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如果你以投资的心态购买,只两个品牌不会受到潮流左右,长时间过后也不会贬值,那就是百达翡丽和劳力士If you buy with an investor's mindset, only two brands are immune to fashion and depreciation in the long term: Patek Philippe and Rolex
据乔治•华盛顿大学和L2智库最近的调查,在中国市场,些品牌的知名度超过了劳力士、宝格丽、蒂芙尼A recent analysis by George Washington University and L2, a think-tank, found some brands are better known in China than Rolex, Bvlgari or Tiffany
斯沃琪集团拥欧米茄、宝玑和浪琴等高端腕表品牌The Swatch Group AG owns several high-end watch brands including Omega, Breguet and Longines
没人能拥百达翡丽,只不过是为下一代保管而已You never actually own a Patek Philippe; you merely look after it for the next generation
瑞士钟表公司江诗丹顿在亚洲的一次展览上展出了一些最为精致的具历史意义的钟表,以满足亚洲钟表爱好者强大的购买愿望Switzerland’s Vacheron Constantin has brought some of its fanciest historic timepieces to an exhibition in Asia, in a nod to the buying power of the region's watch aficionados
钛和钢一样坚硬,却只钢一半的重量,这使得它成了一种急需而价格昂贵的金属Titanium is as strong as steel but nearly half as light, which makes it a highly desired—and also very expensive—metal
高昂的价格主要源于制造手柄与螺丝的稀昂贵材料,这些都是铂金的The inflated price tag is due to rare and expensive materials used for the handle and screws, all made of platinum