
Terms for subject Technology containing 条款 | all forms | in specified order only
一切条款与免除条款conditions and exceptions
一切险条款all risks clauses
一千小时条款one thousand hour clause
一致满意条款accord and satisfaction clause
一般条款general clause
一般谨慎条款general prudential rule
下水条款launching clause
不再抵押条款negative mortgage security clause
不可抗辩条款incontestable clause
不可转让条款not to order clause
不属保险事项的条款exclusion clause
不抵押保证条款negative pledging clause
不积算条款non-cumulative clause
不竞争条款non-competition clause
不管损失已否发生的条款lost or not lost clause
不能重开谈判条款zipper clause
不遵守条款non-observance of terms
不附带条件的贷款non-tied loan
不附条件的贷款untied loan
与信用证条款不符be not in accordance with the terms and conditions of credit
专用条款private terms
专用合同条款special conditions of contract
严厉条件贷款hard loan
严格遵守合同条款keep strictly to the terms of the contract
中国保险条款China insurance clause
中转条款transit terms
事故防止条款sue and labour clause (海上保险)
事故防止条款sue and labor clause (海上保险)
交接条款delivery clause (租船合同)
人身意外死亡的双重赔偿条款double indemnity clause
仓库至仓库条款warehouse-to-warehouse clause
付款条件payment condition
优先条款priority clause
传递一个新条款posting a new item
伦敦卸货条款London landed clause
估价条款evaluation clause
伸缩条款escalation clause
伸缩条款cost escalation clause
例外条款exoneration clause
例外危险条款excepted perils clause
供应条款delivery specification
保税价值条款bonded value clause
借款条件loan term
债务限制条款debt limit clause
债方条款terms of credit
债权替代条款subrogation clause
偏航条款deviation clause
停泊条款turn berth clause
停泊条款in regular turn clause
停租条款off-hire clause
停租条款breakdown clause
偶发事故条款contingency clause
允许有一定增减的条款plus or minus clause
光船条款bare boat clause
免债条款negligence clause
免罚条款exemption clause
免罚条款exception clause
免罚条款exoneration clause
免罚条款escape clause
免贴额条款free of franchise clause
免赔条款franchise clause
免赔额条款franchise clause
免除条件豁免条款exemption clause
免除责任条款的删除deletion of exclusion
全付条款full term
全部契约的条款和全部授权证书full covenant and warranty deed
全面条款all-embracing term
公会条款institute clause
公会条款conference terms
公会保证条款institute warranties
公会百分制之十费用条款institute ten percent disbursement clause
兵险条款war risk clause
内容不详条款contents unknown clause
再保险条款reinsurance clause
冰冻货物条款frozen products clause
冰封条款ice clause
净值条款net value clause
净运费租船条款net charter terms
准备停泊条款ready berth clause
减价契约条款down price clause
减价合同条款down price clause
减除条款deductible clause
条款编号numbering of subclause
分包合同条款clastic in subcontract
分担条款contribution clause
分摊条款average clause
分期付款条款instalment terms
分期付款条款instalment payment clause
分期付款条件instalment terms
分配条款distribution clause
删去的条款murder clause
删除条款deleted clause
判决通货条款judgement currency clause
利物浦码头条款Liverpool quay terms (英国)
到岸价格伦敦条款cost, insurance and freight London terms
到港付款条款arrival clause
到港重量条款full out terms
加价或减价条款up or down an alteration of price clause
加速偿付条款accelerated clause
加速还款条款acceleration clause
包含一切的条款all-embracing term
包装标志条款packing and marks clause
升级条款escalation clause
协会保险条款institute clause
协会全险条款Institute Cargo Clauses
协会全险条款all risks
协会罢工险条款Institute Strikes Clause (货物)
协会航空货物保险条款institute Air Cargo Clause
协会货物平安险条款Institute Cargo Clauses
协会货运保险条款Institute Cargo Clauses
协商条款negotiated terms
协定条款treaty articles
协议条款terms of an agreement
协议中有关开脱责任的条款exculpatory clause
卖方保证条款packer guarantee clause
