
Terms containing 条钢 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.上条大钢轮ratchet winding wheel
tech.上条大钢轮摆杆ratchet winding wheel swing lever
tech.上条大钢轮摆杆簧ratchet winding wheel swing lever spring
tech.上条大钢轮摆杆衬圈ratchet winding wheel swing lever ring
tech.上条大钢轮簧ratchet winding wheel spring
tech.下弦杆纵向钢条bottom chord longitudinal bar
tech.下弦杆钢条bottom boom bar
tech.下弦纵向钢条bottom boom longitudinal bar
tech.下弦钢条bottom chord bar
hydroel.st.不锈钢焊条stainless steel welding electrode
dril.不锈钢焊条stainless steel electrode
tech.不锈钢电焊条stainless steel welding electrode
tech.二次轧制钢条rerolled steel bar
met.优质碳素钢盘条quality carbon steel wire rod
tech.传力钢条dowel steel
tech.低合金钢焊条low alloy steel covered arc welding electrode
tech.低温钢焊条low-temperature steel electrode
tech.低碳钢焊条mild steel arc welding electrode
oil低碳钢焊条mild steel electrode
tech.低碳钢焊条low-carbon steel electrode
tech.低碳钢电焊条low-carbon steel welding electrode
tech.光面圆钢条plain round bar
tech.全钢链条all-steel chain
tech.八角条钢octagonal bar steel
tech.八角形钢条eight-sided bar
tech.八角钢条octagonal steel bar
tech.六角条钢hexagon bar steel
shipb.六角条钢hexagonal rod
oil六角钢条hexagonal steel bar
tech.六角钢条hexagonal rod
tech.六角钢条hexagonal iron bar
tech.冷加工精制钢条cold-finished bar
met.冷拔条钢cold-drawn steel bar
met.冷拔条钢cold-drawn bar
busin.冷拔钢条cold drawn bar
met.冷精整条钢cold-finished steel bar
met.冷轧条钢cold-finished steel bar
tech.冷轧窄钢条cold-rolled narrow strip
tech.冷轧钢条cold-rolled strip
tech.刻槽方钢条chamfered square bar
tech.加劲钢丝网矢板条stiffened wire lath
met.加强条钢stiffening band
tech.压延钢条flat rolled steel bar
met.双齿条式推钢机double-rack type pusher
oil合缝钢条blind dowel
archit.合缝钢条iron dowel
tech.合缝钢条dowel steel
tech.合金钢气焊条alloy steel gas welding rod
tech.合金钢电焊条alloy electrode
met.商品条钢merchant-bar iron
met.商品条钢merchant bar iron
steel.商品条钢merchant iron
steel.商品条钢merchant bar
tech.商品条钢merchant steel
tech.商品条钢merchant bar iron
tech.圆头钢条bulb steel
tech.圆形钢条round wire rod
tech.圆钢拉条bar tie rod
tech.圆钢条round bar steel
tech.圆钢条rod stock
tech.圆钢筋条组成的网bar fabric
tech.多边形钢条multiangular rod
met.大型条钢轧机heavy merchant mill
tech.定长冷扎钢条cold-rolled strip in cut lengths
tech.宽条轧钢机broad strip mill
tech.金库等的墙壁加固用尖钢条tongue bar
tech.屋脊挂瓦钢条hip hook
tech.带筋钢条ribbed bar
met.带翻钢钩的双齿条推床double-rack manipulator with fingers
tech.底部翼缘钢条bottom flange bar
tech.弯钢筋钢管的条凳bending bench
tech.V 形加劲肋钢丝网条板V-stiffened wire lath
tech.成束钢条faggot steel
tech.成束钢条fagot steel
met.成盘条钢coiled bar
el.扁钢条flat steel bar
steel.扁钢条flat steel bar
tech.扁钢缀条flat bars lacing
earth.sc.条钢flat bar
commer.打包钢条baling band
