
Terms for subject Technology containing 柱头 | all forms | in specified order only
罗马风上方下圆的柱头block capital
罗马式上方下圆的柱头cushion capital
中柱大小头king head
中柱接头newel joint
中柱的大头king head
主榫头主立柱principal stud
伸臂柱头bracket capital
倒钟形柱头bell capital
八角柱状硬合金钻头octagonal pillar tungsten carbide bit
减振器球头柱螺栓shock absorber ball stud
凯尔特十字柱头Celtic cross
十字头系船柱cruciform bollard
半兽饰柱头protomai capital
卷叶形柱头crocket capital
卷叶饰柱头crocket capital
原始爱奥尼克柱头proto-ionic capital
double capital
柱头double capital
柱头系缆柱double head bitt
双十字头系缆柱double cross head bollard
双头螺栓柱螺栓screw stud
双头螺栓柱螺栓bolt stud
双柱插头two-pin plug
发电机线头柱螺栓绝缘体generator terminal stud insulator
叶饰柱头foliated capital
叶饰柱头foliage capital
吊艇柱头部连动索davit span
吊艇柱弯头davit bend
哈托尔头像柱头Hathor headed capital (古埃及女神)
哥特式柱头capital of Gothic column
喇叭形柱头flared column head
四角兽像柱头protomai capital
柱头circular capital
柱头内六角螺钉socket cap screw
圆形柱头round capital
圆形柱头托板circular raised table
圆柱形插头cannon plug
圆柱形船头cylindrical bow
圆柱形船头cylindric bow
圆柱形钻头cylindric dri
圆柱形钻头cylindrical dri
圆柱形钻头cylindrical bit
圆柱形钻头cylindric bit
圆柱插头pin plug
圆柱码头round pier
圆顶柱头螺钉fillister head screw
块形柱头block capital
垫块状柱头cushion capital
垫式柱头cushion cap
埃及式柱头Egyptian capital
塔斯康柱头capital of Tuscan column
塔斯康干柱头capital of Tuscan order
墙墩柱头wall pier capital
墩柱式码头pillar wharf
墩柱式码头pillar quay
柱头pilaster capital
壁角柱柱头antae capital
壁角柱柱头anta capital
大头圆柱桩belled-out cylindrical pile
大头圆柱桩belled-out cylindric pile
希腊陶立克式柱头Greek Doric capital
希腊陶立克式柱头Grecian Doric capital
带历史雕像的柱头historiated capital
带管鞋钻头的冲洗管柱钻进回次washover run
带蘑菇形柱头的无梁楼板mushroom slab
平圆柱头螺栓deck bolt
平头摆杆摇柱flat rocker column
T 形柱头tee head
扇贝形柱头scalloped capital
扩大滚柱钻头enlarging roller bit
扩张式柱头expanded column head
抗剪柱头shear head
拉杆球头柱螺栓drag link ball stud
拜占庭式柱头capital of Byzantine
拜占庭式柱头Byzantine capital
拱墩柱头impost capital
拱墩柱头接缝impost joint
拱墩柱头impost hinge (链)
拱顶扁倚柱头vaulting capital
摆柱接头rocker joint
摩尔式柱头Moorish capital
摩洛哥式柱头capital of Moorish column
柱头shore head
支柱式龙头lavatory faucet
支柱式龙头pillar tap
斗状柱头cubical block capital
斗状柱头cubic block capital
方块柱头cubic block capital
方块柱头cubical block capital
方块柱头block capital
方块式柱头cube capital
方块式柱头cushion capital
方块式柱头block capital
方柱状硬合金钻头quadrate pillar tungsten carbide bit
旋涡形柱头volute capital
柱头飞机库column free hanger
柱头baluster capital
望柱接头newel joint
木制漩涡形柱头装饰wood roll
枕垫形柱头pillow capital
柯林斯柱头Collins capital
柯林斯柱头bud capital
柱塞头stopper head
柱头head of column
柱头dado capping
柱头column capital
柱头dado cap
柱头column head
柱头凸圆线脚echinus and astragal
柱头卷杀column-head entasis treatment
柱头垫木cap block
柱头形式column capital form
柱头拱墩impost block
柱头head slab
柱头support head
柱头cap plate
柱头构造head construction
