
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
不等distinct roots
森有理分布滞后模型Jorgenson rational distributed lag model
产权root of title
以当前的市场情况为base on the ruling market
信用银紧缩credit squeeze
共轭二次conjugate quadratic surd expression
适应性期望模式Cagan's adaptive expectation model
在市场上基稳固well-established in the market
均方误差root mean square errors
均方误差准则root-mean-square error criterion
均方预测误差root mean square prediction error
extraneous root
收据counterfoil receipt
存款存pay-in slip
存款簿存duplicate deposit ticket
存款簿存deposit slip of paying book
实验empirical evidence
实验empiric evidence
广义贝塔统计量特征latent root of the generalized beta-statistic
报告authority for the report
抽紧银money on a tight rein
抽紧银指利率上升,贷款不易money squeeze
保证信托公司Morgan Guaranty Trust Company
公司系美国大投资银行Morgan Company
斯顿分布Morgenstern distribution
财团Morgan Interest Group
财团House of Morgan
支票存cheque stubs
支票存cheque deposit
支票存簿check stub book
支票簿存check book stubs
支票簿存stubs of a checkbook
支票簿存stubs of checkbook
放松银easy money
放松银政策cheap-money policy
方差variance bound
without book
据债权false claim
无事实据的论点unsubstantial argument
据的考虑solid consideration
据的论点solid arguments
rooted tree
基稳固的公司well-established company
底浅的经济soft economy
顾客需要in demand
据书面证据判决decide on the basis of documents evidence
据书面证据裁决decide on the basis of the relevant documents
据事实本身ipso factor
据假定ex hypothesis
据公平合理原则所作的仲裁award made ex aequo et bono
据制造规格购买buy per manufacturing specification
据协议as agreed upon
据协议accordance with the agreement
据原保险费率as per original rates
据原则accordance with the principle
据反托拉斯法以解散托拉斯trust busting
据合同的赔偿要求诉权claim in contract
据和解原则作出的仲裁裁决award upon settlement
据国际法jure gentium
据图样购买buy per drawing
据存货利润under benefit of inventory
据定单生产production of customer's order
据平等协商原则accordance with the principle of consultation on an equal footing
据我的情况,你能推荐一款大小合适的金属防盗门吗?According to my condition, could you recommend a metal security door with the proper size to me?
据承保的线数on signed lines
据推断的利益即根据经济变化而推测的利益ex ante profit
据旅行信用证开的汇票draft drawn under travellers letter of credit
据时间研究的工资制度wage system based on time study
据权利干预intervention by right
据法律ex leg
据申请on application
据票外关系提起诉讼bring an action outside the instrument
据致送的账单as per account rendered
据规律according to law
据过去分析的需求ex post demand
据过去经济发展分析ex post
据需要进行检修inspect and repair as necessary
本性不平衡指长期严重的国际收支逆差fundamental disequilibrium
本性技术突破radical breakthrough in technology
本战略思想fundamental strategic concept
本改变radical change
本违约fundamental breach of contract
深蒂固的习惯engrained habit
轨迹法root-locus method
汇票存money order counterfoil
特征的极大值maximum characteristic root
相异distinct roots
第Q个Q-th root
equal root
背弃合同的warrant for backing of the contract
误差source of error
过账basis of posting
medium过账指各种原始凭证等posting media
运单存counterfoil way bill
放松指中央银行贴现率及银行利率趋低easy money
easiness of money
monetary expansion
monetary relaxation
指贴现率及市场利率较低monetary ease
cheap money
money to be tight
monetary stringency
指金融紧缩,利息提高,高息贷款,又称高息资金tight money
hard up for money
紧缩措施credit squeeze measure