危害条款jeopardy clause (欧洲货币协定中的项条款)
危险品条款hazardous cargo clause
卸货费在内的到岸价格条款freight land terms
双保价条款dual evaluation clause
双方有责任碰撞条款both to blame collision clauses
双方过失碰撞条款both to blame collision clauses
反稀释条款anti-dilution provision
反面保证条款negative pledge clause
发票条款drawn clause
变换商品设计条款change in design clause
合同条款contract particulars
合同条款contract provision
合同条款provisions of contract
合同条款contract condition
合同条款办理comply with the terms of contract
合同条款及条件contractual terms and conditions
合同条款合同条件conditions of contract
合同条款的变更amendment of the agreement
合同主要条款main contract clauses
合同终止条款severability clause
合同补充条款additional contract clause
合约条款变动change order
合资条款articles of co partnership
吊钩下交货条款Sous-Palan clause
吊钩下交货条款overside delivery clause
同时付清条款simultaneous settlements clause
同步条款pari passu provision
同等保证条款equal coverage
同船舶所有人条款sister ship clause
名义条款nominal terms
后续贷款条款future advance clause
后退条款setback ordinance
品质条款quality clauses
品质担保条款quality warranty clause
商定的条款provisions already agreed upon
四分之三碰撞责任条款three-fourth running down clause
地契的持有条款habendum clause
堆积地点条款location clause
境外销售条款extraterritorial sales clause
增减条款increase or decrease clause
备忘条款memorandum clause
外交人员租用房屋条款diplomatic clause
多定额条款multiple value clause
天灾及海难除外条款acts of God clause
契约条款contract terms
契约条款释意信letter of intent
契约中的废止条款defeasance clause
奖励条款bonus clause
奖罚条款bonus and penalty clause
奖金条款bonus clause
套头交易条款hedge clause
套期保值条款hedge clause
姐妹船条款sistership clause
姐妹船条款sister ship clause
委托条款abandonment clause
存款条簿deposite slip book
存款条簿deposit slip book
学会条款institute clause
安全条款safety clause
安全条款safeguard requirement
安全保障条款safeguard provision
完整条款entire agreement clause
实质性条款substantive provision
实质性条款material term
审理货币条款judgment currency clause
宽容条款allowance clause
履行条款fulfil term
带有电报索汇条款的信用证credit with telegraphical transfer reimbursement clause
带有电报索汇条款的信用证credit with telegraphic transfer reimbursement clause
平安险条款FPA clause
平等条款parity clause
平行条款parallel clause
并存条款condition concurrent
应变条款contingency clause
废止条款avoid clauses
废除条款denunciation clause
异议和索赔条款discrepancy and claim clause
弃权条款waiver clause
对桶装货的弯曲和凹陷条款bending and denting clause
强制条款compulsory clause
征用条款condemnation clause
总括条款omnibus clause
恶意损害条款malicious damage clause
条款rejection or condemnation clause
或更多条款or more clause
战争绕航条款war deviation clause
战争、罢工及暴动条款war,strike and riot clause
战争险条款war clause
房地产租赁契约中的条款demising clause
扩展保险所加条款extended coverage endorsement
承保条款insurance clause
承租人支付可能增加的财产税条款tax stop clause
承运人定义条款definition of carrier clause
技术条款technical specification
投保价值条款insured value clause
投标条款proposal item
投标条款tender clause
投标条款bid item
抵押产业管理人条款receiver clause
拉链条款zipper clause
拖带条款towage clause
拖带责任条款tower's liability clause
拖救条款towing and salving clause
拖航条款towage clause
拘束条款binding clause
地契中的持有条款的开头语have and to hold
指定代理人条款consignment clause
按房产的直接支出自动调整租费条款direct expense escalation
按比例分摊条款apportionment clause
按订货条款制造的custom fabricated
捕获风险条款risk of capture clause
捕鱼船条款fishing vessel clause
损害赔偿条款damage done clause
损害防止条款sue and labour clause (海上保险船方的救护条款)
损害防止条款sue and labor clause (海上保险船方的救护条款)
排他性条款exclusivity clause
