
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 曲线 | all forms | in specified order only
三段曲线矫直法three-section curve unbending method
三相曲线triple curve
下山曲线downhill curve
下降特性曲线negative characteristic
不同深度的硬度变化曲线hardness-depth curve
中间包出口浓度曲线tundish outlet concentration profile
临界曲线critical curve
临界接触曲线critical contact curve
主切曲线asymptotic curve
乳胶乳剂校准曲线emulsion calibration curve
亚稳曲线spinodal (curve)
产量-质量关系曲线yield-mass curve
伏-安特性曲线volt-ampere characteristic curve
保护渣性能曲线performance curve of powder
保护渣性能曲线powder performance curve
保护渣性能曲线flux performance curve
倒冷却速率曲线inverse-rate cooling curve
倒速率曲线inverse-rate curve
偏析曲线segregation curve
停留时间分布曲线RTD curve
停留时间分布曲线residence time distribution curve
充放电曲线charge and discharge characteristics
光度曲线photometer curve
典型乳胶曲线characteristic emulsion curve
内禀本征亚铁感应曲线intrinsic ferric induction curve
内禀亚铁感应曲线intrinsic ferric induction curve
冰点曲线freezing point curve
冲击韧性与回火温度关系变化曲线drawing temperature-impact toughness plot
冷凝曲线freezing curve
冷却曲线cooling curve
冷却速率倒数曲线inverse cooling curve
曲线directrix curve
准粘滞性曲线quasi-viscous curve
准黏滞性曲线quasi-viscous curve (负荷与蠕变率关系曲线)
减缩曲线reduced curve
凝固曲线solidification curve
凝固收缩特性曲线solidification shrinkage characteristic curve
凝固点曲线freezing point curve
凝固过程特征曲线characteristic curve of solidification process
几率曲线probable performance curve
几率曲线probability curve
分布曲线distribution pattern
分析曲线analytical curve
分解电位曲线decomposition potential curve
分解电压曲线decomposition voltage curve
分配曲线distribution curve
初步校准曲线preliminary calibration curve
加工硬化曲线work-hardening curve
加工硬化曲线取向关系orientation dependence of work-hardening curve
加工硬化曲线的取向关系orientation dependence of workhardening curve
加工硬化曲线第 III阶段的β蠕变β-creep of stage m of work-hardening curve
动力应力-应变曲线dynamic stress-strain curve
动态应力-应变曲线dynamic stress-strain curve
区域精炼曲线zone-refining curve
区域精炼曲线zone refining curve
区熔均化曲线curve for zone leveling
曲线齿轮single-curve gear
压力曲线pressure curve
压力-体积-温度曲线P-V-T diagram
压力孔隙比曲线pressure-void ratio curve
压力-浓度曲线P-X diagram
压力-温度曲线P-T diagram
压力-温度-浓度曲线P-T-X diagram
压力行程关系曲线pressure-distance curve
原子间力曲线interatomic force curve
去磁曲线demagnetization curve
曲线hyperbolic curve
曲线函数hyperbolic function
曲线辊矫直机concave roll straightener
双峰谐振曲线double-humped resonance curve
双弯曲线ogee curve
双节点曲线binodal curve (相图的)
双节点固溶曲线binodal line
曲线counter curve
发光强度曲线light intensity curve
变形抗力-应变曲线curve of deformation resistance vs strain
变形-时间曲线deformation-time plot
变换曲线reduced curve
变换对数分离曲线log-anamorphosed partition curve
可压缩性曲线compressibility curve
吸收曲线absorption curv
吸附曲线adsorption curve
噪音判据曲线noise criteria curve
四相平衡曲线quadruple curve
回头曲线hairpin curve
回火曲线tempering curve
回火母曲线master tempering curve (钢的回火参数与硬度曲线)
回火母曲线master tempering curve
回转窑温度曲线kiln temperature profile
土方累积曲线mass curve
土积曲线mass curve
地下水降落曲线draw-down curve
均匀曲线smooth curve
