder
半穿式板half-through plate girder
半穿式格half-through latticed girder
半穿式桥pony girder bridge
半穿式钢half-through steel girder
单 T 形single-T beam
式架桥机single-beam girder-erecting machine
单室箱box girder with single-cell, single-box girder
单室箱single-cell box girder
单室箱single-cell box beam
单室箱形single cell box girder
单悬臂one-end cantilever beam
单悬臂single cantilever beam bridge
单筋singly reinforced beam
危险桥dangerous bridge
各种桥various bridges
合成built-up beam
合成composite beam
hanging girder
hanger girder
hanging beam
圬工masonry beam
地基foundation beam
均匀受力的uniformly loaded beam
复式compound beam
复杂桥complex bridge
复筋beam with double reinforcement
复筋double reinforced beam
复线桥double line bridge
复线桥double lane bridge
复线桥double track bridge
exterior beam
外伸overhanging beam
外力超静定桥外力静不定桥梁statically indeterminate bridge with respect to external forces
外静不定桥外超静定桥梁external statically indeterminate bridge
多孔箱multiple box girder
多孔箱multi-cell box girder
多孔箱形multicellular box girder
多次静不定桥multiple statically indeterminate bridge
多跨multiple span beam
多跨multi-span beam
多跨桥multiple span bridge
多跨连续continuous beam on many supports
多跨连续continuous beam of multiple span
多跨连续multiple span continuous beam
多跨静定multispan statically determinate beam
大型桥large bridge
大孔径桥large opening bridge
大跨度桥large span bridge
大跨度桥long span bridge
大跨桥large-span bridge
大跨桥long-span bridge
夹层sandwich beam
就地灌注后张cast-in-place post tensioned beam
就地灌注钢筋混凝土cast-in-situ reinforced concrete beam
就地灌注钢筋混凝土moulded-in-place reinforced concrete beam
山区桥mountain bridge
coping beam
bent cap
钢筋布置图drawing of reinforcement arrangement of coping beam
平常的桥usual bridge
平行翼缘parallel flange beam
弓形bow girder
弓形segmental girder
曲梁curred beam
弯形箱形curved box girder
弯形箱形curved box beam
弹性地基弹性基础梁beam on elastic subgrade
弹性地基弹性基础梁beam on elastic foundation
弹性支承elastically supported beam
弹性支承着的elastically supported beam
弹性支承连续method of continuous beams on elastic supports
jacking joist
托轨track joist
承包桥工程contract to build a bridge
承受随时间变化作用的侧向荷载的加劲板stiffened plate girder subjected to time-dependent applied lateral load
损失后预应力所产生的混凝土应力concrete stress in beam due to prestress after losing
改建桥reconstructed bridge
整体预应力monolithic prestressed beam
明桥面下承式板open floor type through girder
普通桥ordinary bridge
普通桥common bridge
有些桥certain bridges
有支承悬臂propped cantilever beam
有碴ballasted beam
有腹筋beam with web reinforcement
有限finite beam
wooden beam bridge
timber beam bridge
木板wooden plate-girder
木桥面工字钢steel I-beam bridge with timber floor
木、混凝土混合composite timber-concrete bridge
木、混凝土混合wood-concrete composite beam bridge
木组合wooden compound beam
未加劲unstiffened beam
未加劲unstiffened girder
未完桥incompleted bridge
slab beam
plate girder
slab bridge
plank-floored bridge
plate girder bridge
girder bridge
腹板web of slab beam
腹板web of plate girder
腹板plate girder web
板式桥slab bridge, plate bridge
栈桥纵longitudinal beam for trestle
栈桥纵trestle stringer
栓焊桥welded and high strength bolt-connected bridge
栓焊桥welded and bolt-connected bridge
栓焊钢welded and high-strength-bolted girder
栓焊钢welded and high strength bolt connected steel beam
栓焊钢bolted and welded steel girder
栓焊钢桁welded and high strength bolt-connected steel truss
栓焊钢桁bolted steel truss with shop-welded members
格形cellular girder
truss frame
braced girder
trussed girder
truss girder
桁架横cross beam of truss
上拱度bridge camber
上部结构bridge superstructure
上部结构的高度height of superstructure of bridge
下部结构bridge substructure
中填充混凝土的管结构pipe structure with infilled concrete in bridge
中央跨centre-span of bridge
中心线距离distance between centre-lines of bridges
