
Terms containing 服 务 | all forms | in specified order only
avia.一体化终端气象服务系统integrated terminal weather system
gen.一百美元一天,包括供暖费但不包括服务It is a hundred dollars a day including heating fee, but excluding service charge
horticult.万维网服务WWW server
multimed.三层客户机/服务器结构three-tier client/server
avia.上/下服务组件upper/lower service module
avia.上海飞机客户服务有限公司客户服务中心Shanghai Aircraft Customer Service Co., Ltd. Customer Service Center
avia.下舱服务员休息室lower lobe attendant rest
gen.不好意思,先生。我们不让顾客带走自助餐食物,我们不提供打包服务Sorry, sir. We don't allow customers to take food out from buffet. We don't have any doggie bags
avia.不定期商业和业余服务intermittent commercial and amateur service
gen.不知道你们宾馆是否有叫早服务I wonder if your hotel has the morning call service
multimed.专用服务specialized server
multimed.专用服务dedicated server
multimed.专线服务dedicated service
gen.世界建造服务公司Worldwide Construction Services Inc.
multimed.两层客户器/服务器结构two-tier client/server
multimed..NET 个人服务组件.NET my services
multimed.个人通信服务personal communications services
gen.назв.комп. 中国出国人员服务公司China Service Corp, for Chinese Personnel Working Abroad
multimed.服务primary service area
multimed.事务处理服务transaction services layer
multimed.服务cloud service
gen.交换式多兆位数据服务客户前端设备SMDS customer premises equipment (CPE)
gen.交换式多兆位数据服务寻址SMDS addressing
gen.交换式多兆位数据服务接口协议SMDS interface protocol
gen.交换式多兆位数据服务接口协议分级SMDS interface protocol SIP levels
multimed.交换式多兆位数据服务系统switched multimegabit data services
multimed.企业服务enterprise server
multimed.传真服务fax server
multimed.传输服务transport services
gen.伦敦大学计算机服务London University Computer Services
horticult.作物信息服务系统crop information service system
horticult.作物智能栽培服务系统servicing system of intelligent crop production
gen.你们热情周到的服务让我有一种宾至如归的感觉Your thoughtful service has made me feel at home
gen.你们的服务给我们留下了深刻的印象We were impressed by your service
gen.你应该记下出租车牌号,以便投诉司机的劣质服务或欺骗行为You should remember the license number of the taxi, in case you meet a driver who offers poor service or is dishonest
gen.你能告诉我这款手表的售后服务有哪些吗?Can you tell me something about the after sales service of this watch?
gen.使利用 世界为人类服务hominize
gen.修理服务repair clerk desk
gen.停车场服务parking valet
gen.先生,所有账单都需要另加15%的服务All the bills are subject to 15% service charge, sir
gen.全国工业服务协会National Industrial Service Association
gen.全国工业燃料效率服务National Industrial Fuel Efficiency Service
gen.全国数据处理服务National Data Processing Service
gen.全国电视业协会与电子服务业协会联盟National Alliance of Television and Electronic Service Associations
multimed.全方位服务网络full-service network
geol.全球信息服务global information service
gen.全球工程文献服务公司Global Engineering Documentation Services, Inc.
gen.全程服务full service
multimed.公共信息服务public massage service
multimed.公共管理信息服务单元common management information service element
horticult.农业生产信息咨询服务inquiry service of agricultural production information
horticult.农业生产信息的咨询服务consultant service of agricultural production information
multimed.分布式拒绝服务攻击distributed denial of service attack
multimed.分布认证安全服务协议distributed authentication security service
gen.分析服务公司Analytic Services, Inc.
avia.分析服务有限公司analytic services, Inc.
avia.分组交换服务packet switching service
multimed.邮件列表服务list server
gen.到我点餐时,我要求女服务员给我的烤饼来一点果酱When it was my time to order, I asked the waitress to bring some jam with my scone
gen.前台。需要我为您服务吗?Front Desk. May I help you?