塑性变形过程中的磁化曲线magnetization curve under plastic deformation
曲线compound curve
复辉曲线recalescence curve
静态特性曲线external static characteristic
多圆弧曲线compound curve
多晶体加工硬化曲线polycrystal work-hardening curve
失重曲线weight-loss curve
奥氏体恒温转变曲线TTT diagram
奥氏体等温转变曲线time-temperature-transformation curve
奥氏体等温转变曲线C curve
奥氏体等温转变曲线TTT diagram
曲线solid curve
容积-压力关系曲线pressure-volume curve
密度曲线densimetric curve
密度曝光特性曲线H and D Hurter and Driffield curve
密度曝光特性曲线H and D curve
富勒氏级配曲线Fuller's curve
X 射线胶片特性曲线characteristic curve of X-ray film
小半径曲线sharp-radius curve
小半径曲线sharp radius curve
小半径曲线sharp curve
屈服曲线yielding curve
峰值曲线maximum curve
工程应力-应变曲线engineering stress-strain curve
差示加热曲线differential heating curve
布氏反应曲线Boudouard reaction curve
干燥曲线drying curve
曲线horizontal curve
平滑曲线smooth curve
平滑连续曲线smooth continuous line
平衡曲线equilibrium line
平衡曲线equilibrium curve
平衡曲线equilibria (equilibrium 的复数)
平衡状态下有序化曲线curve of equilibrium order
应力应变曲线stress-strain curve (【技】当一延性金属试样进行单轴拉伸时,作用于试样上的应力与相应的应变之间的关系曲线。拉伸开始时,应力与应变呈线性关系,称为弹性变形阶段。当应力超过屈服应力时,则进人塑性变形阶段,应力与应变的关系不再是线性关系,而且由于加工硬化,应力将随试样的伸长继续增加,直至达到试样的极限拉伸强度,在这一点上试样出现缩颈,应力下降,直至试样断裂。)
应力-应变曲线stress-strain curve
应力-应变曲线graph of stress versus strain
应力循环曲线stress cycle curve
应力-循环数关系曲线stress-number of cycles curve
应力/循环次数曲线S/N curve (疲劳试验的)
应力-循环次数曲线stress-number curve
应力-循环次数曲线stress number curve
应力-循环次数关系曲线S/N curve
应力-断裂曲线stress-rupture curve
应力-松弛曲线stress-relaxation curve
康卡斯特连续矫直曲线continuous straightening curve of CONCAST
康登-莫尔斯曲线Condon-Morse curve
弯曲轴线axis of bending
弹性应力-应变曲线elastic stress-strain curve
弹性应力应变曲线elastic stress-strain curve
S形曲线ogee curve
U 形硬度分布曲线U-curve
S形曲线S-shaped curve
U 形曲线U-shaped curve (淬火硬度分布曲线)
U形曲线hairpin curve
U 形硬度分布曲线U-curve (圆钢淬火时的)
径向分布曲线radial distribution curve
微分曲线differential curve
恒定疲劳寿命曲线constant fatigue life diagram
恒电位极化曲线potentiostatic polarization curve
恒电位极化曲线constant isostatic polarization curve
感光灵敏度曲线sensitometric curve
扩散特征曲线indicatrix of diffusion
抗裂纹延伸曲线resistance curve of crack extension
抛物线型应力-应变曲线parabolic stress-strain curve
抛物线形应力-应变曲线parabolic stress-strain curve
拉伸曲线tensile curve
拉伸应力-应变曲线tensile stress-strain curve
拉坯曲线withdrawal curve (【技】水平连铸过程中拉坯机按间歇拉坯方式驱动铸坯运动的速度与时间变化的关系曲线。它是水平连铸工艺特殊性所要求的。执行正确的拉坯曲线可使铸坯顺利拉出,并可避免铸坯缺陷和漏钢。)
拉坯曲线withdrawal diagram
振幅频率响应曲线amplitude frequency response
振幅频率特性曲线amplitude frequency response
损伤曲线damage curve
换算曲线adjusted curve
接触曲线contact curve
操作特性曲线operating characteristic curve
效率曲线efficiency curve
整坡曲线grading curve
斜率曲线slope curve
断背曲线broken back curve
断裂曲线fracture curve
时间一变形关系曲线time-deformation curve
时间与变形关系曲线time-deformation curve
时间与温度关系曲线time-temperature curve
时间-温度-奥氏体化曲线time-temperature-austenitization curve
显微光度曲线micro-photometer curve
晶带曲线zonal curve
晶格参数观测曲线observed lattice parameter curve
曲折接线zigzag connection
S曲线TTT diagram
曲线CO₂ (【技】沿高炉炉喉料层的径向若干点取出煤气样,化验其中 CO₂ 的成分并将其连成的曲线。)