tech.扣环钢条retaining ring bar
tech.抛光的钢条polished steel bar
tech.条钢stay bar
textile挂综丝钢条carrier rod
textile挂综丝钢条carrier bar
tech.支托钢条carrier bar
tech.整块网眼钢皮板条expanded metal integral lathing
tech.整块网眼钢皮板条expanded metal integral lath
tech.方竹节钢条corrugated square steel bar
tech.方钢条square steel
tech.方钢条square steel har
tech.方钢条square steel bar
tech.方钢短条饰square billet
tech.无油灰装玻璃用钢条puttyless steel bar
bridg.constr.普通碳素结构钢技术条件technical conditions of structural common carbon steel
bridg.constr.普通碳素钢钏螺用热轧圆钢技术条件technical conditions of hot rolling round steel used in common carbon steel rivet and bolt
construct.有钢条〔传力杆〕的企口接缝dowelled tongue and groove joint
tech.木条或极轻型槽钢furring strip
gen.strap iron
shipb.条型钢bar steel
tech.条带式型钢strip steel section
tech.条状锚固钢板strap anchor
tech.条纹钢板ribbed steel
tech.条钢ribbon steel
tech.条钢strap steel
tech.条钢rolled bar
tech.条钢billet rod
tech.条钢billet steel
tech.条钢billet steel reinforcing bar
met.条钢bar iron
met.条钢commercial steel
met.条钢rod iron
met.条钢merchant iron
met.条钢long product (① It is a simple matter to differentiate between flat products, which are derived from slabs, and long products, which are derived from blooms and billets. 很容易区分扁平材和长材,因为扁平材是由轧制板坯获得,而长材是由轧制方坯获得。② A width-to-thickness aspect ratio of 2.5 to 1.0 could be taken as the division between flat and long products. 宽厚比为 2.5:1.0 可以作为扁平材和长材的分界线。)
met.条钢steel bar
met.条钢section iron
met.条钢merchant steel
met.条钢bar steel
tech.条钢flat bar
oil条钢strap iron
hydroel.st.条钢ribbon iron
tech.条钢billet steel reinforcing rod
el.条钢strip iron
el.mach.条钢steel rod
tech.条钢billet bar
tech.条钢band steel
tech.条钢热剪机hot bar shears
tech.条钢粗轧机stranding roll
met.条钢轧机merchant-bar mill
tech.条钢轧机merchant mill
met.条钢轧机bar iron rolling mill
met.条钢棒材轧机bar steel rolling mill
tech.条钢轧机merchant bar mill
met.条钢轧机机组merchant mill train
met.条钢轧机机组bar iron rolling train
met.条钢棒材轧机组bar steel rolling train
met.条钢轧机组merchant mill train
met.条钢轧机组bar iron rolling train
tech.抹灰条钢板网expanded metal lath
tech.板条网眼钢皮perforated sheet lath
tech.标准碳素钢锯条standard carbon blade
met.楔形条钢key bar
tech.槽钢檩条channel purline
tech.槽钢檩条steel channel purline
tech.槽钢檩条steel channel purlin
tech.槽钢檩条channel purlin
met.热轧条钢hot-rolled long product
met.热轧低碳双相钢盘条hot-rolled dual-phase low carbon steel wire rod
tech.热轧窄钢条hot-rolled narrow strip
tech.热轧钢条hot-rolled strip
met.条钢electrode steel
tech.条钢welding rod steel
patents.条钢welding wire
tech.条钢steel wire for welding electrode
tech.条钢electrode wire
met.焊条用钢丝electrode wire