gen.前台,需要我为您服务吗?Front Desk. Can I help you?
multimed.加密服务提供商cryptographic service provider
gen.加床服务extra bed
multimed.动态网络服务dynamic network services
geol.勘探与储层服务Exploration and Reservoir Services
geol.勘探与石油服务联合公司Joint Company for Exploration and Petroleum Services
avia.包交换服务程序packet switching services
gen.包含服务费和税吗?Does that include service charge and tax?
gen.医疗服务中队medical service squadron
multimed.服务网站single-serving site
horticult.单机决策服务single-machine decision service
gen.卫生科学统一服务大学The Uniformed Services University of the Health Spences
multimed.jabber 即时通信服务服务器jabber
avia.合作伙伴提供的服务partner provided service
avia.合同工程技术服务contract engineering technical services
avia.合同支援服务contract support services
multimed.名单服务list server
gen.NetBIOS 名字服务NetBIOS name server
multimed.命名服务naming service
horticult.咨询服务inquiry service
gen.售后服务after-sale service
multimed.商业服务提供商commerce service provider
multimed.商用服务commerce server
gen.嗯,任何银行都会以我们现在的旅游支票购买率来兑换,我们在某些方面比酒店更便宜一点是因为服务Well, any bank will cash it at our present traveler's check buying rate, for which we're somewhere cheaper than hotels because of the service charge
multimed.因特网服务器应用编程接口Internet server application programming interface
multimed.因特网国际象棋服务Internet chess server
multimed.因特网电话服务提供商Internet telephony service provider
multimed.因特网认证服务Internet authentication service
gen.国家地震工程情报服务美国National Information Service for Earthquake Engineering
gen.国防后勤服务中心Defense Logistics Services Center
gen.在…处服务be in the employ of
gen.在…处服务bein one's employ
gen.在梳妆台的第一个抽屉里,您可以看见有一本宾馆服务信息指南In the first drawer of your dresser, you can find a brochure full of information about the facilities and services of our hotel
multimed.Trackle 在线服务Trackle
multimed.在线服务online service
multimed.在线服务提供商online service provider
multimed.ESPN3 在线流媒体服务ESPN3
multimed.Rdio 在线音乐服务Rdio
multimed.TuneCore 在线音乐发行服务TuneCore
geol., navig.地学地球与海洋服务中心Geoscience Earth & Marine Service
geol.地质数据服务geological data services
multimed.基于服务器的应用server-based application
multimed.基本服务basic service set
gen.塞尔斯技术服务实验研究Sales Technical Service Laboratory
multimed.增值服务value added services
multimed.增值服务提供商value added service provider
multimed.声音服务audio server
multimed.多媒体通信服务multimedia messaging service
multimed.多点会议服务multipoint conferencing server
multimed.多通道多点分布服务multichannel multipoint distribution service
gen.夜床服务turn-down service
gen.夜班服务overnight staff
gen.大堂副主管在宾馆大堂内,24小时为您提供服务The Assistant Manager in the lobby will be at your service at any time
multimed.weather underground 天气服务weather underground (weather service)
gen.如您离开酒店而需要与来客或来电联系时,请把您的去处告之服务总台You can tell our Information Desk the place to go if you want to be in touch with telephone message or visitors when you are out
gen.如果你对服务员的服务不满意,可以不留或者少留小费If you're not satisfied with the service the maid is providing, don't leave a tip (or reduce the amount you would tip)
gen.如果我进行了更改,我预订的专车服务会怎么样?What happens to my chauffer bookings if I change?
