
Terms for subject Economy containing 替换 | all forms | in specified order only
原油替换成本replacement costs of crude oil
择-成本机会成本替换成本alternative cost
替换产品alternative product
替换股本replacement value capital stock
替换制度alternative form
替换影响substitution effect
替换成本评估alternative cost valuation
替换测验parallel test
替换测验alternative test
替换replacement rate
替换的系统alternative system
替换重置设备replacement equipment
替换账户a substitution account
替换项目方案alternative projects
机会替换成本opportunity alternation cost
物质替换substitution of materials
生产因素替换production factor substitution
维修和替换简写为OM&Roperation, maintenance and replacement
自由替换free substitution
边际替换marginal rate of substitution