
Terms for subject Space containing 框 架 | all forms | in specified order only
俯仰框架pitch gimbal
先进仿真技术框架framework for advanced simulation technology
协议框架protocol framework
框架控制力矩陀螺single gimbal control moment gyroscope
框架控制力矩陀螺single gimbaled control moment gyro
框架控制力矩陀螺single gimbal control moment gyro
框架动量轮double-gimbaled momentum wheel
框架控制力矩陀螺double-gimbaled control moment gyro
框架陀螺仪two-gimbal gyroscope
框架陀螺仪two-frame gyroscope
框架飞轮double gimbal wheel
框架平台four axis platform
国家空间数据框架national spatial data framework
基于框架的语言frame-based language
框架outer gimbal angle
实验试验框架experimental frame
对象建模框架object modeling framework
平台内框架platform inner outer gimbal
1996 年国际地球基准框架international terrestrial reference frame of 1996
惯性框架inertial gimbal
惯性框架校准系统inertial gimbal alignment system
框架捷联式惯性导航系统gimballess strapped-down inertial navigation system
框架惯性系统gimballess inertial system
框架陀螺仪gimballess gyroscope
标准框架standard rack
框架gimbal frame
框架传动比gimbal gain
框架伺服回路gimbal servo-loop
框架伺服系统偏差gimbal servo offset
框架位置传感器gimbal pick up
框架偏转gimbal deflection
框架到框架处理frame to frame processing
框架应力分析gimbal stress analysis
框架式星跟踪器gimbaled star tracker (利用机械框架扫描并扩展跟踪器视场)
框架式结构framed structure
框架归零nulling gimbal
框架惯性矩gimbal moment of inertia
框架支承的固体火箭发动机gimbaled motor
框架支承的发动机gimbaled engine
框架支承的天线设备gimbaled antenna assembly
框架支承的推力室gimbaled chamber
框架标记相机框标在照片上的标记,又称 collimating marks fiducial meridian 基准子午线fiducial marks
框架稳定回路gimbal stabilizing loop
框架组件gimbal assembly
框架自由度gimbal freedom
框架自锁gimbal self-lock
框架自锁gimbal lock
框架表示语言frame representation language
框架误差gimbal ling error
框架误差gimballing error
框架误差frame error
框架转动惯量gimbal moment of inertial
框架转矩产生器gimbal torquer
框架gimbal axis
框架迟缓gimbal retardation
框架锁定gimbal caging
框架限位角restricted angle of gimbal
框架飞轮gimbaled wheel (用框架支承的)
框架飞轮gimbaled flywheel
框架驱动机构gimbal drive mechanism
框架驱动的天线gimbal-driven antenna
框架驱动组件gimbal drive assembly
正合框架exact frame
框架point frame
立体框架space frame
紧凑框架snug frame
紧凑小波框架snug wavelet frame
紧致框架tight frame
紧致小波框架tight wavelet frame
结构框架skeleton of structure
脚本框架scripted architecture (一种仿真开发方法)
行星框架planetary frame
设计框架design framework
通用的建模与仿真框架common modeling and simulation infrastructure
陀螺框架gyro gimbal
陀螺仪框架gyroscope gimbal
集成框架integration framework
框架zero frame
黑板框架blackboard framework