gen.如遇紧急情况,请联系客房中心或总台服务If any emergency happens, please contact the housekeeping center or Front Desk
multimed.PS3 媒体服务PS3 media server
multimed.TVersity 媒体服务TVersity media server
multimed.媒体服务media server
multimed.存储器管理服务storage management services
multimed.学术性电子文本和图像服务scholarly electronic text and image service
multimed.安全服务secure server
multimed.客户服务单元/数字服务单元customer service unit/digital service unit
multimed.客户机/服务器系统client-server systems
multimed.客户机/服务机体系结构client/server architecture
multimed.客户机-服务机共同计算client-server computing
gen.客房服务员现在正在送熨好的衣服。非常抱歉衣服送晚了The housekeepers are delivering the laundry right now. We? re sorry for the delay
gen.客房服务Room Service
gen.客房服务部,能为您效劳吗?Room Service. What can I do for you?
gen.客房送餐服务24小时都提供Room service is available 24 hours a day
gen.客房送餐服务要加收15%的服务费There is an extra charge of 15% for room service
multimed.Telly 家庭娱乐服务home entertainment server
multimed.宽带普及服务broadband universal service
gen.宾馆可用的服务设施包括舞厅、健身房、游泳池等Available service facilities at the hotel include a ballroom, a physical fitness center, a swimming pool, etc
gen.宾馆接待处 24小时为您提供预订客房、住宿登记等服务The Front Desk will provide you with the service of reservation and registration any time
gen.对不起,我们没有蒸汽浴,但我们有按摩服务I'm sorry. We don't have saunas in our hotel, but we have massage service
gen.对不起,打扰了,请问您对我们的服务还满意吗?Excuse me, sir. What do you think of our service?
multimed.对象关系服务object-relational server
multimed.尤瑞媒体点播服务软件ultravox (software)
multimed.XS 工作室生产服务EVS
multimed.并发服务concurrent server
multimed.并发控制服务concurrency control service
multimed.广域信息服务wide area information server
multimed.1seg 广播服务1seg
avia.开始服务日期in-service date
avia.开放式数据服务open data service
multimed.开放网格服务体系结构open grid services architecture
multimed.开放网格服务基础设施open grid service infrastructure
gen.当然可以,女士。我会转告夜班服务员。到时候她们会来的Certainly, madam. I'll let the overnight staff know. They will come then
gen.当然,照相馆也提供扫描、刻盘、打印这样的服务Of course you can. A photography studio usually provides such service as scanning, disc burning and printing
multimed.影视服务video server
gen.彳艮高兴为您服务。先生,请告诉我您需要房间的时间It's a pleasure to assist you. Please tell me when you'll be needing the room, sir
gen.往返大巴服务shuttle service
gen.很好!顺便问问,你们提供接机服务吗?Fantastic! By the way, do you have a transfer service from airport to hotel?
multimed.循环服务iterative server
multimed.微软 SQL 服务Microsoft SQL server
multimed.微软 TechNet 服务系统Microsoft TechNet
multimed.微软消息队列服务Microsoft message queue server
gen.快洗服务要额外付5%的费用There is an extra charge of 5 % for express service
gen.快递服务express service
gen.恐怕不行。超重了。免费托运服务携带的行李重量为8公斤I'm afraid not. It's overweight. The allowance for the carry-on baggage is 8 kg
multimed.悉尼电子学术服务Sydney eScholarship
gen.您今天是否挂账用酒店的服务Do you have any charges for this morning?
gen.您对我们的服务有什么意见吗?What's your opinion of our service?
gen.您是要快洗服务还是当日取?Would you like express service or same-day?
