
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
不附带条件的惠国条款unconditional most-favoured-nation clause
小输出minimum output
终用户建立直接联系enter into a direct relationship with the end users
为品质终依据final as to quality
交货后期限dead line delivery date
代表工业上新发展的样品representative sample of the latest industrial development
少劳动取得最高效率achieve the maximum of efficiency with the minimum labour
以我方后确认为条件subject to our final confirmation
价格已达到低点The prices have already touched bottom
保证年度低收入guaranteed annual minimum
偿债能力低标准margin of solvency
公司在近一次买卖中赚了大钱The company cleaned up on their recent business arrangement
公平贸易低价格fair trade minimum price
公平贸易低价格Fairtrade minimum price
公称大生产能力nominal maximum capacity
关税高限额tariff ceilings
农业产量大限度a farm-production ceiling
决策优化optimization of decision
决策优性optimality of decision
出价高人the highest bidder
制定优计划optimal scheduling
制定优计划optimum scheduling
卖方负担从码头至终目的地货物的运费The seller is liable for the carriage on and from the quay to the ultimate place of destination of the cargoes
双方当事人好在协议中采用一个条款It is advisable that the both parties introduce a clause in their agreement defining in advance their mutual rights and duties if certain events beyond their control occur
取得大经济效果achieve the maximum economic results
取得大经济效益gain maximum economic result
取消租金高限额lift rent ceiling
合同规定买方所订货物未能完成一定时期的低限额时The contract stipulates that the seller shall have an option of giving notice of termination when the orders placed by the buyer do not represent a minimum volume for a fixed period
国际高审计组织International Organization of Supreme Audit Institution
塑料业的近兴旺景象recent boom in plastics
外部大尺寸overall size
如按实际产量、销量或利润计算的提成费低于低数额,技术引进人必须补足差额When the amount of royalties calculated on the actual production, sales or profits falls short of the amount of the minimum, the technology recipient shall cover the difference
对某物进行后精加工give the last finish to (sth.)
对…进行最后精加工give the last finish to
局部大值local maximum (与局部最小值(local minimum) 相对)
1983年中国核桃的后产量估计为带壳重量20,000公吨The final outturn of the 1983 walnut crop in China is estimated at 20,000M/T in shell
当货运单据转让给终买主,他就取得提单收货人的资格When the shipping documents are transferred to the final buyer, he acquires the status of a consignee of the bill of lading
我们想探询有关澳大利亚近的市场情况We should like to inquire about the recent market situation in Australia
我们目前多只能供应1,000公吨One thousand M/T is the extreme limit we can supply at present
我方不得不要求你方将信用证展期十五天,是由于近舱位特别拥挤The reason why we have to ask you to extend the letter of credit for 15 days is that shipping space has recently been exceptionally congested
我方与客户终达成交易We have eventually come to terms with our client
所得税申报后日期final date of filing
所有的零件必须后精加工到一定的尺寸All parts must be finished to certain dimensions
把某物减少到小限度reduce sth. to a minimum
把资金作有利的投资invest one's capital to the best advantage
投入产出优化法optimized method of input-output
新统计数字计算calculation on the latest statistics
提供对…最佳provide the best estimate of
提单低单位运价B/L minimum charge
效用大化utility maximization
时间佳控制time optimal control
优先highest top priority
优先first priority
优先股prepreferent share
优准则optimal criterion
企业优化均衡规划optimizing planning
优化方案optimization program
优化的决策optimizing decision
优寻求法optimum seeking method
优性分析optimality analysis
优性判断准则optimality criterion
优抽样optimum sampling
优控制系统optimum control system
优权数optimum weight
优生产能力optimal capacity
优生产能力optimum capacity
低价floor lowest price
低价minimum rockbottom price
低价bottom prices
低价格floor price (与最高价 (ceiling price) 相对)
低价格threshold price
低关税税率minimum tariff
低利率prime rate of interest
企业流动资产低周转天数number of days of minimum coverage
低周转量minimum turnover
低库存量minimum inventory
低成本计算法least average costing
低拍卖价格reserve price
低提单费用minimum bill of lading charge
低收入水平minimum earnings level
低收入阶层low est-income group
低收益minimum yield
低牌价low est quotation
低留成额minimum retention
低税额minimum tax
低联合价值minimum association price
低认缴资本minimum subscription
低起订量若为1,000打,贵方还盘可以接受Your counter-offer is acceptable if minimum quantity of 1,000 dozen is ordered
低运价minimum rate
低限价low est price limit
低预付保险费minimum deposit premium
低预期资本回收率cutoff discount rate
佳产量optimum output
佳价格政策optimal price policy
