
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
世界具竞争力的国家world's most competitive countries
世界大的美元投资国world's largest dollar investor
世界大的能源消费国world's largest energy consumer
世界大的黄金市场world's largest bullion market
世界大经济体world's largest economy
世界大黄金消费国world's largest gold consumer
世界富裕国家world's richest countries
世界上具竞争力的国家world's most competitive countries
世界上具竞争力的国家world's most competitive nations
世界上大的美元投资国world's largest dollar investor
世界上大的能源消费国world's largest energy consumer
世界上富裕国家world's richest countries
世界上增长快的大型经济体world's fastest growing large economies
世界上市值大的银行world's most valuable bank
世界上速度快的超级计算机world's fastest supercomputer
世界市值大的银行world's most valuable bank
世界速度快的超级计算机world's fastest supercomputer
今天today's low
今天today's high
今日高价high price
优市价成交at best
佳价格/条件执行交易的原则principle of best execution
优惠项目低税额minimum tax on items of preference
使盈利maximize profit
债务上限后期限debt ceiling deadline
全世界具影响力的金融市场world's most influential financial markets
全日低价day low
全日低价day low price
全日低价daily low
全日高价day high
全日高价day high price
全日高价daily high
公定低利率official minimum rate
升至高水平rise to its highest level
历史高价historical cost
发达世界潜在的后贷款人developed world's potential lender of last resort
相近整数的较低值round down
可能发生的大损失额Probable maximum loss
固定低成本要求fixed minimum capital requirement
会费固定低额fixed floor
国内终销售domestic final sales
实施的后期限implementation deadlines
将外汇风险降至minimize foreign exchange risks
工程后验收前扣发工程款项payment without prior to final acceptance of work
年终后一天收盘closing session of the year
当日低价day low
当日低价day low price
当日低价daily low
当日高价day high price
当日高价day high
当日高价daily high
投入的小成本组合least cost combinations of inputs
投资组合优化portfolio optimization
拍卖时以低于贷主所定低价为贷主买回拍卖品buy in
推动货币国际化,并终实现完全自由兑换create an international and eventually fully convertible currency
支票产低存款minimum cash balance for checking account
政府终消费支出government final consumption expenditure
无条件惠国条款unrestricted most-favored-nation clause
无条件惠国条款unconditional most-favored-nation clause
普通股价值大化maximization of value of common stock
不发达国家特别措施基金special measure fund for the least developed countries
严重的衰退worst recession
优先债务pre-preferential debt
优先股prepreference shares (stocks)
优先股prior preference stock
优惠贷款率best lending rate
优现金结存额optimal cash balance
优贷款者prime borrowers
低交易数额minimum transaction size
低价格minimum price
低供款额minimum contribution
低保证收益率minimum guaranteed yield
低保证金额minimum guaranteed amount
低准备额minimum reserve
低叫价best ask
低可以接受的价格lowest possible price
低存量法minimum stock method (base stock method)
低差额minimum balance
低成本minimum cost
低收入补助negative income tax
低收益风险minimum return risk
低效率规模minimum efficient scale
低汇率floor exchange rate
低流动力minimum liquidity
低清偿力minimum liquidity
低税率minimum tax
低豁免规定de minimus waiver provision
低资本要求minimum capital requirements
低起拍价stop-out price
低限度bottom line
低预期收益率hurdle rate
佳价at best
佳价值value at best
佳价格best price
佳价格盘at-best order
佳价格规则best price rule
佳关税率optimum tariff rate
佳处方best recipe
佳惯例best practice
佳成交价best execution price
佳执行best execution
佳投资组合optimal portfolio
佳经济增长理论theory of optimum economic growth
佳资本optimum capital
先进品种the last word
原始分类primary classification
原始帐目primary account
初估计数original estimate
初成本法first cost method
初的迹象initial sign
初获利额primary EPS
却投资original investment
后一句话the last word
后一句话决定权the last word
商业月份后一天ultimo day
后一笔最大偿付款balloon repayment
后一轮交收处理程序final settlement run
后催缴股款final call
后发票成本法last invoice cost method
后复核聆讯final review hearing
后平均支付方案final average pay plan
后平均薪金final average remuneration
后幸存者年金last-survivor annuity
后成交价last trade price
后成交价last traded price
后成交价last recorded price
后结算表final clearing statement
后行使日last exercise day
后遗族年金last-survivor annuity
后限期dead line
大价格波幅maximum price fluctuation
大差价限额maximum spread
大成长型基金maximum growth fund
大期权max option
大的负债maximum liability
大限度地创造就业和发展机会maximize the creation of employment and development opportunities
小交易额minimum trading amount
小价格波幅minimum price fluctuation
小成本的投入组合least cost input combination
小成本网络流程问题minimal cost network flow problems
小期权min option
小的价格波动minimum price movement
小相当成本least equivalent costs
小等值成本least equivalent costs
少开价数量minimum quote quantity
少限度年金付款minimum number of annuity payment
广义货币供应量M3 (又称"货币3"。在我国,它由"M2+金融债券+商业票据+大额可转让定期存单"构成; 在美国,它由"M2 +大额定期存单+定期回购协议+大额可转让定期存单+美国居民持有的隔夜欧洲美元"等构成)
惠国待遇most favored nation
新型式the last word
新类型品种the last word
有力证据most powerful testimony
末期大笔还清balloon payment
热门的股票high priced stock
短到期收益率yield to adjusted minimum maturity
短回复开价时间minimum response time
终产品价格final goods prices
终价值terminal value
终受益人ultimate beneficiary
终成本last cost
终控股公司ultimate controlling company
终控股权益ultimate controlling interest
终控股股东ultimate controlling shareholder
终支付方案final pay plan
终结算价final settlement price
终要约人ultimate offeror
终调整的目标预算final adjusted target estimate
终贷款人lender of last resort
终贷款人理论lender of last resort theory
终进货成本法last invoice cost method
脆弱的欧元区外围经济体weakest peripheral economies
贫穷国家的投票权voting right of the poorest countries
近交割月份nearby delivery month
近价格法last price method
近修正recent modifications
远月期约back month
适货币区optimum currency area
高价格maximum price
高信用评级top rating
高信用评级top-notch rating
高信用评级top credit rating
高净限额net line
高和最低限额upper and lower limits
高权威the last word
高汇ceiling rate
高行政人员chief executive
高评定等级highest quality rating
高费用ultimate cost
月末后一天收盘closing session of the month
汇票的初责任primary liability on bill of exchange
法定低公积储备金legal minimum reserve
法定低工资legal minimum wage
法定低汇率official minimum rate
法定低股本authorized minimum capital stock
法定高利率legal maximum of interest rate
法定高额legal ceiling
符合客户的佳利益in the best interests of the client
管理佳做法management best practice
能接受的低收益率lowest acceptable rate of return
能接受的低收益率cut-off rate of return
财富大化wealth maximization
财富大化maximization of wealth
贷款高限额lending ceilings
通过持续不断努力终达到改革目标achieve the final objectives of reform through sustained efforts
银行优惠利率bank prime rate
银行借款低利率bank prime rate
预计之低报酬率minimum desired rate of return