gen.您最好到我们中层楼的顾客服务台查询一下You'd better go to our Customer Service Counter on the mezzanine and check on it
gen.情报服务美国原子能委员会所属的Office of Information Services
gen.感谢您的服务,这是给您的小费Thanks for your service. Here is your tip, please
gen.感谢来电,期待为您服务Thank you for your calling, and we look forward to serving you
gen.我从未见过这样的服务I've never seen any service like this
gen.我从未遇到这样的服务I've never seen any service like this
gen.我们为您提供外币兑换服务We provide the service of exchanging foreign currency
gen.我们为您提供店内免费运送或寄存行李服务We offer free-of-charge service of delivery in our hotel and left-luggage service
gen.我们在等服务员替我们结账We are waiting for the waiter to foot up our bill
gen.我们所有的客服人员都在忙着服务他们的顾客,请等五分钟后,就会有人接听您的电话All of our representatives are currently busy serving their customers. Your call will be answered in approximate 5 minutes
gen.我们知道宝马无论是从质量还是从售后服务上都是做得非常好的We know that BMW means better quality, and better aftersales service
gen.我们非常欣赏你们的热情服务和对我们的盛情款待We appreciate your service and your hospitality very much
gen.我对你们的服务很满意We are satisfied with your service
gen.我对此次服务不满意,出租车司机急转弯,我受伤了I am not satisfied with the service, the taxi driver swerved and hurt me
gen.我得没收这些新鲜水果。请把申报单交给出口的服务员。祝您旅途愉快!I have to confiscate these fresh fruit. Give your declaration form to the attendant at the exit. And have a nice day
gen.我想了解一下你们的洗衣服务I'd like to know about your laundry service
gen.我是客房服务员,可以进来吗?Housekeeping. May I come in?
gen.我是朗西•史蒂文斯,请你们的客户服务部经理接电话,好吗?My name is Lance Stevens. May I speak to your Customer Service Manager?
gen.我是楼层服务员。如果有什么需要,请告诉我I'm the floor attendant. Just let me know if there is anything I can do for you
gen.我是白银出租车公司,能为您服务吗?Silver Taxi Service here, can I help you?
multimed.打印服务print server
gen.打扰一下,请问服务台在哪儿?Excuse me. Where can I find the service desk?
multimed.托管服务提供商hosting provider
gen.技术服务Technical Service Unit
gen.技术服务美国商业部所属的;前身为 PBOffice of Technical Services
gen.技术会议情报服务Technical Meeting Information Service
gen.技术情报服务公司Technical Information Co.
gen.技术情报服务美国Technical Information Service
gen.技术情报服务美国原子能委员会所属的,O.I.S. 的前身Technical Information Service
gen.技术情报及图书资料服务Technical Information and Library Service
multimed.拨入用户远程身份验证服务remote authentication dial-in user service
multimed.拨号联网服务dial-up service
comp.择优服务cream skimming
avia.指令服务command and service module
avia.指定服务存取点destination service access point
gen.接机服务pick up service
gen.擦鞋服务位于大堂一层,免费为您提供擦鞋服务The Shoe-Shine Service locates in the lobby. You may polish your shoes free of charge there
multimed.数字信号等级/数据服务等级digital signal level/data service level
multimed.数字卫星服务digital satellite service
multimed.数字声音无线电服务digital audio radio service
multimed.数字媒体服务digital media service
multimed.数字数据服务digital data service
multimed.数字终端服务digital termination service
multimed.Radical.fm 数字音乐流媒体服务Radical.fm
multimed.数据服务digital audio broadcasting
multimed.数据服务data service
multimed.数据服务单元/通道服务单元data service unit/channel service unit
gen.数据处理服务机构联合会Association of Data Processing Service Organizations
multimed.数据电话数字服务系统dataphone digital service
multimed.数据管理服务data management server
multimed.数据链路服务访问点link service access point
multimed.文件服务file services
gen.文摘及书目索引卡片服务Abstract and Book Title Index Card Service
gen.文献服务中心美; ASTIA 所属的,前身为 CADODocument Service Center
gen.文献服务联合公司Literature Service Associates
multimed.CNN pipeline 新闻服务CNN pipeline
gen.无线电服务radio service
multimed.无镜像服务unmirrored server
multimed.时间同步服务time-synchronization service
gen.是的,免费接机。我们的豪华酒店将继续保持高水准的产品和服务,来满足客人们对瑞吉酒店和至尊精选酒店的期望Yes, sir. It's free of charge. Our luxury brands continue to maintain the high level of service and products that our luxury guests expect from St. Regis and the Luxury Collection properties
gen.晚上好,先生。您对这里的饭菜和服务满意吗?Good evening, sir. Is everything to your satisfaction?
