
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
一般审general audit
上市审listing approval
不公平算分配non arm's length allocation
业绩考performance of evaluation
中国证券监督管理委员会股票发行审委员会条例Regulations of the Public Offering Review Committee of the China Securities Regulatory Commission
中国证监会"股票发行准程序"CSRC Procedures for Review and Approval for Share Issues
中文译本审工作小组Chinese Translation Review Working Group (香港联交所)
买方实后报价offer subject to buyer's inspection or approval
交互cross check
例行稽routine audit
信用复credit review
信贷复程序credit review process
信贷委员会审credit committee review
信贷规模审review the compliance with credit ceilings
债券上市的bond listing verification and approval
全面审full scale vetting
公司心愿景core corporate vision (公司愿景是企业发展的指导方针,对公司发展战略有深远影响)
公开发行审委员会机制中国人民银行Public Offering Review Committee PORC mechanism
内部internal verification
内部审internal verification
内部总稽chief internal auditor
内部稽制度internal auditing system
出口外汇check-up export proceed
分析性审/评论analytic review
前期审front-end vetting
单证vouching tests
反向negative verification
发行审委员会issuance examination commission
发行审委员会的审核意见issuance examination commissions' opinions after examination
发行审委员会的审核意见examination commissions' opinions on examination
合规对表compliance checklist
合规审compliance review
合规性稽regularity auditing
呈报前机密性审confidential pre-filing review
国有独立算企业state-owned independent accounting industrial enterprise
under review
judicial review
外汇提留的查与分配check and distribution of exchange retention
外部审计的审与评估verification and appraisal by external audit
季度审quarterly reviews
定息债券期权fixed-income security options permit
定期审regular review
定期稽regular audit
实地physical verification
实物审计员实际核查公司库存以证实存货的价值physical verification
前程序pre-verification procedure
和执行文件review and execution of documents
委托review engagement
执照申请determination of licence application
标准standard of proof
标准examination notion
标的标书screening of bids
概念examination notion
的单据documents to be reviewed
程序verification procedures
表决examination voting
proof department
对执行人员决定的审review of executive decisions
尚需ad referendum
差错审negative verification
付发票vouchered invoice
已审的财务报表audited financial statement
已审过的承兑汇票approved acceptance
常规审customary review
年中审mid-year review
征得同意进行实/审核verification by consent
总结性复summary review
成本算与定价政策costing and pricing policy
执业审practice review
承包人资格审报告contractor's qualification report
投资组合业绩考portfolio performance measurement
抵押贷款申请审mortgage pipeline
持续standing approval
授权前审preauthorized checks
提交发行审委员会审核的报告submitting files for examination by issuance examination commission
收人的income ascertainment
整批对/检验batch proof
文件审document review
准的信托newly authorized trust
准的基金newly authorized fund
无需no approval required
有条件conditional ratification
准债券non-admitted bond
准证券non-assented security
对的差异unreconciled difference
未经实的资产负债表uncertified balance sheet
未经审的账上亏损unaudited losses
准一项交易sanction a trade
准书letter of ratification
准交易商authorized dealer
银行准付款编号authorization number
准公积金计划approved provident fund scheme
准制符合规定条件,核准后才能发行chartered system
准投资顾问approved investment adviser
准拨款approved provision
准文件verification document
准文件document of approval
招股章程准注册authorized registration (prospectus)
准登记注释verification notes
准的上市股票清单approved list
准的一揽子证券approved basket stock
准的业务approved business
准的业务运作permission to carry on business operation
准的个人approved individual
准的交易permitted transaction
准的借款者approved borrower
准的共同基金authorized mutual fund
准的副本certified copy
准的发行量authorized issue
准的受托人approved trustee
准的受托机构被交易所核准的银行或信托公司,交易所会员可把他们的现金和证券存在那里approved depository
准的基金公司authorized fund house
准的存款基金approved deposit fund
准的审计标准approved auditing standards
准的承兑汇票approved acceptance
准的投资permissible investment
准的投资项目authorized investment
准的文件certified document
准的有保证金的发行authorized issue against securities
准的机构authorized institution
准的次级贷款approved subordinated loan
准的股份登记机构approved share registrars
准的股票过户certified transfer
准的认购subscription authorized
准的证券approved security
准的货币approved currency
准的资本付款额permissible capital payment
准的资本化authorized capitalization
准索赔数额allowed claims
准股份authorized shares
准补偿permissive indemnification
准认可债券indorsed bond
准认可结算公司的规则approval of rules of recognized clearing house
准证明confirmation letter
准资产approved assets
准资本authorized stock
准资本规模authorized capitalization
准项目的可行性并立项approval for project feasibility & establishment
准项目的立项approval for project establishment
大战指两企业为争购同一家企业发生的收购大战nuclear war
定发行的抵押债券authorized mortgage bonds
定股本authorized stock capital
定股本authorized share capital
定股本账authorized capital stock account
交易所的定股票价格make up price
定配股通知书letter of allotment
call over
实存款verification of deposit
call over
对账目check up account
对账目account reconciliation
心之外增持股票core plus
心存款金融机构存款中稳定不易受利率波动影响的存款core deposit
心市场central market
心持有资产组合或基金中长期持有大量资产core holding
心收人core earnings
心框架core framework
心法定资本core regulatory capita
心的证券组合core portfolio
心监管工作core regulatory activity
心竞争力core competitiveness
心股票在市场上可以影响到其他股票交易的股票pivotal stock
心资产core assets
心附合式证券组合管理core-plus portfolio management
go over
查内容verification of contents
查机构certification authority
查程序verification process
查记录controlling record
查过程verification process
算单位毛利segment margin
算单位贡献额contribution by segment
算数据accounting data
销坏账write off uncollectible account
销流动资金write off and exempt the circulating fund
款项accounting for money
正式duly admitted
正式考formal examination
每一轮审有关上市许可each round of examination on listing
法律审legal verification
法院judicial approval
注册准的放款人licensed lender
清产producing an inventory of assets and verify funds
清产fund source established through reviewing physical assets
清产assets and capital verification
独立算工业企业independent accounting unit
独立审条款independent reviews provision
现场审on site verification
现场审on-site examination
现场稽on-site examination
现金实证书cash verification certificate
现金cash verification
申请准进展情况公司上市progress of application
电话telephone review
直接审direct verification
票证对程序vouching procedure
程序审委员会process review panel
制度inspection system
功能audit function
记录audit record
粗略审cursory review
纪律处分审会议examination meeting on disciplinary punishment (交易所)
组织审指导委员会香港联交所Steering Committee on Organizational Review
准免予披露disclosure exempted upon approval
准的投资approved investment
经审的账目audited accounts
网上为投资者账户对股票online check of shares for investor accounts
股东stockholder approval
股权购买会计equity purchase accounting
股票定价格making-up price
证券发行审制度verification system for securities offering
证券审委员会报告Report of the Securities Review Committee
证监会准进展情况progress of approval by the securities regulatory commission
财产asset verification
财产权审property title review
财务审financial review
账目分组book sort
购进汇票定书authorization sheet for purchase of exchange
贷款最高限额合规审review the compliance with credit ceilings
资本assessment of capital
资本算方式capital treatment
资本调整accounting recapitalization
资金算办法fund accounting approach
跟进follow-up check
身份审indentity verification
进度审progress review
追查follow-up check
通过质疑审verification by challenge
金融市场审报告financial market review report
钱款accounting for money
银行查账目bank audit
银行汇票审verifying of bank of draft
需经预先subject to prior approval
心存款non-core deposit
黑光对印鉴法black light