
Terms containing 最少 | all forms | in specified order only
avia.于自然力的最少设计minimum design
gen.交20美元押金办卡,首次充值最少20美元There is a 20-dollar deposit, and a 20-dollar minimum for your first charge
commer.最少劳动取得最高效率achieve the maximum of efficiency with the minimum labour
busin.最少劳动消耗取得最大经济效益achieve the maximum economic results through a minimum consumption of labour
econ.优先最少费用工期optimum least cost schedule
econ.估计最少成本minimum cost estimating
econ.估计最少费用minimum-cost estimating
busin.你方弯管机订货的最低量是多少?What's the minimum quantity of an order for your benders?
met.使减到最少 minimizing
met.使减到最少 minimize
el.冲掉消除用得最少least used flushing
auto.冷却液最少的发动机minimum-cooled engine
auto.冷却液最少的发动机minimum-coolant engine
chem.含硫酸基最少的硫酸盐ortho-sulfate protosulfate (类同低卤化物,不能叫原硫酸盐)
light.在最终决定前,你应该清楚枝型吊灯等各种天花板吊灯的悬挂高度是多少You should be clear about the hanging height of the various ceiling fixtures such as chandeliers before making a final decision
avia.地面最少停留时间minimum ground time
sport.如果两名或更多的选手成绩相同、则在比赛中失败次数最少者获胜If two or more competitors are tied, the winner is the one with the fewest misses during competition
gen.如果你要去英国,在少数情况下,可能会被要求面谈一次或电话交谈一次。工作人员会向你提供一个最早可以面谈的日期If you want to go to the U. K. , in a small number of cases, you may be asked to attend an interview or take part in a telephone interview. If you are asked to attend an interview, they will offer you the first available interview date
econ.如果发生人力无法控制的任何偶发事件,卖方和买方必须彼此协商,以便使损失减少到最低程度in the event of any contingencies beyond control, the seller and the buyer shall consult with each other in order to minimize the loss
proj.manag.对于在程序和最终用户之间的在线交互、 很少会用到几百行以上的数据Rarely will more than a few hundred rows be useful for an online interaction between a program and an end user
archer.射猎得分最少者奖order of the bone
expl.尽管爆破气体释放对于炸药用户来说感觉最为明显、但只是炸药生命周期中最少的一次气体释放detonation emissions are the most obvious to explosive users, though they represent one of the smallest emissions in the life cycle
busin.工序富裕时间最少规则minimum slack time per operation rule
environ.废料最少waste minimisation Measures or techniques, including plans and directives, that reduce the amount of wastes generated. Examples of waste minimisation are environmentally-sound recycling and source reduction practices (减少废料产生量的措施或技术,包括计划和指示。废料最少化的例子是对环境无害废料的回收利用和减少污染源等做法。)
environ.废料最少化的潜力waste minimisation potential The capability of measures or techniques that reduce the amount of refuse or unwanted materials that is generated, particularly during industrial production processes (指减少垃圾和有害物质产生量的措施或技术的能力,特别是在工业生产过程中。)
ecol.废物最少waste minimization
expl.影响爆破行为的岩体特性描写的最少、包括非连续面的密度、强度、硬度、频率及自然属性、而且对爆破区域内这些参数的可变性了解的也最少The minimum description of rock mass properties that influence blast performance includes the density, strength, stiffness and frequency and nature of discontinuities, together with an understanding of the variability of these parameters across the blasting area
light.我想知道椰树灯的最小起订量是多少I want to know the minimum order quantity of the coconut lamps
cosmet.我确定我们的价格已经是最优惠的了。在其他地方,这个品牌的新款香水价格近几年来涨了不少I am sure our prices are the most favorable. Elsewhere prices for brand new perfumes have gone up tremendously in recent years
IMF.承诺减少并最终取消不符合标准的法律和措施rollback commitment
commer.把某物减少到最小限度reduce sth. to a minimum
auto.发动机排气最少exhaust-gas minimization
avia.推荐的最少设备清单proposed master minimum equipment list
IT数据最少费用路由选择data least cost routing
econ.最少余额计划a non-minimum balance plan
busin.最少余额计划non-minimum balance plan
oilnot less than
gen.最低价多少?What's your bottom line price?
