
Terms for subject United Nations containing | all forms
与主要装备没有直接关系的次要装备和消耗品应据部队实力按 "自我维持"予以偿还minor equipment and consumables not directly related to major equipment be reimbursed as "self-sustainment" based on troop strength
中央除罂粟工作队Central Poppy Eradication Force
亚洲及太平洋湿热带粗粮、豆类、茎和薯类作物研究和发展区域协调中心Regional Coordination Centre for Research and Development of Coarse Grains, Pulses, Roots and Tubers in the Humid Tropics of Asia and the Pacific
全面解决塞浦路斯问题的安排Basis for Agreement on a Comprehensive Settlement of the Cyprus Problem
军用型车辆是据精确的军事/警务规格特别规划、设计并为特定的军事/警务行动应用制造的military pattern vehicles are specifically engineered and designed according to precise military/police specifications and are built to satisfy particular military/police mission applications
卑尔会议Regional Conference at Ministerial Level on the Follow-up to the Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development WCED in the ECE Region
卑尔会议Bergen Conference
可能据《联合国宪章》第六章部署维持和平特派团的应急规划contingency planning for the possible deployment of a peacekeeping mission under chapter VI of the Charter
国家生物多样性规划:据早期国家经验制订的准则National Biodiversity Planning: Guidelines Based on Early Country Experiences
作物root crop
巴西-阿廷核材料衡算和控制机构Argentine-Brazilian Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials
1995年社会发展问题世界首脑会议《哥本哈宣言和行动纲领》Copenhagen Declaration and Programme of Action of the World Summit for Social Development, 1995
开展国际合作除非法药物作物和替代发展的行动计划Action Plan on International Cooperation on the eradication of Illicit Drug Crops and Alternative Development
据国家安排应向其人员支付的任何薪酬、津贴和福利emoluments, allowances and benefits due to its personnel under national arrangements
据委托权限签发供资文件funding documents under delegated authority
据社会发展、人权和不歧视领域工作所采用的整体办法holistic approach in the work done in the fields of social development, human rights and non-discrimination
深蒂固的非正规行动者和网络entrenched informal actors and networks
用作物root crop
植物的系环境root environment
植物扎地带rooting zone
特遣队是指所有据本备忘录在任务区部署的部队/警察部队派遣国的建制部队、人员和装备contingent means all formed units, personnel and equipment of the troop/police contributor deployed to the mission area under this memorandum
环境规划署实施据蒙特利尔议定书设立的临时多边基金资助的活动技术合作信托基金Technical Cooperation Trust Fund for UNEP's Implementation of the Activities Funded by the Interim Multilateral Fund Established under the Montreal Protocol
联合国据发展和新的国际经济秩序制订的预防犯罪和刑事司法的指导原则United Nations Guiding Principles for Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in the Context of Development and a New International Economic Order
警务专员指据秘书长授权任命的负责特派团所有警务行动的官员police commissioner means the officer, appointed under the authority of the Secretary-General, responsible for all police operations within the mission
财政紧缩和银紧缩的政策fiscal and monetary tightening
递增运输系数是指支付据湿租赁制度或保养租约提供的备件和消耗品的运输递增费用的系数,即从部队派遣国内的装载港和任务区进入港之间的托运路线上800公里500英里之后起算,每行驶800公里500英里,租赁费率递增0.25%incremental transportation factor means a factor to cover the incremental costs of transportation of spare parts and consumables under the wet lease system or lease for maintenance in increments of 0.25 per cent of the leasing rate for each complete 800 kilometres 500 miles distance, beyond the first 800 kilometres 500 miles, along consignment route between the port of embarkation in the home country and the port of entry in the mission area
部队指挥官是指据秘书长授权任命的官员,负责特派团内所有的军事行动force commander means the officer, appointed under the authority of the Secretary-General, responsible for all military operations within the mission