
Terms for subject Commerce containing 杂项 | all forms | in specified order only
工厂杂项开支factory burden
工厂杂项开支factory overhead
已付杂项利息sundry interest paid (与已收杂项利息(sundry interest received) 相对)
杂项人名账户sundry person's account
杂项供应品sundry supplies
杂项债权人sundry creditor (与杂项债务人(sundry debtor) 相对)
杂项商品miscellaneous commodities
杂项投资miscellaneous investments
杂项支出incidental expenses
杂项收入miscellaneous gains
杂项收入miscellaneous incomes
杂项收益sundry receipts
杂项放款sundry loans
杂项津贴sundry allowance
杂项账户miscellaneous accounts
杂项费用已从总额中扣除deductions have been made from the total amount for sundry expenses as per our Debit Note No. 194
非经营性杂项收入incidental revenue