
Terms for subject Economy containing 来到的 | all forms | in specified order only
中国纺织品在国外受到越来越多的消费者欢迎Chinese dry goods have enjoyed growing favour among end-users abroad
中国纺织品在国外受到越来越多的消费者欢迎Chinese dry goods have enjoyed growing favor among end-users abroad
公司已收到来自其他方面的许多建议The company has received many proposals from other directions
即将来到的命令decree of forth coining
圣诞节到来,此类商品的需求又活跃起来The coming of Christmas has brought about a revival of the demand for these items
在刚刚收到的来信中,得知一家日本公司向我们提出较高的佣金及其他便利条件In your letter, you advise us that a Japanese company is offering us a higher commission and other facilities
如买方发现运来的货物与样品有差异,应在货到后15天内通知卖方If the purchaser finds that the delivered goods are at variance with the sample, he should notify the seller within 15 days after the arrival of the goods
如果将来我们之间的业务发展到适宜如此安排时,我愿考虑此建议I should be willing to consider this suggestion if future development of business between us justifies such an arrangement
我们注意到与贵公司交易往来各方面都很圆满,希望与你方继续发展经常的关系We have noted that dealings with your company are pleasant in every respect and wish to continue developing regular relationship with you
本协议的履行由于来自外部的意外干扰而受到阻碍Performance of this agreement is hindered by unexpected disturbance from outside
看到你公司在《中国日报》上的招聘书,我就来申请了I read your solicitation in China Daily, and I came to apply
自从我们通过"电视购物"给我们的特色产品作广告以来,我们收到许多电话定单We have received a large number of telephone orders since we advertised our peculiar products through " TV shopping"