中线centre-line of bridge
中轴线central axis of bridge
人行道悬臂footway cantilever bracket of bridge
人行道构架footway frame of bridge
价格bridge price
修复rehabilitation of bridge
修复restoration of bridge
全宽overall width of bridge
养护bridge maintenance
冲毁bridge washout
净空clearance of bridge
净空界限clearance limit of bridge
净跨clear span of bridge
分类classification of bridges
力学bridge mechanics
加固bridge reinforcement
加固strengthening of bridge
加宽bridge widening
加载bridge loading
动力挠度dynamical deflection of bridge
勘测bridge reconnaissance
勘测bridge investigation
勘测bridge exploratory survey
bridge works
bridge plant
发展development of bridge
发展前景future development in bridge
发展趋势bridge trend
地震设计标准seismic design standard for bridges
坍塌bridge collapse
坚固度的鉴定judgement of soundness of bridge
基础foundation of bridge
基础bridge foundatio
墩台pier and abutment
墩台pier and abutment of bridge
墩台定位locating of pier and abutment
department of bridge engineering
外形appearance of bridge
大修bridge capital repair
大修bridge overhaul
大梁bridge girder
委员会Committee on Bridges
孔径bridge opening for flood discharge
孔径bridge opening
安全系数factor of safety of bridge
定位location of bridge
定位bridge location
实际载重能力actual carrying capacity of bridge
宽度bridge width
宽跨比aspect radio
履历bridge's past record
工地bridge construction site
工程师bridge engineer
工程常用专门名词common terminology for bridge engineering
工程系department of bridge engineering
工长bridge foreman
工队bridge gang
布置layout of bridge
布置arrangement of bridge
布置图layout plan of bridge
建筑材料construction materials for bridge
建筑艺术aesthetics of bridge
建筑限界vehicular clearance limit above bridge floor
建筑高度overall height of bridge
建筑高度construction height of bridge
建造bridge construction
开启跨bridge leaf
式样bridge style
引线bridge approach
形式bridge fashion
总长total length of bridge
承载能力loading capacity of bridge
承重杆件bearing member of bridge
技术改造technical reform of bridge
抗震seismic prevention for bridge
抗震强度earthquake resistant strength of bridge
抗震措施earthquake resistant measure of bridge
抗震设计design for earthquake resistance of bridge
护木guard timber of bridge
护轨bridge guard rail
拆除removal of bridge
按长度分类classification of bridges according to their length
振动vibration of bridge
振动bridge oscillation
振动bridge vibration
振动特征vibrational characteristics of bridge
排水bridge drainage
摆振bridge oscillation
支座bridge bearing
改善bridge improvement
施工bridge construction
施工图bridge construction drawing
施工图bridge working drawing
施工技术bridge construction technique
施工测量bridge construction survey
无支架架设bridge erection without scaffolding
最优化bridge optimization
杆件bridge member
构架bridge framework
枕木bridge tie
枕木bridge sleeper
枕木钩螺栓hook bolt for bridge sleeper
架设erection of bridge
架设bridge erection
标准活载standard live load for bridge
标准设计standard design of bridge
标准跨度standard span of bridge
标志bridge mark
标志bridge sign
标明载重量posted loading for bridge
栏杆bridge railing
bridge stair
检查bridge inspection
检验bridge rating
模型bridge model
横断面cross-section of bridge
橡胶支座bridge rubber bearing
河道水力学hydraulics of bridge waterways
测量bridge survey
用地right-of-way of bridge
用的木材wood used for bridge
用的桩pile used for bridge
用途usage of bridge
用途bridge usage
疲劳荷载谱fatigue load spectrum of bridge
的某些限制跨度certain restricted spans of bridges
看守bridge guard
看守bridge ward
研究study on bridges
研究报告选selection from research reports on bridges
破坏bridge failure
类型bridge type
类型type of bridges
类型选择choice of bridge type
线性地震反应分析linear analysis of seismic response for bridge
结构bridge structure
结构设计structural design of bridge
结构试验bridge structural test
