
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
上面所规定的附加费用是据运费率来计算的The additional charges specified above are based on freight rates
不得据非法契约提出诉讼ex pacto illicito non oritur actio
不要相信这些没有据的谣言Don't believe in these unfounded rumors
乙方同意据本协议中陈述的条款转让上述权利Party B agreed to grant said rights according to the terms recited in this agreement
二次多项式的平方square-root quadratic polynomial
据测程器和罗盘进行船位推算dead reckoning
他们正在据将来利润的估计起華一个财务报告They are drawing up a financial report based on estimate of future profits
他们的计算结果是据预测的营业额得出来的They based their calculations on the forecast turnover
以当前的市场情况为the base on the ruling market
以票据为据的交易the transaction underlying the instrument
信用证的法律sources of law of letter of credit
信用证的法律source of law of letter of credit
分配间接费的the basic for application of overhead
发票存invoice stubs
在合同到期之前,合同签署人不应推卸据本合同应承担的任何义务、责任和职责The undersigned will not be relieved from any of their obligations, responsibilities and liabilities under the contract before its expiration
如果缔约双方对附则未能取得一致意见,将据本协议总则来解决争论If the parties fail to agree upon additional clauses, the dispute shall be determined in accordance with the general provisions of this agreement
存款簿存deposit slip of paying in book
审计audit evidence
客观objective grounds
密歇4因素衡量尺度Michigan Four-Factor Scales
对于这一索赔,他提出了有充分据的理由For this claim, he put forward well-grounded justification
究底get down to bedrock
市场银the easiness of money market
我们据销售公司所作的修改而接受了它We accepted it upon such amendments which had been made by the sales company
我们的论点以事实为We should ground our arguments on facts
我方价格据外汇兑换率可予以变动Our prices are variable in accordance with the rate of exchange
我方将把据合同条款提出的一切单证邮寄到你方的主要营业地点We shall send all documents under the terms of the contract to your principal place of business by post
我方希望你方能据我方的能力考虑给我们独家经销你方产品的权利We hope you will consider giving us exclusive selling right for your products according to our ability
报酬据账册所示的、会计年度末的净利润决定The consideration was determined by the net profits shown in the account books at the end of the fiscal year
推定the presumptive evidence
斯坦利资本指数Morgan Stanley capital index
收紧银money on a tight rein
放松银政策dearer-money policy
放款basis of credit
有官册据的土地所有者copy holder
基稳固的公司a well-established company
according as
书面证据作出决定decide on upon (the basis of documentary evidence, 或判断)
合同原则on the principle of (the contract)
权利的干涉intervention by (right)
据上下文,合同中单数词汇有时表示复数的含义In contracts, words importing the singular sometimes refer to the plural according to the context
据下列规定条件,承包商应及时履行本协议并无条件地支付全部费用The contractor shall duly execute this agreement and pay all fees unconditionally according to conditions set forth below
据《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》,公民的收入超出规定水平时需向政府支付一定的税款According to The Individual Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China, a citizen should pay certain tax to the government if his income is above the stated level
据习惯ex more
据书面证据所作的裁决render an on documentary evidence
据事实本身ipso facto
据今天签定的协议,该公司业务将由承包人来经营The business of the company will be conducted by the contractor according to the agreement signed today
据代理商在经营能力方面的表现,公司应授与独家销售权The company shall grant an elusive selling right to the agent relying upon the representation of the agent with the respect to his operational capability
据任意买卖契约所定的牌价pull-and-call price (交易所用语)
据传统by tradition
据你方代表的请求,我们将提前到10月份装运Upon the request of your representative, we will advance the shipment to October
据你方信用证,可允许分批运货Partial delivery is to be permitted according to your letter of credit
据你方开出的以我方为抬头、金额为两万英镑的 TK₂₀₃ 信用证的规定,我方已向皇家银行开具见票后30天付款的汇票In accordance with your L/C No. TK for £20 000 which you established in our favour, we have drawn on Royal Bank at 30 d/s
据你方开出的以我方为抬头、金额为两万英镑的 TK₂₀₃ 信用证的规定,我方已向皇家银行开具见票后30天付款的汇票In accordance with your L/C No. TK for £20 000 which you established in our favor, we have drawn on Royal Bank at 30 d/s
据你方的付款申请,我们将尽快决定应付款项的金额Based on your application for payment, we shall determine the due amount as soon as possible
据你方要求,你方各笔订货将集中一次装运Your orders are pooled into one shipment according to your request
据你方要求,我公司同意你方制造及销售一切货物Pursuant to your request, our company permits you to manufacture and sell any goods
据侵权行为提起的诉讼action ex delicto
据其遗嘱,她所有的房产留给她的丈夫According to her will, all her premises is left to her husband
据判决设立的信托trust under decree
据协议under arrangement
据协议中第六条规定,万一产生争论,可提交调解委员会解决In case any dispute should arise, it can be submitted to a conciliation committee for a settlement according to Article 6 of the agreement
据协议,任何一方对社会公敌引起的任何损毁都不承担责任Either party shall not take up responsibility for any damage caused by the public enemy according to the agreement
据协议设立的信托the trust under agreement
据协议,该公司必须在当地招聘雇员According to the agreement the company should recruit employees locally
据协议,财产应是可转让、可分割的The property is to be transferable and divisible according to the agreement
据原有资料进行预测benchmark forecast
据合同你方应使我方客户完全满意,按时按定单规定交货According to the contract you shall execute this order to the entire satisfaction of our customers and without delay
据合同,你方应毫无保留地及时给我方提供一切详情和有关资料According to the contract, you shall provide us with all particulars and relevant data without reserve in time
据合同,我方能对各该项目分别付款,但不保留手续费According to the contract, we can make payment separately for each separate project without retention of a percentage
据合同文件规定,我方自然有权筹措这笔额外资金We certainly have the right to procure such an additional sum of money in accordance with the contract documents
据合同的诉讼action ex contract
据合同罚款条款,该公司超期后每天受罚1%According to the penalty clause in the contract, the company was fined 1% for every day after the deadline
据契据by deed
据契约进行生产的农场contract farm
据定价估计价值value-putin-place estimate
据性格挑选人才法a trait approach
据情由as rearrangement as
据情节轻重in accordance with the seriousness of the case.
