
Terms for subject Dentistry containing | all forms
为了保留这颗牙,管清洗和消毒是很重要的It is important to clean and disinfect the root canal in order to save the tooth
为了消除疼痛,管治疗是必需的In order to remove the pain, it is necessary to do a root canal treatment
为去除感染的尖,根尖切除术是必需的Apicoectomy is necessary to remove the infected root tip
充填物将封住管,避免其再次感染The filling will seal the canal and prevent it from being infected again
accessory canal
管治疗时需要橡皮障We use rubber dam when we do root canal treatment
很不幸,由于这颗牙尖有脓肿,所以我们不能保留它Unfortunately, I can't conserve this tooth because of the abscess around the root tip
您一天抽几烟?How many cigarettes do you smoke in a day?
我将充填I'll put a filling in the root canal
我将冲洗I'll irrigate to clean the root canal
我将在管里放些药物来消除感染I'll treat the infection by putting medication in the tooth
我将清理预备I'll clean and smooth the root canal
我将给您的牙齿拍个 X 线片来测量牙的长度I'll take an X-ray to measure the length of the root
我将通过管来消除牙根尖感染I'll disinfect the focus at the root tip through your root canal
我用牙钻去除龋坏物并扩大I will drill the tooth to remove the decay and enlarge the root canal from now on
我要在已经充填过的管中放置金属桩I have to put a metal core into the root canal after root canal filling
敏感的牙暴露了The sensitive root is exposed
充后的牙会改变颜色The tooth with a root canal filling sometimes changes its color
尖周炎periapical inflammation
尖处有阴影There is a dark area around the root tip
尖处的骨质已经被吸收The bone is absorbed at the apex of the root
尖孔apical foramen
管内所有炎性物质被去除后,我将用橡胶材料充填您的根管After all the infected tissue has been removed, I will fill the canal with rubber material
管内看起来已干净The inside of the root canal seems like clean
管治疗root canal treatment
管治疗可以保留这颗牙Root canal treatment will probably save that tooth
管治疗是必需的Root canal treatment is necessary
管治疗的方法如下The methods of root canal treatment are as the following
种植是一种治疗方法:首先在颌骨体上钻一个洞,然后植入金属牙,最后在牙根上放上一种义齿Implantation is the way of the treatment to make a hole on the jaw bone, to put a metal basement and place a kind of denture on it
经过管治疗的牙齿发生折裂的可能性比较大A tooth after root canal treatment is more likely to fracture
经过管治疗的牙齿最好进行桩冠修复保护患牙It will be helpful to insert a metal core into the tooth and make a crown after root canal therapy
这颗牙齿的牙已断为两片The root of this tooth is fractured into two pieces