tech.最大减少值构配件与标志尺寸的最大尺寸差maximum deduction
org.name.最大限度减少和控制抗菌素抗药性操作规范Code of Practice to Minimize and Contain Antimicrobial Resistance
securit.最大限度地减少可能的遗漏minimizing any possible omissions
tech.最小减少值构配件与标志尺寸的最小尺寸差minimum deduction
avia.最少主设备清单master minimum equipment list (由负责特定飞机型号设计的组织确定并经过设计国批准的清单,包括很多项,允许它们中一项或多项在开始飞行时不起作用。最少主设备清单与特殊的操作条件、限制或程序有关)
busin.最少人工数minimum number of labor
tech.最少价格影响least price distortion
auto.驾驶人最少休息时间minimum rest period
tech.最少余气minimal residual air
sport., med.最少余气minimal air
space最少使用least frequently used
IT最少使用算法least frequently used
IT最少使用算法least frequently used LFU algorithm
anim.husb.最少养分定律law of the minimum
space最少冗余码minimum redundance code
interntl.trade.最少分心minimum preoccupation
agric.最少分蘖lowest tillering
agric.最少分蘖lowest tiller
agric.最少分蘖品种lowest tillering variety
agric.最少分蘖数lowest tiller number
tech.最少制造量minimum manufacturing quantity
busin.最少剩余least residual
space最少剩余量关机minimum residual shutdown
wind.最少功率least work
textile最少印花量printing minimum lot
avia.最少双向信道lowest two-way channel
el.最少可替换部件least replaceable unit
busin.最少周期时间minimum cycle time
commer.最少周转天数minimum coverage of days
securit.最少回复报价时间minimum response time
agric.最少因子minimum factor
agric.最少因子律law of minimum factor
tech.最少孔隙含量原则principle of minimum voids content
busin.最少工作日minimum number of workdays
fin.最少开价数量minimum quote quantity
life.sc.最少必需基因minimal essential gene
econ.最少必需设备minimum essential equipment
busin.最少情报量minimum requisite information
securit.最少报价数量minimum quote quantity
securit.最少收益yield to worst
busin.最少数量minimum quantity
avia.最少文件minimum documentation requirement
el.完成工作的最少时间crash time
avia.最少时间minimum time
busin.最少更换缺陷元件smallest replacement defective element
econ.纳税人体现的最少最迟原则least and latest rule
tech.最少有效锌the lowest available zinc
IT最少权限原则principle of least privilege
golf.最少杆数决胜赛medal play
textile最少染量dyeing minimum lot
interntl.trade.最少样本证据证明minimum sample evidence
busin.最少样本证据minimum sample evidence
busin.最少样本量minimum sample size
bridg.constr.最少桩数least number of piles
tech.最少母料mini-master batch
space最少氧消耗量minimal oxygen consumption
space最少燃料同轨道面转移minimum fuel coplanar transfer (航天器的)
avia.最少燃油量minimum fuel
agric.最少特权策略policy of least privilege
plann.最少留剩作业fewest remaining operations
plann.最少留剩作业数规则fewest remaining operations rule
expl.最少little 的最咼级least
econ.最少的员工skeleton staff
econ.最少的资产minimum assets
el.最少硬件更改minimum hardware modification
IT最少等待编码minimal latency coding
gen.最少约束运动原理principle of least constraint
tech.最少级的级联minimum stage cascade
textile最少织布量fabric minimum lot
tech.最少绿化空地minimum landscaped open space
tech.最少绿灯时间minimum green period
tech.最少耕作法机具minimum tillage machine
space最少最优耗燃/耗时控制fuel/time optimal control
securit.最少股东人数要求minimum required number of stockholders
space最少能量弹道ballistic minimum energy trajectory (消耗能量最少的惯性飞行弹道)
desert.最少花费路径least-cost path
avia.最少设备清册索引minimum equipment list index
avia.最少设备清单minimum equipment list (经营者为飞机运行编写的在规定条件下有些特定设备不能工作,但飞机仍能飞行时的最少设备清单。它与为飞机机型建立的最少设备清单 (MMEL )—致,或更为严格)
busin.最少设备表minimum equipment list
securit.最少购买额minimum purchases
tech.最少费用分析cost-minimization analysis
AI.最少费用搜索least-cost search
tech.最少费用方案least cost option
oil最少走时原理principle of least time
logist.最少转运时间minimum connection time
tech.最少运费确定规则overflow rule
China, polit.最少选民十人以上a minimum of 10 voters
busin.最少minimum size
interntl.trade.最少销售额minimum sale
interntl.trade.最少限度年金minimum annuity payment
fin.最少限度年金付款minimum number of annuity payment
hydraul.最少需水量minimum desirable moisture
auto.最少齿数minimum number of teeth
IT最近最少使用least-recently used
IT最近最少使用least recently used
IT最近最少使用算法least recently used
el.最近最少使用存储区least recently used memory
IT最近最少使用替换策略least recently used replacement
busin.最近最少使用的least recently used
AI.最近最少使用算法least recently used algorithm
el.最近最少测试的least recently tested
expl.最近几十年、由于二氧化碳及其他温室气体的大量排放、人们关切的全球变暖问题敦促诸多工业调研和实施减少气体排放的标准Global warming concerns due to large quantities of emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases GHGs in recent decades are driving many industries to investigate and implement emissions reductions
telecom.最近很少使用least recently used
econ.最近我们收到了不少对你方丝绸产品的激烈的投诉Recently we have received bitter complaints about your silk products
nautic., tech.有害物质清单最少应列项目minimum list of items for the inventory of hazardous materials
avia.构型偏差表最少设备清单configuration deviation list Minimum equipment list
hydraul.植物需用最少土壤水minimum moisture soil for plant
gen.每人最低消费多少?What's the minimum per person?
econ.法定最少利率official minimum rate
econ.法定的最少黄金储备official stipulation on their minimum gold reserves
econ.最少的劳动消耗获得最大经济效果achieve the maximum economic results through consumption of least labour
tech.管螺纹连接的最少螺纹牙数minimum number of pipe threads for connections
el.自动最少费用路由选择automatic least cost routing
ceram.16 至 17世纪开始少量进口瓷器,最初只是为王子及其宫殿添置备用青花瓷器,到18世纪演变成瓷器痴狂症了What had begun in the 16th and 17th centuries as the importation of occasional pieces of blue-and-white porcelain for princes and their palaces became, in the 18th century, the porcelain sickness
busin.请问最少订购数量是多少?What's the minimum quantity of an order of your goods?
multimed.近期最少使用算法least recently used
sport., med.需要的最少运动量necessary minimum quantity of exercise
tech.最少余额计划non-minimum balance plan
avia.飞行之间的最少时间minimum time between flights