据我们公司的规则,只有销售额完成了而且真实可靠,才允许扣除损失According to the rule of our company, a loss can be deductible only when the sale is complete and bona fide
据我们的要求,他们立刻将所有的样品和说明书退坯给我们Upon our demand, they immediately returned to us all the samples and manuals
据承认的理由ex concesso
据报告,含量的百分比并未达到要求It is reported that the content is not up to the percentage required
据推断ex ante
据推断的利益ex ante profit
据提单所列重量收取运费chargeable weight
据提单批注per remarks of bill of lading
据提单而产生的债权claim arising on a bill of lading
据有效债权ex debito justitiae
据本人所得权利ex auctoritate mihi commissa
据本合同的条款,该公司的经理授予他的代理商在该地区独家销售产品的权利According to the terms of the contract, the manager of the company grants to his agent the exclusive right to sell the products in this region
据条件,此类信息的扩散受到限制The dissemination of such information is restricted according to the regulations
据标准的适度的报酬补偿measured consideration
据标准的补偿measured consideration (报酬)
据正当权利ex debito justitiae
据此处开列的条款,应由承包商完成接管验收Takeover tests should be carried out by the contractor according to the provisions herein
据法庭的裁决,此协议非法According to the ruling of the court, the agreement was illegal
据法律的ex lege
据法律,该公司的房产将按时扣留和征收cording to law, the premises of the company shall be duly withheld and collected
据法院判决银行才能提供的该行客户帐户情况bank disclosure
据法院判决银行才能提的该行客户账户情况bank disclosure
据法院命令行事的官员有权拍卖此物The officer acting under the order of the court is entitled to sell it at auction
据目击者的证词,他是无罪的He was innocent by the witness's testimony
据目前形势,我认为这不会是扩大业务的有效措施I don't think this will prove to be an effective measure to widen business according to the present situation
据税法要求,你应将50%的额外收入缴纳给税务机关The law requires you to submit 50% of your extra income to the tax authorities
据约定,你们应该把向我们开具的1200美元即期汇票附于装船单据上As arrange d, you are to attach your sight draft on us for US $1200 to the shipment documents
据经济实践摆出和研究问题raise and deal with questions on economic practice
据誓言ex voto
据该协议,任何职员违反我国法律,立即被解雇According to the agreement, should any employee violate the laws of our country, he will be dismissed immediately
据该协议,由于故意疏忽而造成货物的损坏,卖方对此概不负责According to the agreement, the seller shall not be liable for any damage to the goods caused by wilful neglect
据该国法律,该合同将可实施This contract shall be enforceable according to the laws of the country
据责任范围提出的抗辩defences and limits of liability
据贸易惯例,双方一经签订合同,就有义务执行According to trade practice n., both parties are liable for the performance of the contract
据近期资料预测last-period forecast
据这个条件with this understanding
据通报,该公司处于财政困难之中The reports in circulation indicate that they are in financial trouble
据通话次数计费的用户a message rate subscriber
据遗嘱设立的信托trust under will
据银行往来的调整分录adjusting entry from bank reconciliation
据长期协议,我们每半年碰一次头讨论价格According to the long-term agreement, we meet semiannually and talk about the price
据顾客定单生产production of customer's order
本原则fundamental principle
本原因underlying cause
本原理ultimate principle
本改变radical reform (革)
本改革radical reform (变)
本条件fundamental terms
本法fundamental law
本法basic law
completely do away with
正是据该情况的性质ipso facto
此公司是据中国法律组成和开业的,其总公司设在上海The corporation is organized and exists under the laws of China with its principal office in Shanghai
此地保险应据我方预约保险规定办理Insurance here shall be taken out under our open policy
"没"100%Debt (贷款) ROE = ROIno root
特许费据有关双方一致同意的条款和条件决定The franchise fee depends upon the terms and provisions consented by the parties concerned
由于你方是我们的老客户,据你方要求,我们已设法为你方保留部分货物Since you are our old customer, we have managed to retain some of the goods for you at your requirements
税款据所付款额计算Taxes are assessed upon the sum paid
索赔的basis for claim
紧缩银货币政策tight monetary policy
紧缩银政策dear money policy
紧缩银政策tight monetary policy
股东的股息将据公司的章程来决定Shareholders' equity interest is determined according to bylaws of corporation
荷登父子公司是一家据美国法律组成和运行的有限公司T. Holden & Son is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of U.S.A.T.
货币市场银松动easiness of money market
过账the postering medium
过账的basis of posting
这一财产据合约转让给了他The property was demised to him on a contract
这项租金是据当前的市场情况而定的The rent is based on the current market
"里经济学""Regan's economic doctrine"
金融市场银the stringency of the money market
金融市场银stringency of the money market
低廉cheap money
奇紧的市场stringent market
宽裕easy position
easy money (cheap money)
松弛the slackness of the money market
紧缩the financial stringency
紧缩the credit squeeze
聚紧money squeeze
廷国际贸易促进会Instituto Argentino de Promotion del Intercambio
廷比索Peso Argentina (货币单位)
额外an extraneous root