avia.最佳服务指令distinguished service order
gen.最后 1 英里服务last mile service
multimed.最终剪辑服务final cut server
gen.有些商家会为购物数目为十件以内的顾客提供快速收银服务Some stores even offer express lane for customers with 10 items or less
horticult.有效网络服务系统effective network service system
multimed.ananova 服务ananova
multimed.astro IPTV 服务astro IPTV
multimed.blinkbox 服务blinkbox
multimed.EmuBands 服务EmuBands
multimed.lifecasting 服务video stream
multimed.诺基亚 ovi 服务Nokia
multimed.Shomi 服务Shomi
multimed.Typekit 服务Typekit
multimed.Windows media DRM 服务Windows media DRM
multimed.WiMP 服务WiMP
multimed.OTT 服务over-the-top content
multimed.helpshift 服务helpshift
multimed.CBC.ca 服务CBC.ca
multimed.服务业务过程执行语言web services business process execution language
gen.服务Reception Desk
gen.服务员,能给我开张收据吗?Waiter, may I have a receipt?
gen.服务员,请为我们分开结账Waiter, we'll have separate checks, please
multimed.Steamcast 服务Steamcast
multimed.casparCG 服务casparCG
multimed.服务器中心server farm
gen.Web 服务器场Web farm
multimed.服务器应用server application
multimed.服务器推挽server push-pull
multimed.服务器操作系统server operating system
horticult.服务器服务server service
multimed.服务器消息块server message block
multimed.服务器程序server program
multimed.服务器端包含程序server side includes
multimed.服务器端嵌入server-side includes
multimed.服务器端脚本server-side script
multimed.服务器解析 HTMLserver-parsed HTML
multimed.服务器设备server appliance
multimed.SubSonic 服务器软件SubSonic (media server)
multimed.infoware 服务器软件infoware
multimed.服务器错误server error
multimed.服务器镜像server mirroring
gen.服务器集群server farm
gen.服务型宠物service animal
gen.服务太慢了The service is too slow
multimed.服务对象servant object
multimed.服务工程师service engineer
multimed.服务广告协议service advertising protocol
multimed.服务接入点service access point
multimed.服务接入点标识符service access point identifier
multimed.Web 服务描述语言web services definition language
multimed.服务数据对象service data object
multimed.Web 服务Web server
multimed.CD-ROM 服务CD-ROM server
multimed.服务机群server farm
multimed.服务机群server duster
gen.服务生会把您的行李送过来A bellman will bring your bags
multimed.服务级别协议service level agreement
gen.服务宇宙飞船中的service module
comp.服务菜单service menu
multimed.服务调度service scheduling
avia.服务需求request for service
multimed.本地多点分布服务local multipoint distribution service
gen.―条龙服务加油站full-service station
gen.柜台服务员用勺子舀岀少许苏门答腊咖啡豆,磨成粉,倒入滴滤式咖啡壶的滤格,浇下热水,冲一杯咖啡供我品尝The counterman scooped out Sumatran coffee beans, ground them, put the grounds in a filter in the cone and poured hot water over them to give me a sample of their product
avia.标准定位服务standard position service
multimed.校园综合信息服务系统campuswide information system
gen.核子研究服务公司Nuclear Research Services, Inc.
multimed.服务root server
multimed.桌面服务desk top server
bridge.桥牌服务pick-up boy
gen.武装部队无线电服务Armed Forces Radio Service
gen.洗衣服务。我能进来吗?Laundry service. May I come in?
