
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing 有效 | all forms | in specified order only
住房有效需求effective demand for housing
作物有效土壤含水量plant available water capacity
作物有效土壤水分plant-available moisture
作物有效土壤缺水量plant available water depletion
光合有效程度photosynthetically active range
光合有效范围photosynthetically active range
有效费用net effective cost
剖面有效含水量土壤profile available water capacity
剖面土壤有效水分profile available water
加权有效面积weighted usable area
动力加权有效面积dynamical weighted usable areas
合理有效控制技术reasonably available control technology
吸收光合有效辐射absorbed photosynthetically active radiation
土地占有时效取得【土】acquisitive prescription of land
土壤有效含水率percent soil available water
土壤有效水分百分数percent soil available water
土粒有效直径effective diameter of soil particle
声呐有效作用距离effective sonar range
太阳物理有效载荷solar physics payloads
季节性能源有效系数seasonal energy efficiency ratio
对作物生长期有效积温的土壤水分因子soil moisture factor with growing degree-days
对流有效势能convective available potential energy
平均有效压力brake mean effective pressure
平均制动有效压力brake mean effective pressure
年度燃料利用有效系数annual fuel utilization efficiency
有效发电量total available generation
有效氯量total available chlorine
发动机有效马力effective summed horsepower
指示有效平均压力indicated mean effective pressure
数据有效data valid
有效示范技术best available demonstrated technology
有效示范技术美国环境保护局best available demonstrated technologyEPA
最低有效least significant digit
最佳有效平均best practical means available
最佳示范有效技术best demonstrated available technology
最大有效采收率maximum efficient rate of production
最大有效采收率maximum efficient rate
最大有效采油速度maximum efficient rate of production
最小有效剂量minimal effective dose
最小有效浓度minimum effect concentration
最高有效压缩率highest useful compression ratio
最高有效数位most significant digit
有效不透水面积effective impervious area
有效临界水位痕迹effective critical mark
有效传递深度用完全混合的示踪剂对近地表层等浓度的等效均质土层的模拟effective depth of transfer
有效root-mean square
有效冲沙强度effective sediment erosion intensity
有效净资产effective net worth
有效功率water horse power
有效势能available potential energy
有效含氧量effective oxygen load
有效土壤含水量available soil moisture capacity
有效孔隙开始onset of significant void
有效安全评价formal safety assessment
有效年利率effective annual rate
有效年限effective age
有效弹性厚度effective elastic thickness
有效形变模数effective deformation modulus
有效悬浮固体量work load of suspended solids
有效成分active ingredients
有效持水量available water-holding capacity
有效数据data valid
有效数据data available
有效板数effective plate number
有效柱面辐射率clear column radiances
有效标准差effective standard deviation
有效残留阻力effective residual drag
有效毛收入effective gross income
有效水分water available
有效沉淀指数precipitation effectiveness index
有效湿润区effective wetted region
有效热膨胀系数effective thermal expansion coefficient
有效煤化作用温度effective coalification temperatures
有效理论塔板等效高度height equivalent to one effective theoretical plate
有效生境effective habitat
有效瞬时视域effective instantaneous field of view
有效种群大小effective population size
有效租金effective rent
有效空腔辐射计active cavity radiometer
有效粗糙长度effective roughness length
有效肥力effective fertility
有效能量effective energy
有效蒸散发effective evapotranspiration
有效蓄水量available storage
有效角动量函数effective angular momentum function
有效记录长度effective record length
有效作用质量active mass
有效资金available funds
有效辐射强度effective radiated power
有效辐射温度effective radiant temperature
有效输岀功率effective output
有效过滤速率effective filtration rate
有效迷向性辐射功率effective isotropic radiated power
有效颗粒模型effective grain model
有效黑体温度effective blackbody temperatures
标准有效温度standard effective temperature
校正有效温度corrected effective temperature
混合有效控制渗漏系统dual-acting controlled leak system
游离有效氯量free available chlorine
湿有效能量moist available energy
生长期有效积温growing degree-days
生长期有效积温effective growing degree day
百分有效土壤水分percent soil available water
能源有效系数比energy efficiency ratio
费用有效cost effectiveness
辐射有效radiation use efficiency
重金属生物有效heavy metal bioavailability
非观测有效水平no observed effect level
非观测有效浓度non-observation effective concentrations
非观测有效浓度no observed effect concentration