柱头构造head attachment
柱头梁座column-head cater
柱头横木head tree
柱头bracket set on column
柱头科斗拱column-top corbel-bracket set
柱头蜗卷式柱acclivous column
柱头螺栓double ended bolt
柱头铺作bracket set on column
柱头雕塑capital carving
柱头trachelium (陶立克柱)
柱头capital ornament
柱式接头column splice
柱式牛头刨床pillar shaper
柱式码头pillar quay
柱式龙头pillar tap
柱架牛头刨床pillar shaping machine
柱螺栓线接头terminal stud connector
标准双头螺柱standard stud
桁架中柱大头king head
梁柱托座接头seat connection of beams to columns
梯形柱头Byzantine capital
古埃及的棕榈形柱头palm capital
楼梯扶手柱头mitre cap
楼梯扶手柱头miter cap
楼梯扶手处中柱或转弯角柱的接头newel joint
正头支柱jury mast
混合式柱头capital of composite (column)
漏斗式柱头flared column head
爱奥尼亚式柱头Aeolic capital
爱神柱头Hathor capital
古埃及建筑的爱神头像柱头Hathor-headed capital
环状柱头collar stud
球面圆柱头螺钉oval fillister head screw
由附墙柱和檐头框起的拱arch order
电枢线头接柱armature terminal stud
盘头螺钉大柱头螺钉pan head screw
码头墩柱quay pier
码头撑柱spur shore
码头系船柱bollard head
碗形柱头bowl capital
碗形柱头装饰bowl capital
碗形柱头装饰bowl arrangement
磁头柱体head cylinder
立方体柱头cube capital
立柱式水龙头pillar type tap
立柱式水龙头pillar tap
立柱式洗脸盆水龙头pillar type basin tap
筒柱式码头cylindric wharf
筒柱式码头cylindrical wharf
筒柱式码头cylinder wharf
管柱码头pile-cylinder pier
管柱码头cylinder wharf
篮状柱头basket capital
系船柱柱头形式type of bollard heads
纸莎草形柱头papyrus capital
纸莎草芽状柱头papyrus-bud capital
纸莎草饰柱头papyrus capital
组合柱头composite capital
罗曼式柱头cushion capital
罗曼式柱头block capital
罗马复合式柱头composite capital of Rome
罗马式式柱头capital of Romanesque column
罗马考林辛柱头Roman Corinthian capital
罗马陶立克式柱头Roman Doric capital
考林辛柱头capital of Corinthian column
考林辛式柱头Corinthian capital
船头形饰纪念柱【建】rostral column
船头形饰纪念柱【建】columnar rostrata
船头饰纪念柱【建】rostral column
花篮状柱头basket capital
花蓝状柱头basket capital
荷花饰柱头lotus capital
古埃及建筑的莎草花柱头papyrus capital
莲形柱头的柱子lotus column
古埃及的莲饰柱头lotus capital
蓓蕾饰柱头lotos bud capita
蘑菇形柱头mushroom head
装有滚柱轴承的牙轮钻头cone-type roller bearing rock
柱头corner capital
柱头angle capital
角形柱头angular capital
角柱的涡卷式柱头angular capital
角锥形柱头angular capital
诺曼式柱头cushion cap
贝壳柱头scalloped capital
贝壳状柱头scalloped capital
贝壳饰柱头scalloped capital
负极接线柱接线头negative post adapter
转向臂球头柱螺栓steering arm ball stud
转角柱头corner capital
转角柱头angle capital
转角柱头装饰angle capital decoration
转角爱奥尼亚式柱头angular capital
轴向住房建筑伸臂柱头axle housing bracket cap
透空式混凝土管柱码头open-type wharf on concrete cylinder
钟形柱头bell-shaped capital
钟形柱头bell of capital
钟形柱头bell capital
锥头柱体cone-cylinder (body)
锥形双头螺柱tapered stud
锥柱堵头blind taper joint
阿拉伯式柱头Arabian capital
附墙柱头blind pier capital
附墙方柱头attached pier capital
陶立克柱头Doric capital
陶立克柱头capital of Doric column
陶立克柱头顶板下四分之一圆饰Doric echinus
雕花柱头carved capital
柱头stem head
马歇尔圆柱体试验头Marshall cylindrical test-head (沥青混凝土的)
马歇尔圆柱体试验头Marshall cylindric test-head (沥青混凝土的)
鹰头柱头eagle capital