
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 更 换 | all forms | in specified order only
更换中间包的异钢种连浇unlike grade sequence casting without tundish change
更换中间包的异钢种连浇different steel grade sequence casting without tundish change
中间包快速更换quick tundish change
产品更新换代renewal and updating of products
剪刃快速更换系统knife quick-changing system
加速钢包更换increase in ladle change speed
更换拱顶bung top arch
更换炉壳interchangeable shell
更换衬板renewable liner
更换靶极装置interchangeable-target arrangement
可单独更换的过滤板individually exchangeable filter plate
喷枪更换装置lance changing facility
回送辊快速更换rapid change of stripper roll
工作辊快速更换rapid change of work roll
工作辊快速更换quick work roll changing
工作辊快速更换装置quick work roll changing device
工作辊快速更换装置quick work roll changing rig
工作辊快速更换装置work roll quick changing rig
工作辊快速更换装置work roll quick changing device
工作辊自动更换automatic work roll changing
引锭头更换装置dummy bar head replacing device
快速更换中间包flying tundish exchange (The two most common practices used to minimize the length of the transition bar are flying tundish exchanges and the insertion of separator plates. 将过渡坯长度减少到最短的两个最通常做法是快速更换中间包和插人钢种隔离板。)
快速更换中间包flying tundish change (Unlike grade casting may be performed by one of two methods: either a "flying" tundish change, together with a grade separator plate, or a lowered tundish practice and grade separator plate may be used. 异钢种多炉连浇可以采用以下两种方法中的一种进行:采用飞包同时使用钢种隔离板的方法,或者采用降低中间包液位和使用钢种隔离板的方法。)
快速更换中间包rapid tundish change
快速更换中间包quick-changing of tundish
快速更换中间包flying tundish
快速更换quick-change table
快速更换quick-change frame
快速更换机架quick-changing of stand
快速更换氧枪quick-changing of oxygen lance
快速更换轧辊quick-changing of roll
推出式工作辊快速更换装置push-out type rapid work roll changing device
操作更换operational replacement part
更换中间包tundish fly
更换中间包tundish exchange (Sequence length has reached up to 18 heats by making tundish exchanges. 通过更换中间包,连浇炉数已经达到18炉。)
更换中间包tundish change
更换中间包时间tundish change time
更换中间包的异钢种连浇sequence casting of mixed steel grades with tundish change
更换中间包的异钢种连浇unlike grade sequence casting involving tundish change
更换中间包的异钢种连浇unlike grade sequence casting with tundish change
更换中间包的异钢种连浇sequence casting of different grades with tundish change
更换台车用吊车pallet removal crane
更换孔型pass change
更换机架小车stand changing car
更换模具的时间lead time (电火花加工中的)
更换炉口内衬nose reline
更换炉壳changing furnace shell
更换炉算grate change
更换炉衬vessel reline
更换转炉炉衬vessel reline
更换转炉炉衬converter relining
更换钢包衬ladle relining
更换钢包衬ladle reline
更换零件spare parts
机座自动更换系统automatic stand changing system
机架更换stand change
机架更换小车stand changing car
机架更换装具stand change rig
机架更换stand change car
模具更换die change
模具更换小车die change carrier
水口快速更换nozzle quick change
水口快速更换nozzle quick change (As mentioned previously, the ability to do nozzle quick changes (NQC) has been included in the tundish design in order to extend the number of heats in a sequence. 如前所述,为了提高连浇炉数,已将水口快速更换能力项目列人中间包设计。)
水口快速更换装置rapid change device of nozzle
水口快速更换装置quick-changing device for nozzle
浸人式水口更换submerged entry nozzle change car
浸人式水口更换SEN change car
浸人式水口在线更换系统on-line SEN change system
浸人式水口快速更换quick submerged entry nozzle change
浸人式水口快速更换rapid submerged entry nozzle change
浸人式水口快速更换quick-change of SEN
炉子耐火衬更换furnace refractory reline
炉箅更换grate change
炉箅更换grate changer
炉算更换grate changer
结晶器快速更换rapid mold change
结晶器快速更换quick mold change
耐火材料更换费用refractory replacement cost
自动顶头更换automatic plug changer
设备更换equipment replacement
轧机机座更换小车mill stand changing car
转炉炉体更换converter vessel changing car
转炉炉壳更换converter shell change
钢包更换ladle change
阴极更换cathode replacement
顶头自动更换automatic plug changer
风口更换tuyere replacing
风口更换tuyere changing
风口更换tuyere replacing machine