multimed.活动目录权限管理服务active directory rights management services
multimed.kalydo 流媒体服务kalydo
multimed.消息服务messaging service
multimed.消息服务java message service
multimed.服务接入点source service access point
gen.满意,非常好!饭菜味道很好,你们的服务也很好。那个服务员的服务给我们留下了深刻的印象Oh, yes, it is wonderful! The food supplied is tasty and your service is very good. We were very impressed by the service of the attendant
gen.点餐后,服务员只会给客人们开瓶器The waiter only gives the guests the bottle opener after the meal has been ordered
multimed.片式服务blade server
gen.物理性能资料服务Physical Property Data Service
gen.物理、电工、计算机与自动控制情报服务中心Information Services of Physics, Electrotechnology, Computers and Control
gen.独立电视服务机构Independent Television Service
gen.环境科学服务管理局Environmental Science Service Administration
gen.环境资料服务Environmental Data Service
multimed.甚高速骨干网服务very high speed backbone network service
multimed.用具服务appliance server
busin.用户服务中心customer service center
gen.用户场景为客户提供自助服务,使用户可以管理他们的银行账户,查找支行和自动取款机,以及与银行雇员联系Consumer scenarios provide customers with self-services where they can manage their banking accounts, find branch offices and ATMs, and initiate communications with banking staff
multimed.用户定位服务服务器user location service server
multimed.电子邮件服务electronic mail services
multimed.电子邮局协议服务post office protocol server
gen.电子银行服务也许会淘汰柜台交易E-banking may make the counter transactions obsolete
multimed.TVPlayer 电视流媒体服务TVPlayer
multimed.电话服务telephony server
multimed.电话服务应用编程接口telephony services application programming interface
multimed.服务thin server
multimed.目录服务directory server
multimed.目录系统代理/目录服务器代理directory system agent/directory server agent
multimed.短消息服务short message/messaging service
geol.沙特阿拉伯石油矿产总局服务Petromin Services Development
multimed.IContact 社交服务提供商IContact
gen.离开宾馆之前,你应该把小费封在信封里,并注明“给服务员”,并把信封留在一个明显的位置Before leaving the hotel, you should enclose the tip in a sealed envelope and mark it "Chambermaid" and leave it in a obvious place
gen.科学情报服务Office of Scientific Information Service
avia.程序信息协调和审查服务program information coordination and review service
geol.空中摄影和绘图服务air photographic and charting service
gen.空号服务absent subscriber service
multimed.窄频带模拟移动电话服务narrow-band analog mobile phone service
gen.符合要求的残障人士可携带经过培训的服务型宠物入舱。宠物应该待在乘客指定座位的前面区域,不能进入过道Trained service animals are accepted in cabin for qualified individuals with a disability. A service animal should sit in the floor space in front of the customer's assigned seat but cannot protrude into the aisles
multimed.简易老式电话服务系统plain old telephone service
multimed.管理服务management services
multimed.系统管理服务systems management server
multimed.系统网络体系结构分布服务SNA distribution services
multimed.索引服务査询语言indexing service query language
geol.综合勘探开发服务有限公司Integrated Exploration & Development Services Ltd.
gen.网站服务Web server
gen.网络服务Web service
multimed.网络服务协议network services protocol
multimed.网络服务network servers
multimed.网络服务访问点network service access point
multimed.TVCatchup 网络电视服务TVCatchup
multimed.AOL TV 网络电视服务AOL TV
gen.网络覆盖服务Web coverage service
multimed.美国广播视频点播服务ABC iview
gen.美国电力服务公司American Electric Power Service Corp.
gen.美国联机服务American Online
gen.联合国情报服务联合国机构United Nations Information Service
multimed.联合控制服务association control service element
multimed.服务fat server
gen.能向我介绍一下你们酒店的服务吗?Could you tell us something about your hotel's services?
multimed.自动服务系统auto attendant
gen.自动化数据处理与通信服务automated data processing and communications service
gen.英国陶瓷服务公司British Ceramic Service Co., Ltd.