排他性的管辖条款exclusive jurisdiction
推定条款constructive clause
提前偿付条款call provision
提前兑回条款call provision
提前兑回债券的条款call provision on hand
提前支付条款acceleration clause
提前赎债条款call provision
提前还款条款prepayment clause
提单条款bill of lading clause
支付条款term of payment
支付条款payment term
收费自动调整条款escalation clause
放宽贷款条件liberalize the condition of loans
放宽贷款条件easy credit terms
故障条款breakdown clause
救助条款salvage clause
救护条款sue and labour clause
数量增减范围条款more or less terms
施救整理条款sue and labour clause
施救整理条款sue and labor clause
明文条款express provision
明文条款expressed covenant
明示条款express terms
星期六条款Saturdays clause
普通保险条款general condition
暂时条款temporary provisions
暂行条款conditional clause
惠国条款most favoured nation clause
惠国条款most favored nation clause
最后条款final provisions
最惠国待遇条款most favoured nation treatment clause
最惠特许条款most favoured licence clause
有付款条件的合同deed money escrow
有效中介条款efficient and procuring cause
有条件的条款conditional clause
未交货条款failure to deliver clause
条件条款condition clause
条件变更条款change condition
条件苛刻的条款hard loan
条款terms and condition
条款的议定arrangement of clause
条款编号numbering of clause
条款草案draft provision
条款解说definition of term
杰森条款Jason clause (遇险时抛弃货物的条款)
标准条款standard provisions
标准合同条款standard contract provisions
标准承包合同条款general conditions of contract
标准抵押权条款union mortgage clause
标准班轮附加险条款liner negligence clause
标准班轮附加险条款additional perils clause
栏外条款warranted clause
检查和索赔条款inspection and claim clause
检验与投标条款survey and tender clause
正本条款original or authentic clause
歧视性条款discriminative clause
残损条款damage clause
每年按生产率调高工资的条款annual improvement factor
水损条款sea damaged terms
水运条款water-borne clause (指对陆上危险不保)
汇兑条款currency clause
汇款条款exchange clause
汇款条款currency clause
法规条款statutory provision
浮泊条款floating clause
海损条款averaging clause
海损赔偿条款average clause
消极保证条款negative pledge clause
消防损失条款civil authority clause
渔船条款fishing vessel clause
港口条款port clause
潜在瑕疵条款latent defect clause
火险自然扩展条款fire risk extension clause
火险附加条款fire risk extension clause
灭失条款lost clause
灭失或不灭失条款lost of not lost clause
灵活条款variation clause
煤矿保证条款colliery guarantee
燃料条款bunker clause
物价变动条款escalation clause
物权保留条款retention of title clause
特别条款stamp clause
特别条款special term
特别维护条款entrenched provision
特惠条款preference clause
现状条款as they are
现行法律条款Existing Legislation Clause
生活费用条款cost of living clause
甲板货物条款clause for cargoes shipped on deck
白蚁条款termite clause
码头检验条款jetty clause
破损条款break-up clause
破损险条款breakage clause
确认有效条款attestation clause
确证条款conclusive evidence clause
碰撞责任条款running down clause
碰撞双方均有过失条款both to blame collision clauses
碰撞损害条款damage done clause
碰船货损条款freight collision clause
福利待遇条款fringe issue
私人条款private terms
空屋条款vacancy clause
空白仲裁条款blank arbitration clause
空船条款demise clause
签字条款sign articles
累积条款cumulative provision
约束性条款mandatory provisions
缺额条款deficiency clause
罚款条款punitive provision
罚款条款punitive clause
耐用条款durable clause
联运转船货条款through cargo clause
背书条款endorse clause
背书汇兑条款exchange as per endorsement
航次受阻条款frustration clause
航程延长条款marine extension clause
舱内条款underdeck clause
舱内及甲板上条款in and over-clause
舱面条款on deck clause
舱面条款deck clause
船东责任条款shipowner's responsibility
船价超过保价条款excess clause
船壳撞损条款contact clause
船舶估价条款valuation clause
