
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing | all forms
引力gravitational attraction
引力定律law of universal gravitation
上覆效压力overburden pressure
受拉钢筋的截面cross-section with tension reinforcement only
全部效截面full effective section
不同横向支承条件的杆件members with various lateral support conditions
刚性结点的框架frame with rigid joint
纵向加劲肋并承受侧向荷载的加劲板梁stiffened plate girder with longitudinal stiffeners and subjected to lateral load
长细拱肋的加劲拱stiffened arch with slender arch ribs
效水头net effective water head
效水头net available head
利用已资料use of existing information
动力效应力法dynamic effective stress method
压力杆的效长度effective length of compression member
压杆的效长度effective length of compression member
河床original river bed
受压构件的效截面积effective cross-section area of compressive member
受弯时腹板效面积effective area of web in bending
受拉角钢的效面积effective area of steel angle in tension
受挠时拉力钢筋周围混凝土的效受拉面积effective tensile area of concrete surrounding tension reinforcement in bending
障碍物的土soil containing obstructions
eigen value
周期proper period
圆频率natural circular frequency
振型natural mode of vibration
铁路state railway
铁路national railway
宽梁翼缘的效宽effective width of wide beam flanges
螺旋钢筋的杆件member with spiral reinforcement
赘余杆的双向斜杆系统double diagonal system with redundant member
常年水河流perennial flow river
常年水河流continuous stream
平均效应力mean effective stress
延长效期extend the expiration date
弯曲平面内的效长度effective length in plane of bending
换算效截面equivalent effective section
搜集已资料search for existing information
无阻尼固振动undamped natural vibration
无阻尼固频率unclamped natural frequency
existing bridge
桥梁性能existing bridge performance
桥梁改造renovation of existing bridge
铁路existing railway
铁路桥bridge of existing railroad
铁路桥existing railway bridge
铁路线的桥梁bridge of existing railway track
铁路线的顶进桥梁jacking bridge and culvert for existing track
些桥梁certain bridges
侧移构架sway frame
利跨河地点favourable stream cross
压涵洞outlet submerged culvert
名的桥well-known bridge
堤渠道leveed channel
孔杆perforated member
孔板perforated plate
孔桥台abutment with hole
孔盖板perforated cover plate
害变位harmful displacement
害变形harmful deformation
害坡度detrimental grade
害坡度harmful grade
害应力injurious stress
害振动harmful vibration
害振动adverse vibration
害沉降harmful settlement
害沉降detrimental settlement
害的水harmful water
意义的数字significant figure
意义的比较meaningful comparison
拉条拱桥bowstring arch bridge
撑架的板桩framing sheeting pile
撑架的板桩framing sheet pile
支承悬臂梁propped cantilever beam
效上覆压力effective overburden pressure
效位数significant digits
效切线模量effective tangent modulus
效刚度effective stiffness
效刚度比effective stiffness ratio
效加劲件的截面面积effective sectional area of stiffener
效区service area
效厚度effective depth
效厚度effective thickness
效合同valid contract
效孔径effective opening
效孔径usable aperture
效容重effective unit weight
效宽度effective width
效屈曲长度effective buckling length
效工作面积effective working area
效带宽effective width
效张拉力effective tensile force
效截面模量effective section modulus
效截面积effective sectional area
效截面积effective cross-section area
效折算截面effective equivalent section
效措施effective measures
效数significant figures
效数字effective digit
效数据useful data
效断面effective cross-section, effective section
效期effective age
效期限term of validity
效柱长effective column length
效横截面effective cross-section
效水头effective water head
效法向应力effective normal stress
效版本valid edition
效粒径effective grain size
效细长比effective slenderness ratio
效翼缘宽度effective flange width
效范围efficient range
效设计面积effective design area
效跨径effective length of span
效过水面积effective sectional area of flow
效部分effective portion
效配筋率effective ratio of reinforcement
效长度方法effective length approach
效长度的确定determination of effective length
效面积useful area
效预应力effective prestress
效黏聚力effective cohesion force
机物质organic substance
机物质organic matter
机质含量organic content
机质土organic soil
机黏土organic clay
棱角颗粒angular particle
棱角颗粒angular grain
水压状态water pressure state
用的数据available data
用的试验数据available test data
益效应beneficial effect
破冰棱的桥墩sharp-nose pier
碴桥ballasted bridge
碴桥面ballasted bridge floor
碴桥面系ballasted floor system of bridge
碴梁ballasted beam
碴轨道ballasted track
箍筋及斜筋时混凝土的容许主拉应力allowable principal tension stress of concrete with stirrups and diagonal reinforcement
缓和曲线的圆曲线circular curve with transition
缝线路fishplated track
缺陷的桩defective pile
肋板ribbed slab
腹筋梁beam with web reinforcement
色混凝土coloured concrete
节木材knot wood
裂纹的截面cracked section
裂缝岩石fissured rock
裂缝岩石seamy rock
规则的截面regular section
规则的相互作用regular interaction
跨线桥的环形立体交叉flyover roundabout
轨电车tram car
铺砌的截水沟paved gutter
问题的设计questionable design
限元法finite element method (FEM)
限元网格finite element mesh
限单元法finite element method
限变形finite deformation
限差分近似法finite difference approximation
限带宽频谱bandlimited spectrum
限弹性变形finite elastic deformation
限板条法finite strip method
限梁finite beam
限深度影响limited depth influence
限级数finite series
限解finite solution
限量finite quantity
限预应力limited prestress
限预应力混凝土limited prestressed concrete
末位效数字last significant figure
板的效宽度effective width of slab
板的效跨长effective span length of slab
柱的效长度effective column length
柱的效长度effective length of column
中间缀板的杆件member without intermediate batten plate
弯矩的拱arch without moment
横向力的杆件member without transverse force
水平加劲肋的板梁桥plate girder bridge without horizontal stiffeners
混凝土侧限强度concrete confined strength
的设计方法particular design procedure
桥梁existing bridge
试验结果existing experimental result
铁路private railway
线路效长度effective length of track
线路效长度usable length of track
综合关资料synthesize the relevant data
翼缘效宽度effective width of flange
腐殖机土cumulose soil
角焊最大效尺寸maximum effective size of fillet weld
角钢的效面积受拉effective area of angle (in tension)
跨度效长度effective length of span
轴向压力作用下桁架杆件的效长度effective length of truss member under axial compression
面外弯曲的效长度effective length for out-of-plane bending
预应力效率effective ratio of prestress