S-曲线S-curves (图)
H-B 曲线H-B curve
C 曲线TTT diagram
C曲线TTT diagram
H-D曲线H and D Hurter and Driffield curve
H-D曲线H and D curve
曲线curve line
H-B曲线H-B curve
S-N曲线S/N curve
曲线T-T-T curve TTT
TTA 曲线TTA Time-Temperature-Austenization curve
曲线sedimentation curve
NE 曲线NE curve
TTT 曲线T-T-T curve
TTA 曲线TTA curve
TTA 曲线time-temperature-austenitization curve
C 曲线C curve
曲线下降交叉点descending fork point (三元相图的)
曲线加宽curve widening
曲线abaci (abacus 的复数)
曲线图描绘结果plotted result
曲线图标出结果plotted result
曲线peak of curve
曲线峰值peak of curve
曲线峰值hump of curve
曲线性炉顶curved roof
曲线折减率curve compensation
曲线描绘仪curve-drawing instrument
BH 曲线描绘仪BH curve tracer
曲线摇杆curved rocker
曲线斜度slope of curve
曲线斜率slope of curve
曲线最高点peak of curve
曲线curve board
P-F 曲线淬火深度-断面晶粒度曲线P-F curve
曲线绘制仪curve-drawing instrument
曲线curve -drawing gauge
曲线轨道curved track
曲线运动curvilinear motion
曲线间断 拐折discontinuity
曲线间断gap in curve
曲线间断拐折curve discontinuity
曲线阅读器curve follower
曲线peak of curve
最大值曲线maximum curve
最小值曲线minimum curve
末端淬火曲线Jominy end-quench curve
末端淬透性曲线Jominy diagram
末端淬透性试验曲线Jominy curve
本征亚铁感应曲线intrinsic ferric induction curve
极限曲线limit curve
标准正常磁感应曲线normal induction curve
标准磁感应曲线normal induction curve
标定曲线calibration curve
校准曲线calibration plot
校正曲线calibration plot
格罗斯曼淬透性曲线Grossmann hardenability chart
梅尔曲线ash-unit curve
梯度变化曲线gradient diagram
概率曲线probable performance curve
概率曲线probability curve
模具寿命曲线die life diagram
横墙温度曲线cross wall temperature curve
N 次循环下的响应曲线response curve for N cycles
止裂转向曲线crack arrest transition curve
止裂转向曲线crack arrest transition curve
冷却速率曲线direct rate curve
正冷却速率曲线direct rate curve (【技】温度为纵坐标,规定时间间隔内的温度降为横坐标,用于合金热分析。)
正常磁化曲线normal magnetization curve
正弦曲线sine curve
正弦曲线分量harmonic component
残存 p% 的应力/循环次数曲线S/N curve for p percent survival (疲劳试验的)
残存 p%的应力-循环次数曲线S.N curve for p percent survival
残存p%的 S-N曲线S.N curve for p percent survival
母线弯曲装置bending device for busbars
比热曲线specific heat curve
比重曲线specific gravity curve
氧化还原曲线redox diagram
沸点曲线boiling point curve
洗提曲线elution curve
洗提曲线eluate curve
流出曲线breakthrough curve
流动曲线flow curve
流变曲线flow curve
浓度曲线concentration curve
浓度-深度曲线concentration-depth curve
液相自由能曲线liquid-phase free energy curve
淬透性曲线hardenability curve
末端淬透性曲线hardenability chart
淬透性曲线hardenability chart
深度-硬度变化曲线hardness-depth curve
渐近曲线asymptotic curve
渗透曲线penetration curve
温度曲线thermal curve
温度曲线temperature pattern
温度曲线heat pattern
温度分布曲线temperature distribution curve
温度压力曲线temperature-pressure curve
温度-压力曲线temperature-pressure curve
温度坡差曲线thermal gradient diagram
温度时间曲线temperature-time curve
温度-时间曲线temperature-time curve
温度-浓度曲线T-X diagram
温度-电流曲线temperature-current curve
温度-重量曲线thermogravimetric curve (用于表示物质加热时重量的变化情况)
溶解度曲线solvus curve
溶解度曲线solubility curve
溶解度-温度曲线solubility-temperature curve
滞后曲线hysteresis curve
灰分分布曲线ash distribution curve
灰分单位曲线ash-unit curve