佳企业规模optimum enterprise size
佳估计optimal estimate
佳决策规则optimum decision rule
佳库存量optimum inventory
佳效率optimal efficiency
佳生产能力optimal capacity
佳生产规模optimal scale of production
佳经营规模optimal size of business
佳订货量optimum order quantity
佳质量best quality
佳资源配置optimal resource allocation
初成本first cost (指购置成本 (acquisition cost), 原始成本 (original cost))
初投入primary input
后一条款必须从信用证中删去The last clause shall be omitted from the L/C
后一笔大额支付pickup payment
后交割通知日期last notice day
后损失净额ultimate net loss
后答复definitive answer
后输岀final output
关税等值缩写为MTEmaximum tariff equivalent
大增长率maximum rate of growth
大存量maximum inventory quantity
大容载量maximum allowable cargo load
大尺寸upper limit
大承载量ultimate bearing capacity
大最小存量制maximum and minimum inventory system
大期待时间storage cycle time
大桶英国液量单位,等于105英加仑或126 美加仑pipe
大生产力maximum capacity
大生产率maximum productivity
大的吃水深度maximum draft
大荷载定价peak load pricing
大诚信utmost good faith (保险)
大负载top load
大载重量maximum capacity
大输出ultimate output
大输岀功率peak output
大限度great est limit
大风险原则principle of maximum risk
小数量minimum quantity (与最大数量 (maximum) 相对)
小生产规模minimum production size
小离差minimum deviation
小贸易扭曲效应minimal trade effect
小贸易扭曲效应minimal trade-distorting effect
少周转天数minimum coverage of days
惠国待遇nación mas favorecida
惠国待遇most favourable national treatment
惠国条款most favourable national clause
惠国条款the most favoured nation clause
新修订本updated and revised edition
新式样latest pattern
新行情recent quotation
早完工日期earliest finish date
畅销货类best-selling line
终买主ultimate buyer
终买主ultimate purchaser
终价值end value
终利用效果end-use effect
终利益terminal interests
终可行性研究ultimate feasibility study
终成本terminal cost
终成本计算terminal costing
终所有权ultimate ownership rights
终支出总额total final expenditure
终效用terminal utility
终数量final quantity
终目标net result
终目的地last destination
终裁决concluding award
终需求部分final demand sector
经济额定值亦缩为 MERmost economical rating
近一期期刊current issue of a magazine
近五年物价飞速上涨Prices have zoomed in the last five years
近的消息recent news
适度规模optimum size
适度规模optimum scale
速上升steep est ascent (与最速下降(steep est descent) 相对)
高价格ceiling price (与最低价格 (floor price) 相对;比较 a ceiling on price 价格升限)
高保证数量简写为MGQmaximum guaranteed quantity
高岀价the highest bid
高收入国家high est-income countries
高数额numerical ceiling
高残留缩写为HRhighest residue
高水平top level (水位)
高生产能力peak performance
高的paramount (a.)
高经济委员会Supreme Economic Council
高限价top price
本报盘须经卖方后确认方生效This offer is subject to the seller's final confirmation
正常大值proper maximum
法定低价格缩写为PMRstatutory minimum prices
浮动低利率floating prime rate of interest
物价上涨对固定收入的人们影响The price increases bore most severely upon the people with fixed incomes
物价管理局规定的物价高限额price ceilings stipulated by the Office of Price Administration
生产结构优化optimize the structure of production
先启航的船舶装运shipment by first available vessel
由于公司近对其他行业的分散投资Earnings were not affected by the decline because of the firm's recent diversification into other lines
相对大值relative maximum (与相对最小值(relative minimum) 相对)
社会适度social optimum
秘密地以低价竞争dumb-bidding (投标)
稳定佳化steady-state optimization
系统优化systems optimization
绝对高升限maximum ceiling absolute
自动佳化控制self-optimizing control
行情跌至低点后回升bottom out
西班牙工商业和航海业高正式商会Spanish Supreme Council of the Official Chamber of Commerce Industry and Navigation
规定的高限额fixed celling
设定零售食品咼限价set price ceilings on retail foodstuffs
请尽大努力加速装运Please do your utmost to speed up the shipment
请尽大努力扩大营业额Please try your best to effect an increase in turnover
请报实盘,并标明低起订量与最早装运期Please make us a firm offer, indicating the minimum quantity and the earliest time of shipment
质量问题为重要Quality is a question that takes precedence over the others
达历史高记录hit an all-time high
这一货物与你方样品为接近This is the closest match to your sample
这是我方可以得到的好价格This is the best price we can obtain
这是我方所能接受的大数量This is the maximum quantity we can accept
这是我方暂时所能报的大数量That's the maximum quantity we can offer for the time being
这种载重汽车在同类型中是好的This heavy-duty truck is rated among the best of its kind
适应佳选择控制adaptive optional control
通知短期限minimum period of notice
问题要点在于你方准备订购货物的低数量The gist of the question is the minimum quantity of the goods you are prepared to order
降至低程度rock bottom down
大的off peak