
Terms for subject International trade containing 标价 | all forms | in specified order only
价格标签price tag
价格标签price ticket
估价标准basis of valuation
公开招标价competitive price
出价最高的投标人highest bidder
单位标价unit pricing
卫生医疗建筑工程造价指标cost guide for health building
定价低于标准八分之一的一批不标准货物eight stock
密封递价拍卖,密封投标sealed bids, closed bids
平均物价标准tabular standard
平均物价标准multiple standard
标价tenders price
标价tender price
投标出价tender offers
投标总价tender sum
投标最高价highest bid
报价与投标的估定assessment of offer and tender
招标评价bid evaluation
标价target price
最低价投标人lowest bidder
标价posted price
标价price card
标价bid price
标价price tag (ticket)
标价tag board
标价price ticket
标价price tag (ticket)
标价运动fixed prices movement
标准价格standard price
标准价格benchmark price
标准价格normal price
标准价格法指领用材料的计价standard price method
标准材料价格standard material price
标准购入价格standard purchase price
标定货价price oriented
标明价目marked price
标签价格sticker price
标高价格marked up
标高价格的原价original mark up
标价comparison of bids
汇价直接标价direct quotation of exchange rate
汇价直接标价direct quotation of exchange rates
汇价间接标价indirect quotation of exchange rate
标价出售sale on type
物价指标制度system of wage and price guideposts
用外币标价denominated in foreign currency
标价target price
直接标价direct quotation
直接标价与间接标价direct quotation, indirect quotation
石油标价petroleum posted price
石油标价oil post price
竞价投标competitive bids
航运公会标准运价conference rate
通过投标报价offer by tender
间接标价indirect quotation
降低标价mark-down method