
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
主要收入principal income earner
利用监管制度的差异谋取利益regulatory arbitrage
《季度国民账户手册-概念、数据源与编制》Quarterly National Accounts Manual
《季度国民账户手册-概念、数据源与编制》QNA Manual
《季度国民账户手册-概念、数据源与编制》Quarterly National Accounts Manual - Concepts, Data Sources, and Compilation
官方间往interofficial transaction
respondent bank
政府内部往intragovernmental transaction
政府内部往intergovernmental transaction
承诺能力forward commitment capacity IMF, liquidity
outyear multiyear budgeting
自国外的要素收入factor income from abroad
自货币当局的信贷credit from monetary authorities
vostro account
现金源和使用表statement of sources and uses of cash
监管数据supervisory data source
统计数据statistical data source