
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
修正陡上升modified steepest ascent
可达到大蒸腾流速maximal attainable transpiration flow velocity
可达到的低排放量lowest achievable emission rate
多氏小养分桶Dobeneck's tonne of minimum nutrients
废料少化waste minimisation Measures or techniques, including plans and directives, that reduce the amount of wastes generated. Examples of waste minimisation are environmentally-sound recycling and source reduction practices (减少废料产生量的措施或技术,包括计划和指示。废料最少化的例子是对环境无害废料的回收利用和减少污染源等做法。)
废料少化的潜力waste minimisation potential The capability of measures or techniques that reduce the amount of refuse or unwanted materials that is generated, particularly during industrial production processes (指减少垃圾和有害物质产生量的措施或技术的能力,特别是在工业生产过程中。)
影响冲击小化impact minimisation Actions, procedures or installations undertaken to reduce the extent or degree of negative effects on human health and the ecosystem introduced by human design or interaction with the environment (为降低因为人为影响及与环境交互作用所致的人类健康及生态体系的负面影响所采取的行动、手段或装置。)
损失小化minimisation of damage The activity of reducing the harm or injury done to the environment or ecosystem (减少对环境或生态系统伤害或损害的活动。)
放射性废物后处理terminal disposal of radwaste
低成本规划minimal cost planning The process of making arrangements or preparations to facilitate the production of goods or services at an output that would require the lowest possible expenditure of money, time or labor (在商品生产和服务的筹备和准备过程中,要求使用尽可能最低的成本、时间或劳动力支出。)
低致死剂量minimum lethal dose
低致死剂量least fatal dose
佳可用控制技术best available control technology
佳实用控制技术best practical control technology
佳控制技术best-control technology
大允许剂量maximum permissible dose
大允许剂量maximum allowable dose
大可信设想事故maximum credible accident
大容许浓度maximum admissible concentration The maximum exposure to a physical or chemical agent allowed in an 8-hour work day to prevent disease or injury (8小时工作日中为避免致病或伤害而允许的最大可接触的物理或化学药剂量。)
大污染水平maximum contaminant level
大注人污染物浓度maximal immission concentration
大注入浓度maximum immission concentration The maximum concentration of air polluting substances in the free environment whose impact when of specified duration and frequency is not objectionable to man, fauna and flora (特定时段里自由环境中空气污染物的影响不至于引起人类和动植物发生不良反应的最大浓度。)
大致死浓度maximum lethal concentration
实用的环境方案best practicable environment option
小因子factor at minimum
小成本加最低损失防火理论least cost plus loss fire protection theory
小成本加最低损失防火理论economic fire protection theory
小致死剂量minimum fatal dose
小致死浓度minimum lethal concentration
活跃时期most active period
终存储final storage A system where inert materials, which are not to be mobilized by natural processes even for long time periods, are confined by three barriers: the natural impermeable surroundings, an artificial barrier (such as liner) which can be controlled and, most important, the inert material itself. The concept of final storage includes the possibility to mine the materials in the future if such materials are sufficiently "clean" (mono-landfills) and if it becomes economic to mine such ores (一种系统,其中有惰性物质,即便在自然进程中很长时间也不变化,其被三种界限限制:天然不透水的环境,可以控制的人工屏障如内衬,以及最重要的即惰性物质本身。最终存储的概念包括在未来"干净"的、经济的存储这些矿物质的可能性。)
终控制系统final control systems
终环境影响报告final environmental impact report
终环境影响说明final environmental impact statement
终环境说明final environmental statement
高空气浓度maximum air concentration
水中大允许浓度maximum permissible concentration in water
装备优化installation optimisation Adjustments made to a building or to a mechanical or electrical system or apparatus in order to maximize its functionality and efficiency (为了使建筑物、机械、电子系统或者设备到达最大功率和效率而做的调整。)
规管大允许限度regulation on maximum permissible limits A body of rules or orders prescribed by a government or an international organization or treaty establishing levels of hazardous materials in the environment or in ingestible substances beyond which human exposure is deemed health-threatening (由政府或国际组织或条约建立的一种规则或规定,规范在环境中或在可摄取的物质中有害物质的标准,如果超过这一标准人们会受到健康威胁。)