gen.虚拟服务virtual host
multimed.虚拟托管服务virtual hosting
gen.虽然我没有在精细化工公司的工作经历,但在制药公司的两年使我成长为优秀的客户服务代表Although I've never worked in fine chemistry companies, the two-year experience in a pharmaceutical company has made me a qualified customer service representative who can meet the high standards
gen.西餐通常要求有整洁卫生的环境和全面优质的服务A neat and clean environment and good service are needed in enjoying Western-style food
gen.要付小费的职业包括理发师、出租车司机、门童、停车场服务员以及酒保The professions where tipping is expected include hairdressers, taxi drivers, hotel porters, parking valets, and bartenders
multimed.视听多媒体服务audiovisual multimedia services
multimed.XT3 视频服务EVS
multimed.Vine 视频分享服务Vine (service)
gen.计算机调整服务负责协助排除计算机的故障或消除计算程序中的错误debug service
multimed.话音服务voice server
gen.请保存好收据,作为交款凭证,并享受保修服务Please retain this receipt as proof of your purchase and your guarantee
gen.请到服务台领取长期存物证Please pick up a long-term storage tag at the Bell Captain's Desk
gen.谢谢您的优质服务Thank you for your wonderful service
gen.谢谢您的称赞。我们很高兴您喜欢这里的饭菜和服务Thank you for your compliments. We're pleased that you like our service and food
multimed.谷歌仪表板服务google dashboard
multimed.谷歌快速翻转服务google fast flip
multimed.贸易对象服务trading object service
multimed.服务器攻击cross server attack
gen. 服务到车的路旁餐馆服务car-hop
horticult.辅助决策服务supplementary decision service
horticult.辅助决策服务aided decision service
gen.辛格信息服务公司Singer Information Services Co.
gen.运营服务时间operating hour
gen.这家酒店的服务高效、态度友好Service at the hotel is efficient and friendly
gen.这是您的钥匙卡,服务生将协助您提取行李Here is your key card, and the bellboy will help with your luggage
gen.这里是客房送餐服务。有什么可以效劳的?Room service. May I help you?
multimed.远程安装服务remote installation service
multimed.远程接入服务remote access server
multimed.远程操作服务要素remote operations service element
horticult.远程教学服务teleinstruction service
horticult.远程教学服务long-distance instruction service
multimed.远程数据服务remote data services
multimed.远程电话服务telephone services
gen.送餐服务room service
gen.送餐服务从7点开始Our room service starts serving at 7 o'clock
avia.适合服务adapter service area
multimed.ACC 选择服务ACC select
multimed.透明局域网服务transparent LAN service
multimed.通用服务universal server
multimed.通用描述、发现与集成服务universal description, discovery and integration
multimed.通用数据包无线电服务general packet radio service
gen.逻辑单元服务管理LU service manager
gen.那好吧,小姐,我把这个预订取消。希望将来还能为您服务Well, Miss, I'll cancel it then. I hope we can help you at some other time
gen.Express Mail Service邮政特快专递服务EMS
multimed.部分 T3 服务fractional T3
multimed.部分 T1 服务fractional T1
avia.销售服务market service
avia.销售服务代表marketing service representative
gen.长期服务于…的grey-headed (in)
multimed.webORB 集成服务webORB integration server
multimed.非专用服务non dedicated server
gen.非常感谢您的个性化服务Thank you very much for your personalized service
multimed.面向服务建模与体系结构service oriented modeling and architecture
multimed.面向服务的架构service-oriented architecture
multimed.面向连接服务connection-oriented service
multimed.Xbox 音乐服务Xbox music
multimed.iTunes ping 音乐社交服务ITunes ping
multimed.TuneSat 音频识别服务TuneSat
multimed."预演"Web 服务staging web server
gen.预订员雪莉为您服务,请问有什么可以帮到您?Reservationist Shelly's speaking. May I help you?
gen.餐厅服务部,能为你效劳吗?Restaurant Service. May I help you?
multimed.高级数字移动电话服务系统digital-advanced mobile phone service
multimed.高速缓存服务cache server
multimed.黄页服务yellow pages service
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