
Terms for subject Telecommunications containing 有线 | all forms | in specified order only
公用有线广播系统public address system
同时带有 EISA 和 VL 总线扩充槽的结构VESA/EISA
手机通话时使用扬声器或有线耳机,并使手机尽量与身体保持距离,能有效减少辐射Using your cell phone's speaker or connecting a wired headset - while keeping the handset away from your body - drastically reduces radio frequency exposure
数字有线系统digital line system
数字有线链路digital line link
无线-有线接口radio-wire interface
有导频控制的线路段regulated line section
有效扫描线available line
有效线active line
有效线性长度linear span
有源天线driven antenna
有线和无线电公司Cable and Wireless Ltd.
有线射电射频wired radio
有线广播wired broadcasting
有线广播wired radio
有线广播cabled distribution
有线新闻网cable news network
有线/无线转换器wire/wireless switcher
有线电信交换公司wireline exchange carrier
有线电信公司fixed line operator
有线电信公司fixed network operator
有线电信公司fixed operator
有线电信公司fixed line carrier
有线电视community antenna television
有线电视closed-circuit television
有线电视公司cable TV carrier (电视网除提供电视服务外,还兼营电话和数据通信业务)
有线电视公司cable company
有线电视新闻网Cable News Network
有线电话.fixed-line telephone
有线线路wire line
有线耳机wired headset
有线载波通信wired radio
有线载波通信wired radio
有线通信wireline communication
有线通信wired communication
有选择的无线电干扰selective radio interference