维修桥梁养护attention of bridge
维修桥梁养护repair of bridge
维修桥梁养护upkeep of bridge
维修桥梁养护bridge maintenance
维修保养bridge repair and maintenance
美化bridge beautification
美学bridge aesthetics
脚手架bridge falsework
膺架bridge falsework
荷载bridge load
荷载检定bridge load rating
荷载谱bridge load spectrum
规划bridge planning
计算跨度computed span of bridge
设计bridge design
设计处bridge design department
设计工程师bridge design engineer
设计师bridge designer
设计标准bridge design standards
设计标准standards for bridge design
设计洪水频率design flood frequency for bridge
设计流量design discharge of bridge
设计规范specifications for bridge design
设计规范bridge design specifications
试验列车bridge testing train
跨度span of bridge
跨度bridge span
车行道bridge lane
车行道bridge carriageway
车行道沥青铺面层asphalt pavement of bridge lane
轴线bridge axis
轴线测量survey of bridge axis
载重试验load-test of bridge
过水孔径bridge waterway
近岸跨shore span of bridge
选型choice of bridge system
造价bridging cost
造价cost of bridge
重建rehabilitation of bridge
重建bridge reconstruction
重建bridge renewal
鉴定bridge rating
鉴定rating of bridge
bridge steel
钢结构设计design of steel structures for bridges
长度bridge length
长度length of bridge
bridge gang
防护工程protection works for bridge
防火fire protection for bridge
隧道处bridge and tunnel department
震害bridge damage of earthquake
非线性地震反应分析nonlinear analysis of seismic response for bridge
颤振bridge oscillation
验算荷载check loading of bridge
桥主main girder of bridge
桥主main beam of bridge
桥面beam of deck of bridge
桥面floor beam
桥面的横floorbeam of deck
桥面的横cross-beam of deck
桥面的纵stringer of deck
桥面端横end floor-beam of deck of bridge
桥面纵stringer of bridge deck
桥面纵floor-stringer of bridge deck
桩帽pile capping
上的侧向冲击lateral impact on a beam
楔形tapered beam
模型桥model bridge
transverse girder
横向加劲transversely stiffened girder
横向加劲板transversely stiffened plate girder
正交各向异性桥面箱orthotropic deck box-girder
海上桥bridge in sea area
海上桥基础bridge foundation in sea area
焊接welded beam
焊接板welded girder
焊接桥welded bridge
特殊桥exceptional bridge
特殊桥special bridge
特殊桥结构special bridge structure
空腹hollow beam
空腹vierendeel girder bridge
第二线桥bridge of second track
等值equivalent beam method
等强beam with constant strength
等强beam of uniform strength
等强度beam of uniform strength
等强度beam with uniform strength
等强度uniform strength beam
等截面prismatic beam
等截面beam with constant cross-section
等截面beam with uniform cross-section
等截面简支simply supported beam with equal sections
等截面简支equal section simple beam
等效equivalent girder
等高beam of uniform depth
等高beam with uniform depth
简支simply-supported beam
简支freely supported beam
简支simple supported beam bridge
简支simple beam bridge
简支simply-supported girder bridge
简支板simple plate girder bridge
简支箱形simple box girder bridge
腹板plate web girder
舍弃桥discarded bridge
荷载与相交线或点load and beam cross line (or point)
起重横jacking transverse beam
起重横jacking cross beam
起重端jacking end beam
轧制rolled beam
rail beam
runway beam
轨束rail-pack beam
轨束bundled rail beam
轨束packed rail beam
nose girder
nose beam
适筋beam with adequate reinforcement
通常用于桥的钢材steel materials commonly used for bridges
通常的桥结构usual structure for bridge
通航桥navigation bridge
通航桥navigable bridge
键合keyed beam
键合dowelled beam
防震落联结结构aseismic connector
阶形stepped beam
附近桥adjacent bridge
附近桥neighbouring bridge
静不定桥redundant bridge
静不定桥statically indeterminate bridge
静定桥statically determinate bridge
非对称unsymmetrical beam
非弹性inelastic beam
非标准non-standard beam
非约束unrestrained beam
非线性nonlinear beam
反作用梁jacking beam
顶推thrusting beam
顶推incremental launching of girder
鱼腹lenticular beam
nose girder
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