
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing | all forms
top frame
上支承top support frame
上部live frame
bottom frame
下部lower frame
下部stationary frame
side frame
充填filling frame
内弧inner curved frame
出铁口出渣口taphole plate
出铁口铁taphole plate
判定decision box
刮板导sweeping guide
功能方function block
努奇式真空过滤机Nutsch filter
压力机press frame
压滤机frame plate
台车pallet frame
固定筛stationary frame
地脚foot frame
moulding flask
型芯core frame
填砂sand frame
填砂filling frame
多跨multiple-bay frame
架式four-column pillars (高炉结构)
架式four column pillars
定位centring frame
定位centring frame
小方坯billet cradle
bottom frame
C 形gap frame
扇形段segment frame
扇形段frame of segment
扇形段外outer frame of segment
扇形段支撑support frame of segment
承重load bearing frame
抗震钢vibration-proof steel frame
撑系架结构braced fram construction
支承格supporting grillage
整体钢monolithic steel frame
block scheme
skeleton diagram
functional diagram
block representation
普通式芯盒plain frame core box
形帽头缺陷的钢锭box hat ingot
木料 непр.разл. 木lumber
未知black box
machine portal
机尾discharge end frame
式芯盒collapsible core box
式压滤机plate and frame filter
式反渗透膜plate and frame type membrane
板坯结晶器slab mold frame
functional diagram
block schematic diagram
帽锭box hat ingot
帽锭box hat
式压滤机frame filter press
式搅拌器gate mixer
式混合混料,搅拌gate mixer
式混料器gate mixer
式过滤器frame filter
形孔型flat pass
形水准仪frame level
frame plate
frame assembly
skeleton frame
架墙板装配建筑frame and panel construction
架嵌砖建筑frame and brick veneer construction
架式压力机frame construction press
架式搅拌器gatetype stirrer
架式搅拌器gate type stirrer
架式搅拌器gate stirrer
架式水准仪frame level
架式结构tower structure
架式结构tower structure
架式高炉bracket type blast furnace
架水准仪frame level
架结构skeleton construction
架结构式压力机frame construction press
frame cover
步进梁walking-beam frame
水冷炉壁water-cooled cage (电弧炉的)
水箱skirted port
活动筛live frame
floating frame
渣口铁taphole plate
filter frame
炉门door frame
热轧窗hot-rolled window sash
焦炉炉门coke-oven door frame
玻璃bezel (仪表的)
式加压成形法picture frame process
strong frame
magnet frame
磁体magnet frame
程序flow chart
程序方flow diagram
空心凝晶hollow freezing frame
sash bar
window sash section
casement section
立式vertical frame
belling the ends
screen frame
筛子screen frame
upset frame
箱形架结构box framed construction
组合型板cliche frame
结晶器mold frame
结晶器振动支撑oscillating support frame of mold
结晶器振动支撑oscillating mold supporting frame
结晶器支撑mold support frame
结构钢structural steel framing
结构钢structural steel frame
绕线wire-wound frame
绕线wire-wound frame
翻锭座ingot chair-tilting frame
自卸料dump bucket
辊道传动侧bed plate
送锭车翻锭座ingot chair-tilting frame
金属铅锡合金coffin metal (45Pb, 40Sn, 15Cu)
金属滑动metallic slider housing (滑动水口的)
steel superstructure
架房屋steel-frame house
架结构steel-frame structure
架结构steel-frame construction
钢丝磁场指示器steel-wire indicator
钢坯billet cradle
钢结构structural steel frame
锚定anchor frame
镶嵌式型板cliche frame
镶嵌cliche frame
gate housing
door casing
清扫机jamb cleaner
清扫机jamb cleaner
damper frame
阳极anode frame
阳极anode superstructure
阳极anode carrier
隔膜diaphragm frame
top frame
顶杆ejector box
高炉blast furnace frame