灰分特性曲线characteristic ash curve
炉喉温度曲线gas temperature curves through throat radius (【技】沿高炉炉喉料层的径向测出若干点的温度并将其连成的曲线。)
炉顶曲线控制roof-contour control
炉顶二氧化碳曲线CO₂ curve at BF top (【技】定期从高炉炉喉下面的周边四个互成90。的方向取出径向各点(通常为五个点)的煤气进行二氧化碳含量分析,以取样部位直径为横坐标,煤气中二氧化碳含量为纵坐标画出的曲线图。它反映出炉喉部位二氧化碳含量的分布情况。)
烧成曲线firing curve
分析曲线thermal curve
热处理曲线tempering curve
热梯度曲线thermal gradient curve
热梯度变化曲线thermal gradient diagram
热流曲线heat flux profile
热流密度曲线heat flux density profile
热硬度曲线red hardness curve
热硬度曲线hot hardness curve
热膨胀曲线heat expansion curve
热膨胀曲线thermal expansion curve
热通量曲线heat flux profile
焙烧球团热分布曲线fired pellet thermal profile
照度曲线illumination curve
熔化曲线fusion curve
熔度曲线fusibility curve
熔点曲线melting-point curve
特性曲线operating line
特性曲线family of characteristic curves
特朗普误差曲线Tromp error curve
状态密度曲线density of state curve
球团热分布曲线pellet thermal profile
理想淬火曲线ideal quenching curve
理论曲线theoretical curve
电位滴定曲线potentiometric titration curve
电功率曲线electrical power curve
电功率曲线electric power curve
电弧炉功率特性曲线power characteristics for EAF (【技】在一定的 U、 r、 X 值下,电弧炉的一些特性如电路功率、无功功率、电弧功率、功率因数随电流/的变化值的曲线表达。它反映了输人电弧炉的电弧功率、总电路功率、功率因数等电量和电弧电流值的依存关系,是选择电弧炉工作点的重要方法之一。)
电流-电压特性曲线current-voltage diagram
真实应力-应变曲线true stress-true strain curve
真实应力-应变曲线true stress-strain curve
瞬蠕变曲线transient-creep curve
硬度与温度关系曲线hardness-temperature plot
硬度分布曲线hardness distribution curve
硬度-温度关系曲线hardness-temperature plot
碍视曲线blind curve
碳化物曲线carbide line
碳酸化曲线carbonation curve
磁化曲线H-B curve
磁化曲线curve of magnetization
磁化曲线B-H curve
磁滞曲线hysteresis graph
磁滞曲线hysteresis curve
磁能积曲线magnetic energy-product curve
磁饱和曲线magnetic saturation curve
示踪剂响应曲线tracer response curve
示踪剂响应预测曲线predicted tracer response curve (In addition to studying RTD theoretically, predicted tracer response curves at the tundish nozzles have been compared with corresponding experimental measurements in order to assess the reliability of the turbulent flow model. 除了从理论上对停留时间分布进行研究外,还完成了中间包水口处示踪剂响应预测曲线与相应的实验测量值的比较,以便对湍流模型的可靠性做出评估。)
积分曲线integral curve
穿透曲线penetration curve (气体渗碳程度的)
等响度曲线loudness level contour
等应变曲线isostrain curve
等温曲线isothermal curve
等温转变曲线I.T. curve
等温转变曲线S-shaped curve
等温转变曲线temperature-time-transformation curve
奥氏体等温转变曲线S-curves (图)
等温转变曲线isothermal transformation curve (图)
等硬度曲线isohardness curve
等腐蚀曲线isocorrosion curve (相同腐蚀速度各点的连线)
筛上物累积量曲线cumulative weight oversize curve
粒子大小曲线particle-size curve
粒度曲线particle-size curve
粒度曲线granulometric curve
粒度分布曲线size distribution curve
粒度累积分布曲线cumulative size distribution curve
粒度频率微分曲线differential size frequency curve
精轧弹塑性曲线finish rolling elastic-plastic curve
精轧机反作用曲线finishing mill reaction curve
累积浸蚀-时间曲线cumulative erosion-time curve
累积腐蚀-时间曲线cumulative erosion-time curve
累计浸蚀-时间曲线cumulative erosion-time curve
累计级配曲线cumulative grading curve
约化曲线reduced curve
线材弯曲机wire bending machine
耗尽型曲线depletion-type curve
脱水曲线dehydration curve