oil珠光体耐热钢焊条pearlitic heat resistant steel electrode
met.矩形条钢rectangular steel bar
met.矩形条钢rectangular bar
tech.条钢billet steel
busin.硬钢条hard wire
tech.碳素钢条plain steel bar
bridg.constr.碳素钢铸件分类及技术条件classification and technical condition of carbon steel cast
tech.碳钢焊条carbon steel covered electrode
tech.碳钢轨条carbon steel rail
textile穿综钢条slide bar
oil条钢rib wire
tech.系模钢条wall spacer
tech.组合的拉比兹钢丝网布和芦苇板条combined Rabitz type wire cloth and reed lathing
tech.组合的拉比兹钢丝网布和芦苇板条combined Rabitz type wire cloth and reed lath
tech.结构钢焊条structural steel electrode
textile综框钢条座rod holder
tech.耐热钢焊条heat-resistant steel electrode
tech.耐热钢链条heat-resistant steel chain
tech.条钢丝网rib mesh
el.条钢丝网rib lath (mesh)
tech.条钢丝网high-rib lath
tech.条钢丝网rib lath
tech.肋条网眼钢板rib lath
tech.脱碳钢条aired bar
tech.菱形钢丝网孔板条diamond-mesh lath
tech.薄标准钢条thin gauge strip
tech.薄标准钢条thin gage strip
tech.薄钢板止水条sheet-metal water stop
tech.螺栓钢条bolt wire
agric.角钢条angle bar
tech.角钢条angle iron bar
agric.角钢条脱粒滚筒angle-bar cylinder
met.角钢椽条angle rafter
archit.角钢椽条angle ridge
eng.geol.角钢檀条angle purlin
archit.角钢檀条angle iron purlin
archit.角钢檀条angle iron purline
met.角钢檁条angle purlin
tech.角钢檩条angle steel purline
tech.角钢檩条angle steel purlin
oil角钢檩条angle purlin
tech.角钢檩条angle iron purlin
tech.角钢檩条angle iron purline
tech.角钢檩条angle purline
tech.角钢檩条angle beam
tech.轧制条钢rolled bar iron
tech.轧制钢条rolled steel bar
tech.轧纹钢条ribbed rebar
tech.轧钢条厂bar mill
tech.转角钢丝网板条corner lath
tech.轮箍钢条tyre bar
met.条钢cycle spoke wire (自行车、摩托车的)
met.条钢spoke wire
met.条钢spoke steel wire
auto.车轮条钢spoke wire
tech.条钢spoked wire
auto.辐条式钢质轮辋spoked steel rim
tech.道钉钢条dog spike bar
tech.钉有木条的钢格栅nailing joist
tech.钉有木条的钢格栅nailer joist
auto.wire rod
mech.eng.钢丝〔雕花,细工〕锯条fret saw frame
archit.钢丝拉条wire back-tie (模板的)
shipb.钢丝拉条wire bracing
tech.钢丝条锁wire lock
tech.钢丝板条wire-mesh lathing
tech.钢丝板条wire lathing
oil钢丝筋条wire rod
tech.钢丝网条板wire cloth lath
tech.钢丝网板条wire netting lathing
tech.钢丝网板条metal lath
tech.钢丝辐条wire spoke
auto.钢丝辐条易换车轮knock-off wire wheel
auto.钢丝锯条fretwork saw blade
tech.钢丝锯条piercing saw blade
tech.钢丝锯条fret saw blade
met.钢丝锯条用钢丝fretwork saw blade wire
tech.钢制副檩条steel subpurline
tech.钢制副檩条steel subpurlin
tech.钢刺条garnett wire
tech.钢刺条burr wire
tech.钢墙板条steel wall stave
tech.钢带毛网分条器steel tape web divider
tech.钢拉条steel tension bar
bridg.constr.钢条steel bar
tech.钢条iron rod
tech.钢条reinforcing rod
archit.钢条bar steel
tech.钢条steel ribbon
met.钢条steel rod
tech.钢条steel strap
tech.钢条universal plate
tech.钢条steel wire rod
tech.钢条bar iron
