
Terms for subject Project management containing 标价 | all forms | in specified order only
中标合同价awarded contract price
估价最低投标人lowest evaluated bid
净投标价net bid price
标价read-out bid price
标价announced bid price
工程量标价quantity pricing
带有分项工程表的标价合同priced contract with activity schedule
带有工程量表的标价合同priced contract with bill of quantities
2005年、中国已成为世界第四大经济体、若以购买力平价标准衡量的话、甚至是世界第二大经济体It became the fourth largest economy in the world in 2005, and is second in terms of purchasing power parity
战略定价目标strategic pricing objectives
打折后的投标价discounted bid price
标价price tendered
标价格是指应按一定比例以不同货币向投标者支付的款额The tender price is the sum of all payments stated or expressed as a percentage in various currencies required to be made to the tenderer
标价目表bid schedule of prices
投标包干价格分解breakdown of lump sum bid price
投标单价bid unit price
投标压价bid shopping
投标总报价bid price
投标报价bidding price
投标报价汇总表summary of tender
报价最高的投标人highest bidder
授标后压价post-bid shopping
最低价投标人lowest tenderer
最高标价ceiling bid
标价的工程量表unpriced bill of quantities
标价competitive price
标价的工程量表priced bill of quantities
标准估价方法standard valuation method
标明的价格labeled price
标金底价upset premium
校正后的投标价corrected bid price
目标回报价格target return price
符合要求而索价最低的投标lowest conforming tender
符合规格而索价最低的投标lowest tender to specifications
索价最低的投标lowest tender
索价最高的投标highest tender
评价标准evaluation criteria
间接标价以外币表示的标价方法currency quotation
降低标价mark down
标价投标high priced bid