脱硫曲线desulphurization curve
脱磷曲线dephosphorization curve
膨胀曲线记录dilatation curve registration
自由能曲线free energy curve
自由能曲线free energy diagram
自由能-成分曲线free energy composition curve
自由能-成分曲线free energy-composition curve
范性流变曲线plastic flow curve
荷特-德里菲尔徳乳剂校准曲线H and D Hurter and Driffield curve
荷特-德里菲尔徳乳剂校准曲线H and D curve
荷载-应变曲线load-strain curve
荷载-挠度曲线load-deflection curve
萃取平衡曲线extraction equilibrium line
萃取操作曲线extraction operating line
蒸发曲线vapourization curve
蒸气曲线vapour curve
蒸气压曲线vapour-pressure curve
蒸汽压力曲线vapour-pressure curve
蠕变变形与时间关系曲线creep strain-time plot
蠕变变形-时间曲线creep strain-time plot
蠕变速率与应力关系曲线creep rate-stress plot
衰减曲线decaying curve
衰减曲线decay curve
解析曲线analytical curve
计算曲线calculated curve
试金曲线assay curve
试验曲线assay curve
误差曲线error curve
调整曲线adjusted curve
谐振曲线形状resonance shape
谷值曲线minimum curve
贝蒂-斯莱特曲线Bethe-Slater curve
负载曲线load curve
费米分布曲线Fermi distribution curve
超高横向倾斜曲线banking curve
超高曲线banking curve
距离-波幅反应曲线distance-amplitude response curve
轧制弹塑性曲线rolling elastic-plastic curve
转化曲线inversion curve
转变终了曲线curve of complete transition
转变起始曲线curve of incipient transition
转矩曲线torque curve
转矩与扭转角关系曲线torque-twist curve
转筒曲线记录器drum-chart recorder
轴向热流曲线axial heat flux profile
载荷-变形曲线load-deformation curve
载荷-延伸率曲线load-elongation curve
辐射式分布曲线radial distribution curve
辐射方向特性曲线radiation pattern
边界曲线boundary curve
还原膨胀曲线swelling-reduction curve
连续曲线full curve
连续曲线solid curve
连续曲线sweeping curve
连续曲线continuous curve
连续冷却曲线continuous cooling curve
连续冷却转变曲线continuous cooling curve (图)
连续冷却转变曲线continuous cooling transformation curve
连续冷却转变曲线continuous cooling transformation diagram
连续冷却转变曲线CCT diagram
连续酸洗作业线上的三次弯曲式除鳞破鳞triple processor
退火温度与硬度关系曲线annealing temperature-hardness plot
退磁曲线demagnetization curve
通用曲线master curve
通过次数与浓度关系曲线pass-versus-concentration curve (区域熔炼的)
速度曲线speed curve
速度曲线velocity curve
速度曲线rate curve
速率曲线rate curve
重量损失曲线weight-loss curve
钚β→α 等温转变曲线plutonium β→α TTT curve
温度曲线steel temperature profile
钢水停留时间分布曲线steel residence time distribution curve
钢水停留时间分布曲线RTD curve of liquid steel
钢的高温延性曲线high-temperature ductility curve of steel
曲线steep curve
曲线sharp curve
阳极极化曲线anodic polarization curve
阶形曲线stepped curve
阶梯形曲线stepped curve
阶梯状曲线stepped curve
阿贝尔极限深冲比与加工硬化指数关系曲线Arber curve
陡峭曲线high curve
露点曲线dew point curve
静力加工硬化曲线static work-hardening curve
静磁化曲线static magnetization curve
非滞后磁化曲线anhysteretic magnetization curve
非线性特性曲线non-linear characteristics
鞍形曲线saddle curve
频率曲线frequency curve
风机曲线fan curve
风机工作曲线blower working curve
风箱内温度曲线temperature profile in the wind boxes
马蹄形曲线horseshoe curve
高温延性曲线high-temperature ductile curve
高温硬度曲线hot hardness curve
髙斯分布曲线Gauss distribution curve
鲍氏反应曲线Boudouard reaction curve (碳的汽化反应热力学平衡曲线)
黏度-温度曲线viscosity vs. temperature curve
黑度曲线blackening curve
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