gen.钢条和橡胶的名次居前a bar of steel and a block of rubber come high in the list of elastic things
econ.钢条捆紧steel strapping (包装)
busin.钢条捆轧steel strapping
tech.钢条板steel slat
tech.钢条板卷帘steel slatted roller blind
tech.钢条板卷帘steel slat rolling shutter
tech.钢条端分叉fork the end of bar
tech.钢条系件wire tie
tech.钢条网bar mat
auto.车轮钢板制的辐条sheet-steel spoke
tech.钢板条steel strip
tech.钢板条steel lathing
tech.钢板板条steel plate lathing
tech.钢板板条steel plate lath
archit.钢架柱的侧面联条lateral ties of column
tech.钢桁条steel joist
tech.钢桁条bar joist
archit.钢檩条steel purlin
met.钢焊条ferrous electrode
tech.钢焊条steel electrode
met.钢盘条steel rod (After annealing, cooling, and removal of scale, the steel rod is pointed at one end and then inserted through a hole in the die slightly smaller than the size of the rod. 钢盘条经退火、冷却和清除氧化皮后,将其一端锤尖,插人比盘条直径稍小的拉模孔中。)
shipb.钢盘条steel coil rod
archit.钢筋装饰线条bar molding
wind.钢筋条reinforcing rod
tech.钢筋条reinforcing steel rod
expl.钢筋混凝土承重立柱的失稳条件用控制爆破法将立柱基础以上一定高度的混凝土充分破碎,使之脱离钢筋骨架,则孤立的钢筋骨架便不能组成整体抗弯截面,当钢筋骨架顶部承受的静压载荷超过其抗压强度极限或达到失稳的临界载荷时,钢筋发生塑性变形,立柱随之失稳垮塌destabilization condition of bearing reinforced concrete props
tech.钢筋混凝土肋条cast reinforced concrete rib
tech.钢筋盘条roll of wire
tech.钢筋盘条rod bundle
tech.钢系条steel tie bar
tech.钢索拉条steel wire stay
tech.钢肋条网rib mesh
tech.钢芯增强铅条reinforced cames
tech.钢芯有槽铅条reinforced cames
tech.钢芯铸铁焊条cast-iron electrode with steel core
shipb.钢质盘条steel coil rod
tech.钢轨棒条筛steel rail grizzly
auto.车轮钢辐条steel spoke
auto.钢辐条车轮steel spoked wheel
tech.钢铰檩条steel hinge purline
tech.钢铰檩条steel hinge purlin
tech.钢链条steel link chain
met.钢锭装炉条件charging condition of ingot
oil钢锯条hacksaw blade
auto.钢锯条hacksaw frame blade
auto.铸钢辐条cast-steel spoke
auto.铸钢辐条式车轮cast-steel spoked wheel
auto.铸钢辐条式车轮cast-steel spoke wheel
met.条钢chain link wire
met.条钢chain wire
tech.锯条带钢section strip
tech.锰钢制楔形棒条内衬manganese wedge-bar liner (球磨机)
steel.镀铬软钢动物链条chromium-plated mild steel animal chain
tech.镍钢气焊条nickel steel gas welding rod
tech.镶玻璃的钢芯铅条reinforced glazing bar
met.条钢产品long steel product (即长材)
met.长条形钢制品elongated steel product
archit.围墙用饰花钢条ornamental steel bar
tech.饰花钢条ornamental steel bar (围墙用)
tech.高强度钢焊条high-strength steel electrode
tech.高速钢机用锯条high-speed steel power hacksaw blade
tech.高速钢机用锯条high-speed steel machine saw blade
tech.高速钢车刀条high-speed steel turning bit
tech.高速钢锯条high-speed saw blade
tech.高速钢锯条high-speed hacksaw blade
tech.高频淬火涂漆钢锯条high-frequency hacksaw blade painted
met.齿条式废钢铁装料机rack scrap-charging machine
met.【压】齿条式推钢机ingot pusher with rack
met.齿条式推钢机rack-type pusher
met.齿条式推钢机ingot pusher with rack