船舶概况条款preamble clause
船边交货条款overside delivery clause
补充条款supplemental condition
补充条款supplementary clause
补充条款supplementary provision
补充条款clause rider
装船量条款shipped quality terms
装货重量条款shipping weight terms
见证条款attestation clause
让与条款release clause
让与条款assignment clause
让出条款relinquishment clause
让渡条款assignment clause
许诺条款grant clause
调整价格伸缩条款escalator clause
调整条款escalation clause
调船条款substitution clause
谈判合同条款negotiation of contract terms
谷物运输条款corn trade clauses
豁免条款release course
财产保险中的共同保险条款co-insurance clause in property insurance
责任条款liability clause
责任终止条款cesse clause
货主负担风险条款owner's risk clause
货款条件紧缩hardening of loan terms
货物保险条款cargo clause
货物损失运费照付条款lost or not lost clause
货物起岸费用条款landed terms
贷款条款credit terms
贷款条件terms of credit
贷款条件terms of loan
贷款条件credit terms
贷款条件condition for loan
费用条款disbursement clause
费用条款charge clause
赊销付款条件credit terms
赏罚条款penalty-and-bonus clause
赔款条款penalty clause
赔款后保险金额复原条款loss reinstatement clauses
起卸后货物质量条款landed quality terms
起岸费用条款landed terms
超过或不足条款more or less clause
超速罚款条speeding ticket
转交条款carry-over clause
辅助条款supplementary condition
辅助条款subsidiary condition
过境运输条款transit terms
过户条款demise clause
过驳交货条款Sous-Palan clause
过驳交货条款overside delivery clause
运费支付条款hire and payment clause
运送合约终止条款termination of contract of carriage clause
还船条款redelivery clause
进口关税条款import duty clause
退回保险费条款return clause
退约条款denunciation clause
退货特约条款rejection clause
适用条款applicable notes
适航性认可条款seaworthiness admitted clause
逃避条款escape clause
选择条款selectivity clause
选择法律条款choice of law clause
选择法庭条款choice of forum clause
通用条款interchangeable term
通用合同条款general conditions of contract
通用要求条款common requirement clause
通知条款notify clause
通货条款currency clause
避免责任条款hedge clause
醒目条款conspicuous clause
重开谈判条款reopening clause
租约的重新估价条款revaluation clause
重新谈判条款reopener clause
重置条款replace clause
鉴于条款whereas clause
销售配额条款quota clause
销约条款cancellation clause
镀铁件磨耗条款metalling clause
镀铁件磨耗条款metaling clause
阐明条款express provision
防止损害条款sue and labour clause
防止损害条款sue and labor clause
条款信用证clause letter of credit
附买回条款债券debt warrant bond
附利息条款票据interest clause bill
附加条款clause rider
附加条款saving clause
附加条款subsidiary condition
附加条款superimposed clause
附加条款additional provision
附加条款accessories clause
附加险条款additional perils clause
附属条款collateral term
附带条款tied-in clause
附带条款provisory clause
附带预支条款的循环信用证extended credit
附有限制条款的合同requirement contract
附条件条款soft clause
附条件的贷款tied loan
附条件的贷款conditional loan
陆上危险不保条款water-borne clause
陆运条款shore-to-shore clause
陆运条款shore clause
降低锁住条款drop lock clause
限制条款restrictive clause
限制性条款restrictive covenant
限制配船部位的条款restrictions on shipping space clause
限外条款exclusion clause
限定保险人责任的条款clause limiting insurer liability
除外条款exception clause
除外危险条款excepted perils clause
雇佣条款employment clause
非主要条款non-essential clause
非争议性条款non-contest clause
非学会条款non-institute clause
非签约人条款non-signers' clause
非累积条款non-cumulative provisions
非约束性条款non-biding clause
面粉全险条款flour all risks clause
驳船条款craft clause
驻泊条款liberty to touch and stay
验付条款payment after inspection clause
验签条款attestation clause
验证条款attestation clause
默示条款implied term
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