
Terms for subject Heavy equipment vehicles containing | all forms
体育教学优化teaching optimization in physical education
力量训练亚大负荷submaximum load for strength training
力量训练次大负荷supermaximum load for strength training
佳功能区理论theory of zone of optimal function
佳竞技状态peaking of athletic shape
佳竞技训练阶段superior stage of competitiveness training
大力量阶段maximum strength phase
大氧耗训练maximal oxygen consumption training
大氧耗量maximum oxygen consumption
大练习maximal exercise
大能力跑maximum effort run
大负荷maximal load
大负荷法maximum load method
大速度阶段phase of maximum speed
大重复次数repetition maximum (RM)
大强度重复法submaximal tension repetition method
短期大负荷法short term maximum tension method
重复一次的大强度one repetition maximum