
Terms for subject Economy containing 机动 | all forms | in specified order only
不动产信贷机构real estate credit institution
主发动机车间main engine plants
他们在设计一台新发动机They are designing a new engine
储蓄的动机motive for saving
利他动机altruistic motive
动力织布机power loom
动机分析a motivational research
动机分配motivation research
动机研究a motivation research
劳动的机械装备率rate of mechanization per unit labour
劳动的机械装备率the rate of mechanization per unit labour
发动机工业prime mover industry
启动价格机制trigger price mechanism
国际商用机器公司的自动编码International Business Machine's Autocoder
带式输送机自动秤conveyer scale
我们从利润中留出一万美元保留款作为机动Out of the profits, we have saved $10.000 as retainage for flexible use
手动机a hand machine
扭矩电动机a torque motor
投机倒把活动speculative activities
投机引发的价格波动speculation-driven price volatility
投机引发的价格波动speculation-driven volatility
投机引发的波动speculation-driven price volatility
投机引发的波动speculation-driven volatility
投机性货币流动the speculative money flow
投机活动the speculation activity
方便动机convenience motive
机会均等行动affirmative action
机动玩具储蓄箱mechanical bank
机动的来源mobile sources
机动脱粒机power-driven threshing machine
机动车日常费用motor vehicle running cost
机器劳动machine labour
机械动力machine power
每月机动预算资料monthly flexible budget data
气〔风〕动机械pneumatic machinery
流动商店司机兼售货员truck route salesman
汽车流动商店司机兼售货员driver salesman
流动性偏好动机motive for liquidity preferences
浮动吸粮机floating elevator
海上机动业务the maritime mobile service
生产动机product motive
生产动机the motive of production
生产动机product motives
用计算机自动转账the automated transit
电子计算机上的自动数据处理the automated data processing
石油类液体燃料发动机oil engine
私利动机interested motives
移动式计算机a movable computer
经济动机economic motives
能动的有机体dynamic organism
自动售货机an automatic vending machine
出售小商品的自动售货机vending machine
自动售货机vendor (vender)
自动售货机售货automatic machine trading
自动安定机能automatic stabilizer
自动封缄及贴票机automatic envelop seal and stamping machine
自动收报交易所的电报机tape machine
自动结账机automated checkout machine
价格自动调节的机能function of automatic adjustment
自动调节经济的机制mechanism regulating the economy automatically
英国动力机与石油工业技术委员会British Technical Council of the Motor and Petroleum Industries
计算机自动核算税额computerized system of self-assessment
计算机自动核算税额computerised system of self-assessment
该公司三年前引入机动工作时制The company introduced flextime working three years ago
该公司的财政政策毫无机动There is no flexibility in the company's fiscal policy
谋利动机profit motive
质量机动幅度the quality latitude
资产动机assets motive
资金流动价格机能the specie flow price mechanism
这两台机器差别很大一台配有电动机,另一台靠燃油驱动The two machines differ greatly: one has an electric motor, the other runs on oil
这种牌号的发动机是众所周知的This brand of motor is extensively known
通货膨胀的发动机engine of inflation
重油发动机oil engine
金融机构的辅助外国业务活动peripheral business operations of banking institutions
银行自动付款机automatic cash dispenser
银行自动机an automatic teller
机动工具的运输业nonmechanized vehicles
非金融动机non-financial motivation
黄金流动价格机能the specie flow price mechanism